What's a "white idea", Jow Forums?
What's a "white idea", Jow Forums?
Politeness, loyalty, family, freedom, individual liberty, self-sufficiency, small government.
Holy shit
>Be a nigger
>Write books
What is fucking stopping you?
answered your own question
>>Be a nigger
>>Write books
>What is fucking stopping you?
Being a nigger, I imagine.
>Learn something
>Tfw accidentally proliferate whiteness
Protip, "whiteness" is White American ethnic identity:
>Article 7 of a 1994 draft of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples uses both the word "ethnocide" and the phrase "cultural genocide" but does not define what they mean. The complete article reads as follows:
>Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:
>(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
>(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
>(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
>(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
>(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.
Burn all libraries
Rename them Lie-berry
Proliferate Niggerdom
Pic related is a white idea
Too shame it hasn’t come into fruition yet, but maybe it will
>What's a "white idea", Jow Forums?
America is a white idea.
Education isn't really their thing. But then neither is functioning civilization. They don't belong among us. Not even saying that to be mean. The good ones don't out way the bad ones. Nothing will ever be enough for them and they will never not hate us.
any idea that works
Things that work and improve life.
>she offers no evidence for this assertion
that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
>This isn't very good right now, but I can fix it.
Every non-white idea:
>Somebody better fits dis or I'm gonna *sucks teeth* shiiiit nigga
look im not racist or anything... but honestly, what did the blacks in africa discover, create, etc that is of such value as to be in thousands of libraries on the other side of the world? besides their often comically primative cultures being studied like animals? i dont know of any scientific studies, agriculture or architecture innovations, unique markets or social structures, really basically nothing they have on their own created or discovered that is important and noteworthy to modern humanity - they are still doing "witch doctors" and selling their daughters to menial child labor, and spreading diseases around - i dont blame them for wanting to get away from that mess, the ones that are smart enough to know europe is an incomparably superior place to their own nations; but from that, without probably 1.5-2 generations of time in europe, what then will their offspring be able to contribute when those countries are already too crowded... its a shame for everyone, i dont know what else i have to aay on this atm, i just think its true that entire continent has contributed very little to humanity as a whole over the last 1000 years or more, if that wasnt the case i think they would be better off, no matter where they were, the primitive rural tribe stuff is just too ancient, they might as well be little undiscovered peoples in south america jungles
That's satire
>tfw give myself brain damage to become more woke
replying to myself here
i considered the current rhythmic structure used often in various styles of modern popular music in different genres and these percussive styles are said to originate and are highly influenced by native and ancient african culture, and this seems fairly accurate to me - however some could make the argument that these rhythm and dance focused stuff has lead to a decline in musical expression to varying degrees - im not counting rap because that is from america, and thats also often full of degeneracy - anyways thats the only sorof original native african black culture thing i can think of which is relevant or contributive to modern society around the world.. is there anything else? we wuz kangs doesnt really count
>Average white people believe they are as smart as (famous white intellectual)
>Boring white people believe they are as interesting as (interesting white person)
>White people methodically analyze things that are usually irrelevant
>White people believe they are intelligent and unique for doing this
>White people blame minorities while working at a gas station because surely the system must be broken
>Whether outwardly racist or inwardly smug, white people think themselves above their station, but have zero tangible proof. In fact, there is usually more proof of the opposite
>White people invest time and money into people whom they personally don't care about or whom they actively dislike. To "prove a point" or "be the bigger man" or "be a Christian"
>In reality, it only makes them resentful because they think a half-hearted donation should change the world because that's what Pastor Smith said
>White people are unbelievably impressionable
>White people are scared of minorities and act like it's the minorities' fault
>White people will dodge accountability in a second
>White people will earnestly accept credit for things that aren't remotely impactful
>White people will run from conflict in a second. They will not hesitate to throw a lifelong friend under the bus in a frenzy of white panic
>White people fantasize about the day they are called to die for a vague cause, to resolve the cognitive dissonance of being too lazy to do anything impactful in life
>White people drive fast in rain and snow because they are unintelligent
>White people "act out" instead of just talking because they are unintelligent
>White people aren't soulful or sensual like the minorities they look down upon, nor are they the solid precision machines they imagine themselves to be. They just exist. Like an unseasoned chicken breast
>White people collect experiences, not live them
>White people are suicidally petty. A white ethnostate will never happen because it would involve making other white people possibly more successful than themselves
>White people who want a white ethnostate only claim that ideology to appear more enlightened than other white people
>Or they're unironically stupid. To the point that they think only their kind should exist
>White people are unappreciative. The only word in their brain is "more." They don't know why or how. Just "more." That is why they are goyim. That is why the west is finished
didnt read schizo lmao
jesus christ i don't know how you can fit this much whining into one post
aren't these just general failures that exist in all people?
3% of scientific advancements were invented by non-whites? Bullshit! Do they consider spear throwing, banana peeling, ass scratching, and finger sniffing to be a “scientific advancement”?
A good one.