Should America have a list of names for kids that parents can choose from?
Should America have a list of names for kids that parents can choose from?
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The only acceptable names are ones from the Bible.
(((game of thrones))) is just Jewish predictive programming
What other fairy tale names are acceptable?
Arya is at least a normal name.
Khaleesi? LMAO
What is wrong with her hairline? Is she wearing a wig? Looks absolutely absurd.
No, fuck off commie
Fuck no
>what is the first
Fuck you, I can name my kid BatmanHulkSupermanSpiderman if I want
How many were black i wonder
As stupid as naming your kid after a fictional regnal applique is, it's still better than shit like marquavius, dontariys, lashakta, or any other dumbshit "African" name.
Trying to be an edgy cunt while failing at basic reading comprehension is a bad look, kouhai.
>fairy tale names
what if I told you all names are made up?
>choose your favourite jewish name!
No thanks
>450 babies were named "Khaleesi" in 2017
And they're all niggers.
Christian names are trash. Die kike worshipper.
450 black babies...
Have sex.
None. This is 100% white
no, shit like this is useful for immediately knowing someone comes from the lower class
Nah fuck off.Keep the kike names for yourself burger.I have a civilisation and a plethora of beautiful names to pick from before the kike plague took over Europa.
this. christian names are way too white for 2019.
It’s a wig
how the is Richard a christian name?
oh dear.
Newport my sides
no, what are bullies supposed to do if kids dont have stupid names anymore?
No, the state can’t detemrine what I name somebody
no way
>Cameron, Dakota, Austin, Brandon
Those are shit tier soiboi names.
Why? This is a way to weed out people with stupid parents from the mating pool.
Dude was that from 20 years ago? This is the top names for babies in 2018
Yeah, like Baal, Molech, and Astaroth.
based asians
Oh well, that explains it all.
The wig makes it look like the archetypal low hairline of a shitskin. Actual blondes have very high hairlines and are actual fiveheads.
I don't give a shit if you name your kid after a pop cultural thing. But why in the fuck would you name your kid after a character that gets raped in the first episode (iirc).
>we named you after a proud and powerful woman
>oh wow mom who?
>this lady here, who you can see getting her tits bounced from behind by a dark brute
>th..thanks mom.
guess how many were named mohammed.
No, stupid names is like a warning to avoid stupid people, or nogs. If someone has some crazy made up name that doesn’t sound asian i’m going to avoid them. Usually a nog or someone who has a retarded genepool.
People have been naming their kids retarded shit for forever. I read a medieval document where the parish priests in France were bitching about peasants naming their kids dumb shit like "Grand-khan" and "Arghun" (people thought the Mongols were going to convert to Christianity and destroy Islam at the time) and after holidays like "Toussaint".
We do so in iceland. There is naming committee thats holds a list over approved names and they decide if a new name should be approved. if the parents want to give their child a retarded name that is not compatible with tradition and grammatically correct or could cause embarrassment for the child they say no.
>Should America ban freedom
Kys commie
>my kid's name isn't in the top ten
>still a traditional nice sounding name
Thank goodness.
Hopefully we can go a decade at least without hitting it.
As in "Aryan"?
Ironically some of the popular names are very traditional these days.
Noah, Liam, Elijah, Amelia, Olivia
These are like gilded age names
Still better then Sesshomaru i guess...
I was born in 1990 and my parents almost named me Jackson. It was really uncommon back then. Kind of crazy seeing it as the #1 spot nowadays.
how many of these are shitskins? lmao
Plenty of traditional Anglo-American names have Germanic, Celtic and Greco-Roman origins you fucking christcuck.
>looks it up
wow its real
So a muslim refugee can't name their sons Mohammad?
>tfw always liked my name until I found out it's a hebrew bible name
GOT, SJWars, Netflix , etc is all degenerate worthless shit
Suburban white families give their kids the weirdest fucking names. I also hate when Mexicans name their kids super white shit. I was literally just looking at a profile and the people named their 100% mexican beaner looking kid "Colt Jameson Perez". Like what? Did you just write down a bunch of shit you liked to drink and throw it into a hat or what the fuck went on there?
Those are good names.
i doubt it. at least its not in the registry.
Your god is a jew. Just a cooincidence though!
This is even more retarded than it originally appears, and what does my tits in about this is that Khaleesi isn't even her fucking name, it's a title.
Like calling your boy 'warlord' or 'commander' or whatever. Fucking stupid.
LOTR has based names such as
Just because someone named Richard was named a saint does not mean its a name of Christian origin you absolute fucking kike lover.
what are they predicting?
bubaleesha, shaquankata, visine, shazee
No shit, it's a fucking Germanic name.
I named my son "Sir Wargod Bitchin IV". There weren't 3 others, but I thought it would sound good.
>when Mexicans name their kids super white shit
They're assimilating
If you're white you shouldn't be allowed to have names from:
>Game of Jews
>The Jewble
>Kike Wars
>Any other related SJW mainstream propaganda
Isn't that a title and not a name? This is like naming your son Sith lord.
A horde of invaders, and a continent of people realizing nationalism is what they need when it's too late.
Made up names from fictional works should not be allowed. Maybe once they're public domain after hundred years they can be used.
People already name their kids Mason and Cooper, which are occupation titles.
>knowing your parents named you after worst girl
I'd suicide desu senpai
yea and so is the bible
where is your foreskin user?
Strong name, desu.
Surnames as forenames seems to be a thing in the US, what's up with that?
Khaleesi isn't even her name, it's a Title, but dumb showwatchers who never read the books thought that was her name because the Dothraki address her that way. I understand Jow Forums wants to hate everything that liberals and onions like, but GOT really doesn't have very much Jewish subversion in it at all. Many parts of the story line up with our beliefs and ideals, and honestly the worst thing in it is "muh stronk women"... except the white woman who allies with Muzzies is very likely to get BTFO.
>implying it's a bad thing for sub-100 IQ retards to signal to everyone how stupid they are by using faggy pop culture names to name their offspring
Yeah it's her title, and to make it even more JUST, it's her title when she's the head of a horde of foreign savages. I can understand being really into something like a story, but fuck, at least get these huge details right. You'd have to have almost no knowledge of the story at all to think that was her name.
It's a stupid fucking name/word anyway.
Why do white males have female names and white females whore names?
I do what I want fag
This.Good indicator to avoid trouble, since special snowflake names or weird pop-culture names often indicate bad parenting while most of the time being the offspring of poor anti social people.
I'ma name my incoming kid Jack
Arya is an actual name.
Khaleesi isn't.
I don't know, it really rustles my jimmies to be honest. The whole surname as first names trend has become big in the past 10 years or so.
Mohammed is coming soon to your local stores
Wendy is a fake name too. So is Cosette.
Single moms have been naming their daughters the defacto stripper name crystal and it's 10 variants for 30 years.
The best name for your first born son is William. Prove me wrong. Pro tip you cant
This. Fags from plebbit who compare politics to pop culture usually like to use Game of Thrones as an example of
>stories which feature a wall which doesn't help
Which is funny if you know ASOIAF, because you'd know that a wall is the one thing that has worked for thousands of years, and the only time it failed is when a foreigner comes along to fuck everything up.
I get strong nationalism messages from it myself. Plus I like the setting of Northern England, (where I'm from) with a bunch of familiar accents. Usually we're subjected to southern puffs on shows.
i know so craaaazy
Wendy isn't a fake name. I know bunch of boomer tier women named Wendy.
I didn't know about Cosette but...
>pic related
absolutely based
No, the kids of shit parents should suffer with dumb fucking names
Everyone in my family has a traditional Anglo-Saxon name, except for my cousins Louis and Christopher.
America was a mistake
These names are pure mutt-tier trash.
Everything except for
and I guess isabella is alright too.
Also, Amelia is also a reference to Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Why are people so infatuated with that daft cunt?
Unironically, yes. Iceland has it and I am 100% for that. There should be traditional names like Peter, Mary, Magdalene, Sarah etc. from the bible which are permissible. And then the surname should always be from the father plus “son” if the kid is male and from the mother plus “dottir” (daughter” if the kid is female.
In 2-3 generations you have only Peter Johansons, Sarah Hannahdottirs and Simon Aaronson.
Give us an example m8.
I was surprised at how many people are Anglophiles whenever I visit the USA.
>Amelia is also a reference to Daenerys from Game of Thrones
uh no