So,why is Jow Forums gainst racemixing? Do you guys know that the white race isn't going anywhere,right?
My wife is black and I'm white and we're going to have children. I also wonder about the interacial push at Hollywood,I have nothing against it but I do wish the Black Woman White Men(BWWM) couples would get more representation than the BMWW.Any interracial couples here that got shamed by racists? Can racemixing end racism? Will it affect the politics of every country?
Interracial Relationships and their political effects
> So,why is Jow Forums against racemixing?
Do you even Brazil bro
I love black woman. Blacks can take as much white women as they want,just give me my black queens.
Black women forever
Because the kids you create often struggle with their identity and either isolate themselves, or live hedonistic lifestyles to cope with their lack of belonging.
That's stupid
It's true. Americans already have such poor concept of self, whatever little remains is precious
The issue is that in America most white women who are in interracial relationships are doing it because they have a deeply engrained white guilt complex. 99% of women you meet in interracial relationships in the US will also be braindead liberals who believe they are morally obligated to do it. That's why it's annoying to me. I don't actually care otherwise.
Ignore shill threads
America was a mistake
I hope your mudshark children die in a fire
White women hate white men with a passion. Vast majority are liberal hoes. Black, mixed or Asian women it is from now on.
Kys ameritard
well now I hope you follow them into that same fire.
>So,why is Jow Forums gainst racemixing?
It just looks weird.
Like I'd feel weird going to a formal with a black chick. Literally everyone would stare. MAYBE a cuban or hispanic girl because its Florida, but always no darker than a paper bag is my rule.
>post whit#id women
>he cares if people stare at him
What are you? A beta fag?
racemixing is bad for your mental health. it causes dissociation and identity issues in both the children and parents. the kids look nothing like their parents
>What are you? A beta fag?
No, but I do have a reputation, and so does my fraternity. Black girls are bad face
You sound like a beta fag.
you sound like a retarded shill who's doing this for the first time. lurk more
>You sound like a beta fag
whatever you say thirdworlder lol
T.ugly anglo made from incest
Your prince chose a non white as wife
You're so much worse at this than estibro. never even bother trying again.
you've revealed yourself
>america is the bes-
No,btw I'm moving to the superior country,Canada.
Enjoy your non white america and please for the sake of God stop stealing other people's pictures and pretending it's you.
>No,btw I'm moving to the superior country,Canada.
lol no you arent
There a plenty of mixed countries on South America that you could move to. They're not great, but atleast you'd see the endgame for your stupidity.
well, out of a 2nd generation making up about 40 children, i am one of 3 who still has a chance of carrying on my family name as a white family.
the rest of the men married non whites.
America is starting miscegenate... we will see how it turns out
>stop stealing other people's pictures and pretending it's you.
kek its my fraternity brothers, i wouldnt post a picture of myself here
they havent taken the final redpill, mutt is the true master race.
I'm half jewish and this is pretty offensive man
people who are mixed are less likely to be conservative
>Identifying himself on this website
I really hope you’re larping
>Can racemixing end racism?
Racism is reality.
Characteristics are coded by your genes. They run in families.
I guess your wife has good characteristics or you wouldn't be with her. So your kids should be guaranteed good characteristics.
In order to end racism, you would have to end races themselves.
Who cares about the white race anyway? All of us will die at one point,you have no idea what will happen after you're dead. Humanity could be extinct by a week after you died. It doesn't matter.
Shouldn't you be panhandling you gypsy scum?
I'm mixed race and I am super conservative as a result of never having a racial home, so to speak. The being an outsider made me want to keep to myself and keep what's mine.
it will lead to the world Marxists wish for. No language, no countries, no culture, no identiy, no home for nobody.
>no darker than a paper bag
this is great 9/10
you're on fire
you wll find out soon since they will move half million Pakistani to Romania. Because so many Romanians migrated out of the country.
The psychologists managing Jow Forums really want us to concentrate on this race mixing stuff.
I'm not a gypsy,I'm jewish
>So,why is Jow Forums gainst racemixing?
Name a single functional interracial relationship in the history of anything. I unironically dumped the woman of my dreams because she is 75% gypsy and I don't want my genetic superiority ruined for a piece of ass
wow what a great example you have there, rakeem
Thanks, Mehmet
Race mixing won't matter once the jews are gone, but the White race must survive until the jews are gone.
race mixing won't end racism, just intensify it. Look up "paper bag" for American blacks.
Also, look at the rate of HIV in black males. You may want to encourage your future sons to only date white men.
>genetic superiority
Abandoned by his black father and raised by his white mother.
this user gets it
Wmbf is pretty based
look at her nasty ass hair. fucking LOL
Based user is based
Can you toasty Beckys and Stacys at least PRETEND you are not ruffled females. Next up you are going to critique her nails, makeup and handbag.
wew lad
>America was a mistake
Tell me again, gypsy. Why is America a mistake? I believe the answer to this entire thread lies in that explanation.
I find some hispanic women with enough Euro admixture and Asians attractive but I'll never breed with them let alone anyone.