Where the fuck am I supposed to work?

A good job will change my life, right? K, where?

I have a GED, I'm 25, school is absolutely impossible for me, my highest work experience is

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Other urls found in this thread:


>can't pass a drug
can't or won't?

I don't think any of that has anything to do with getting a job

Won't, and I haven't had to 2 years so it's not as black and white as
>No peepee? No work you fuck!!!!!!!!!1
Why? I can stop, done it before, I get angry around people, unhealthy angry (y'know, bipolar and all) I can take Seroquel or other antipsychotics, but then I have the risk of getting incurable uncontrollable muscle actions permanently, and that sounds like it'd make getting a job a lot harder than just finding one that doesn't test (or cheating the tests ((saliva tests are easily beat)))
So please, let's not go there :) I WILL argue with you allll fuckin night.

Care to elaborate?

^ this , I've been there saying "I can't pass a drug test" Typical stoner saying pre employment drug tests are b.s. for weed which they are but just bitching about them isn't gonna change the fact that you will have to take one. Get off the drugs for awhile and get a job then go back to whatever drug you wanna do. You can pass the drug test if you really wanted too. Crying about it on Jow Forums isn't going to help though.

You can't read huh?


This is hard as fuck to parse. So if you aren't taking anti-psychotics because of the risk of dyskinesia, then why would you fail a drug test? What would you test positive for?

Even if you are taking a medication that is on the tested panel, a positive result is usually FINE as long as you have an Rx for a medication and a doctor who can vouch for its use.

Wow an actual response, yes I forgot about that and there do seem to be a lot of drug using construction workers in my area.

Ok, how? I don't have any construction experience, I'm not very handy with repairs or anything, I'm physically weak and my body does not build muscle, and I'm a little slow mentally (yes even while sober for years I still had trouble putting together sentences)

Dead serious, I'm open to construction, I'm not shooting that down, how? How do I into that?

he's addicted to pot and justifying it by saying he needs it.

I smoke a little pot, sorry for my bad grammar. Seroquel and almost all other antipsychs for bipolar cause dyskinesia.

I could do nothing and be screaming at people because I slept weird (instant fire)
I could look for positions that don't test, have easy to cheat tests, or only test once for the actual hire.
Or I could give the doctor her paycheck and be a twitching useless vegetable forever

Dude kill yourself or just get out of the thread. I don't mind quitting for a one time test, I don't mind quitting if it's an enjoyable job.

Quit forever just to work at McDonald's? You call that advice? Seriously shoot yourself in the face you tiny dick faggot piece of shit no one asked you shit.

most residential companies will take anybody. check craigslist for laborer positions. they always need a bitch laborer to clean up and unload shit. if you prove you can show up and aren't a total retard they'll teach you how to do more important things. there's a lot of retards in construction and if you're not on heroin and don't have 7 kids with 7 women you're already ahead of the curb.
this strictly applies to residential btw commercial is a different ballgame

last thing is you do need somewhat of a thick skin because you will be yelled at but once you make friends with your coworkers it's pretty comfy.

Awesome, how do I find these residential construction companies? Just Google it? I don't want to accidentally apply to something I'm not qualified for/don't want. Sorry for the stupid question, if I wasn't stupid I guess I wouldn't be in this situation huh lol

Oh... See that might be an issue with the bipolar and all... Think I'd make it? I am very sensitive and thin skinned, if you yell at me I can't resist the urge to yell back or storm off

even if you knew it was just business and didn't mean anything? if no then it's not for you. maybe try warehouse jobs or something idk.

>I smoke a little pot
If you get relief from cannabinoids then why don't you attempt to get an Rx for pill/oral forms? There would be medical justification in case you test positive.

Holy shit you fumbling retard read the second sentence of the post youre replying to its the literal answer to your question are you fucking kidding me

OH- I get what you're saying MY MISTAKE sorry I thought you were another piece of shit trying to derail, seriously I apologise.

I've tried that! Dronabinol is obtainable and is an excuse to fail for THC, HOWEVER, 250$ a month

Sometimes drug companies themselves will provide vouchers if you can't afford the medications, though I'm not sure if it would be possible for an off-label Rx. It seems the med is mostly given for cancer symptoms.

If you do have a psychiatrist, you could ask if there are any medications that don't have dyskinesia as a symptom. The one that you were given an Rx for is a 2nd generation med, but it is still a risk. I'm not really an expert at BPAD.

Symptom... herp I meant side-effect.

In my current situation, no health insurance, cannot afford to see doctor out of pocket. So I'd have to at least start the whole job thing first. But thanks anyway, I mean that.

Anyone have any other suggestions please?

Why didn't you get a degree OP?

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I'm stupid. My GPA was less than 2. Also every chance I had to go to college I threw away because I was under the impression that if you do go, you still aren't guaranteed a job, you might find out you were working for something you don't want, or you might end up with so much debt that the extra pay is cancelled out. Those would be the main reasons.

Besides, I'm not passionate about anything like that, there isn't a single degree that sounds appealing to me

Go here

Look up 10 occupations you would not mind doing, and rate them 10 to 1 in "would be my dream job" to "I'd grunt through it".

Research them, figure out if they are viable for you in the area you live. Pick growing jobs that have a long-term future.

Then push yourself into those positions and just go, full bore. Find companies hiring for those positions and try out. If you need training, go get it.

>getting a degree instantly gets you a job
lmao even in the current stem fields are flooded with new green employees that are all interchangeable and a wide spread of already experienced ones grabbing said jobs.

Thank you I'll look into that

Wait is this just like a list of all jobs? I'm confused

I don't understand that website so I'm just going to do that here and hope some smart person can figure out a solution.

Business Owner/Founder/Manager = 7/10
I'd need a business idea, licensing, starter money, and employees

Actor = 6/10
I'd have to get acting experience, would need some sort of degree, would have to advertise myself like crazy

Artist/Musician = 6/10
I'd have to learn to make art that other people actually like, I'd have to be really good at making it, and id have to know how to sell it.

Bitch work for some random company = 2/10

Easily do able, but there's no promotions, no pride, no chance for me to ever have money for me just the necessities to stay alive and work another day.

Work with computer software/hardware 6.3/10

I'd have to really really know my shit and I'd also need higher education

Weed industry worker = 7/10
I'd have to learn more botany stuff, also would need a degree

Ok before I even complete the list, everything I can think of requires more school

wow you really are bi-polar. fuckin delusions of grandeur over here.

you're in overwhelmed trying to pick out a job and your go to ideas are actor, musician,artist, and business owner. what the fuck is wrong with you? can you BE anymore unrealistic?

computers are fine but you need a degree to break into IT. 2 year associates with an a+ cert can get you 40k but you have to work really hard as there's a ton of 4 year degree mother fuckers out there. weed industry worker is a meme and unless you open your own pot shop in a legal state you won't be making any money.

I couldnt think of anything else id enjoy doing. Alright, so I'm fucked. Okay, well I have a few dollars to spend before I have to die I guess. Thanks anyways Jow Forums

>would need some sort of degree
Really you need connections.

>I'd have to learn more botany stuff, also would need a degree
It depends what job you're looking at. If it's something you actually have an interest in, you might be able to find something associated with it that you're qualified for.

I'm bi-polar too. i found a good job by asking all my friends, my family, and my friends families for jobs. keep asking, pestering, and see what you can get

obviously if you're related to a doctor you're not going to be a doctor but see if you can work in the office. something along those lines. this is seriously how a ton of people get their foot in the door into an industry they no nothing about. a year ago I was a lost retail cuck bipolar retard like you wishing i could be a rich actor. i quit my job, asked a billion people about a billion jobs and it worked out. I now make $20 working at a factory. trained me for a month and that was that. you can do it user. ask people for help. also go to therapy

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I guess I'm just not cut out for life. I show up for work, clock in, work my tasks, go home, repeat. That's it, there are no promotions, there is no extra pay for extra work, and I make so little that I could never possibly save up for anything significant. You want friends? "Where do you work? THERE? LOL WHAT ARE YOU A LITTLE BITCH? HAHAHAHA" God forbid you talk to a woman.
>Everyone else does it!
I guess that just makes me a low quality person that doesn't deserve to live, sorry.


So I have to get lucky? Why not just buy a bunch of lottery tickets then?

you know what asshat I was just like you shooting down every idea and feeling sorry for myself. that's a good idea and you know it. connections are key in finding good jobs. family and friends are usually more than willing to help someone out. You're the one that came here seeking advice. Asking friends and family for jobs is not luck-based you fuckwit. it's called nepotism and it's a real thing. try it out. Guarantee you can get a job just asking. You won't get a job sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself being bitter towards people on the internet trying to help you.

since you cant do it on your own it's time to ask for help so fucking do it or wind up even more miserable

>So I have to get lucky?
That's pretty much all of life. Get lucky or have mad skills. Fortunately, you can substitute perseverance for some of the luck.

Does McDonalds even bother with drug testing? Go work at a gas station or a convenience store.
I worked at a Lowe's and unless you fucked something up with power equipment, they didn't drug test you. They'd have had to fire half the store.

OP, you're dumb and need to accept you're dumb. If school is "impossible" for you, well then you're going to work in the bottom of the barrel gigs for eternity. Suck it up or file for disability. No one wants to hire a dumbfuck entitled depressed bipolar piece of shit.

If you're in the US, you can get disability for bipolar if you actually have it. That's what my father did for most of the time I knew him, before one of the times he refused to medicate and had a particularly manic episode and died on his motorcyle.
He was also in and out of a mental hospital most of the time as well.
You clearly have many other problems as well unrelated to your alleged mental illness.

“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so? ” - Charles Bukowski

i just want enough money to live on my own. the problem in america is everything is behind a paywall. wanna get a degree? pay for it. wanna learn this skill? pay for it

pizza delivery in an area where they give good tips

Work a shit job, or like someone else said pizza delivery. When you aren’t working stream on twitch/YouTube and make videos. Hope for donations, use donations to pay for a trade. Get better trade job and keep streaming, one of the two will start paying more. Profit?