Ugly People dating

I'm trying to find a friend of mine a date because he's 23 and has never held hands with a woman before. He's open to my help, but has one major problem: he's ugly. I'm gay, and in my experience it doesn't matter how ugly you are because there's always some number of thirsty guys out there looking to have sex. But I've tried making a tinder for him, and it never works out well. Girls seem to be so much pickier than guys! Tinder and grindr have always worked well for me, but now i'm stumped on how to help my friend...

How do ugly people find dates? What can i do to help my friend?

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>What can i do to help my friend?
Have sex with him

I think you missed the part where he's ugly and straight...

How it works in the straight world is 80% of the females are fucking 20% of the men.

So lets say that in a different way....

Women ranged from 3's all the way to 10's are can fuck 9's and 10 men.

When it comes to relationships men who are not above a 7 have extreme trouble mating women above a 5 because women are delusional and even your ugly 6 can fuck 9-10 Chads at the bar that will ugly fuck and chuck.

Support him till the end.
Be a good friend at least use Ur gay powers to get girls for him

When it comes to women, it's a numbers game.

He needs to expect rejection, a lot. That's just nature of dating in 2019 especially if he's not the best looking person in the world.

It sounds mean, but I'd also recommend he do stuff where there's other women 'on his level' and have similar interests to him.

I don't consider myself to be the best looking person in the world, I'd say I'm like a 6, maybe a 7 if I try. I like hiking so I joined a hiking club. There's other women there who aren't like 10/10 stunners or anything, just average people who have the intention of actually socialising and meeting people.

So yeah, short answer: He needs to fully expect to be rejected a lot. Even if something seems to be going well, it may not be. He just needs to keep trying, even though it's probably not wrist he wants to hear.
And try meeting people outside of dating apps where it's very much looks based.

What can an ugly guy do then? I can't let my friend be a handholdless virgin his whole life...

Hes a Jow Forums autist. His hobbies are all vidya and anime and other things with no women.

I've been trying out online dating recently and it is fucking rough out there man.Tinder is for hookups and purely based on looks so fuck that. Make him a profile on another site and be honest. You can be his wing man and take him to some singles meet ups, just get out there and meet people. He has to lower his standards and date some ugos, but at least that's experience and he can learn from it. How ugly is he?
My dating pool is all single mothers, fat ugly chicks, and dumb cunts that think they're still a hot young 20 something. The wall is very real my friends

>a date
That won't help him, he should just do ordinary activities

>he's 23 and has never held hands with a woman before
Because he is a coward or prefers to be all alone, not because he is ugly

>he's ugly
Almost no one is really ugly, he's probably just neglecting himself

>I've tried making a tinder for him, and it never works out well
This is an app for gigachads lol

if your a fag you should at least know fashion and haircuts and proper grooming/ hygiene. The fastest way for him to get women is go to the gym and a lot. If he dresses nice this will help...gym will help him on the inside and out.

Past that he needs to realize he is going to be fucking nasty 2-6s. 6s if he is lucky. He needs to join clubs and go out to bars. The larger his group of friends are the better. He also needs to leverage all dating sites. Sign up for them all. Talk to every single is a numbers game even for men who are 7 and 8s.

>Hes a Jow Forums autist. His hobbies are all vidya and anime and other things with no women.
No problem.

What he needs to do then is find hobbies and try stuff.
Ok so if he's into anime and games, what kind? Like RPGs? What about a D and D club? These types of places have become more 'accepting' of girls and others there may be in the same boat as him who are not great socially, so they can relate.

What kind anime is he into? Are there local anime/comic book/manga stores nearby with clubs? Again, similar kind of people, guys and girls, with similar interests and social skills.

I didn't even like hiking before. The reason I did it was because I felt shy going "out out" meeting people like at clubs and stuff. In nature I feel more comfortable and open to deep conversations with people. So, that's why I made myself join. Specifically with the intention to meet people. The others there were there for the same reason.

What site would you recommend? He's chubby but not massively overweight. His main problem is that he's neither tall nor white.

What about him is ugly, if you're objective about it there can be some improvement

>Girls seem to be so much pickier than guys!
I literally watched a thumb-like single mother of two burn through an entire grocery store's worth of eager suitors, many of which had jobs that could support her and her spawnlings. Friendships were ruined over this bitch.

Last I heard she was working part time in a gas station and sleeping around with black guys.

You have no idea how jealous I am of you homos. It's worse because I'm not desperate enough. I'd rather just stay home and psychologically whip myself with sadomasochistic escapades on f-list, reminding myself that I'm not good enough for a good girl, than go chasing after some pre-stuck pig with a Venus complex.
At least I still have moe.

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>he's neither tall nor white
That never prevented anyone from scoring a lot, that's mostly in his head desu

I've done all i can do to dress him up. He's chubby, he has a beard that i hate but i dont think he'd look better without it, he's kinda short. He also just has a very ugly face. He's a really nice guy. He's smart, plays games, loves kittens, is addicted to spongebob memes. But he's just not attractive.

We go play magic at the game store every so often, but there's very few women there. The ones who are there are just orbiting a boyfriend who does play. He graduated from college about 6 months ago, marking the end of what could have been a fruitful time for him. He studied biology, most of his class was women, but he's too sperg to talk to them.

Honestly, i just wanted him to get 4 or 5 matches, see he's not doomed forever, and get some confidence. But he's gotten literally zero matches and its looking real bad.

>neither tall nor white
I dont know what to say.

To be fair, if you want to sleep with a guy you could find one in about 60 seconds. Download grind, make a pictureless account with the title "straight guy looking for no strings attached hole to fuck" and you'll get an army of guys lining up to let you fuck them.

For a woman (or a gay guy) being tall and white is all you need to be an attractive guy.

Could you fuck a pussy, if one were offered to you?
I'm not lacking a hole to fuck. I have that. It's called my hand. She's a helluva slut. The issue is my crippling, mindnumbing obsession with just having a woman to sleep with who isn't terrible.
I'd get rid of it, if I could. I can't help it, though. It's just what my heart wants.

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No, I completely understand. It's not about the sex. Its about having someone to go to after a long day and know they'll be there to hold you in their arms and keep your warm...

It really blows.
The only thing I can think of tangible with your horrifically deformed friend is actually taking him to a church, ESPECIALLY if you're in flyover territory.
Religion has always been the refuge of the downtrodden, whether they're male or female, and there is a wealth of those old fashioned, Christian girls that just want a man that isn't going to disappoint them with vices.

He's not christian. He's a muslim, and really non-religious at that. Any woman he meets at a mosque would be too religious for him. Every so often he jokes that he'll just have to let his mom arrange a marriage with one of his cousins, and i can see that it kills him a little bit in side each time he says it.

Make him un-ugly.

>he's not religious
Good. He can "convert," and the bitch he gets out of it won't want to throw your sparkly ass off of a rooftop. Sunday mornings seem like a small sacrifice for a satisfying relationship built on a lie.

Can you build his charisma up somehow? ProJared looks like fucking Gollum but he still managed to bag a cosplaying 8 and cheat on her.
Shouldn't you be asphyxiating on your father's cock, you sperm-embalmed prostitute?

Have him hit the gym

I'm tall, white, and blonde yet I don't drown in pussy. Maybe if I was less of a autist

This is really good advice. Thanks!

Hell, let me know if you figure out how to do that.
If you could get Mehmet laid on charisma, they could make a sticky out of the process and eliminate the need for tfwnogf threads.

>How do ugly people find dates?
they date ugly people

Imagine actually believing this

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>We go play magic at the game store every so often, but there's very few women there. The ones who are there are just orbiting a boyfriend who does play. He graduated from college about 6 months ago, marking the end of what could have been a fruitful time for him. He studied biology, most of his class was women, but he's too sperg to talk to them.

>Honestly, i just wanted him to get 4 or 5 matches, see he's not doomed forever, and get some confidence. But he's gotten literally zero matches and its looking real bad.
That's great that he actually does something at least, especially where there's women.

I still stand by my last point though, he needs to put himself out there and join more clubs. You have to try things to set of you like them. Do if he's into very little stuff, he'll benefit from trying other stuff where there's other people around. So yeah again, of he's primarily into gaming and anime, that's great, he can go on the meetup app and join groups he's intrigued by, even if just a bit. Or Google clubs nearby? Anything really.
Being around people whether they're women or guys will help his confidence grow and make it easier.

Oh look, an incel spreading his 80/20 religion.

If he's ugly the only thing you can do for him is try to set him up with a girl that's as ugly as him but is willing to settle. The latter part is the tricky one though, since a lifetime of propaganda has convinced the Honey Boo Boos of the world that they all deserve Ryan Gosling as their husband.

hey I'm 6'2'', and not unattractive I'm told
all I got from Tinder were ugly girls
an ugly man will get nothing