Why is abortion legal?
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Because our education teaches that life doesn't matter.
in hopes that people like you are never born again
Because women are cunts who will never face consequences for their crimes.
Because we don't want more sub humans running around getting gibs. Might as well ask why killing chickens & eating them is legal.
so people like you can be prevented
>Kill a pregnant woman
>Get charged with double murder
>Pregnant woman gets abortion
>Powerful and brave
Because a fetus is not scientifically or medically alive until 26 weeks.
Can't tell if you're being ironic or genuinely retarded.
Because that's what satan wants
Humanity is broken. Consider the fact that if you took a single "average" specimen from any other species on the planet; rabbit, sparrow, fish, lion deer, lion, etc. It would be in better shape than a top Olympic athlete in relative terms. Our brains have made us weak. We have removed the challenges that have made us great in the first place. A revolution is necessary and impending.
>See Plato's Republic.
It is a Jewish conspiracy to bankrupt the coathanger industry.
Because we love our women too much to hold them accountable to the full extend of the law when they kill their children, so to avoid tearing ourselves up from cognitive dissonance we pretend a fetus isn't human and thus give women a 'grace period' for their infanticide.
Jesus this made me cry. I fucking hate this world.
Because nothing a woman does is ever wrong anymore
because feminist cant empower themselves on the cock carousel if they can't abort their mistakes
Holy fuck, disgusting.
To help Politicians dispose of the evidence.
Read my pic related and your life will change.
Excuse my memeflag.
(Sick Motherfuckers. May god have no mercy on their souls)
So sick. Rioe v. Wade was literally the death knell of the human soul. There is no question about what is being done. Until this is overturned we have no hope.
Abortion doesnt change fertility rates you mongrels
They are just cells, they have no souls until they are born (some argue people dont have souls/consciousness til at least 3 years of age), preventing legal, safe abortion stops harmful ones (drinking themselves to death, using coat hangers, etc..), and stops nogs from being born. Use your head dumb christkuck.
In my home country it became legal in the early 70s
NOBODY wanted it except some crazy feminist and some media commentator (so told me my parents)
Im pretty sure abortion in (((their))) most efficient and most disgusting criminal masterwork.
Exactly. Removing the need to be responsible or moral in no way makes people more responsible or moral.
Moron and piece of shit
In cases like yours, I would probably think that abortion would improve the world.
You are a stupid piece of shit.
>Why is abortion legal?
Women vote.
And women's nr.1 priority is being able to kill their unborn child.
Because they need an option available to stop people from having families while they replace us with foreigners
Women should have the right to make their own medical decisions and control their own bodies.
I will raise you another:
>Your girlfriend aborts your child against your will
>its her right
>You put "morning after" pills in your gfs food to give her an abortion
>You are charged with 1st degree murder!
Its only a crime if men kill unborn babies.
It literally does. It's the only reason Blacks aren't 40% of the population right now.
>killing an unborn child is much different than killing a born child
Why stop there Chaim?
Women should have the right to shut the fuck up and submit to their husbands and fathers.
It doesn't burger bro. In the past women were aware of the repercussions of unprotected sex and took measures to avoid pregnancy. Abortion only made them less responsible when it comes ro sex. There was no "huge drop" in unwanted child birth.
Yeah women have the right to stop being pieces of shit.
Once the pill was approved by the FDA and sold commercially, the fertility rate dropped to fucking ground. Only middle and upper class Whites were actually using it, Negros didn't have the foresight, only once abortion was legalized did the black birth rate drop below replacement level.
>Why is abortion legal?
we live in a democracy and women are whores
*the White fertility rate
An unborn child is inside the woman's body and using her internal organs to survive.
Have sex
>implying getting weeded out of the gene pool isn't a consequence
Stop having sex you fucking whore.
>what is natural selection
Because men are cucked and don't know anymore how tu put women in their place and be responsible.
Moloch worshipers hold places of power.
Fertility rate:how many babies born per couple
Abortion: lowers the number of babies
Big think.
We have too many niggers already.
Honestly, this. The more I think about it, the more I can see no other explanation than it being permissible due to evil. And this is coming from someone who had one. Evil takes advantage of a person's moments of weakness.
Found out ex-gf was pregnant, freaked out, did not regain my composure until it was too late (before it happened, but by then i already convinced her to and couldn't re-convince her not to).
Please do not have one, or encourage your partner to have one, anons. It inflicts more damage upon you than you may believe possible. It's been five years and I see no chance of healing.
>Retards how?
R v wade was 1973. The fertility rate went up from 1974 to 1992 according to your graph. Wtf are you on about?
Because Reagan and Bush 43 made catastrophic mistakes in nominating Justices O'Connor, Kennedy, and Souter to the Supreme Court.
To keep the black population in the US from going the way of Nigeria, 8 kids per birthing aged female.
Roe v wade was this giant drop off you dumb fucking leaf.
>aware of repercussions
inbred virgin incel detected.
Bush 41*
>extremely conservative
>have only 2 kids
I think they count normal people that have kids as "extreme".
Lol the middle line is 1974 retard
Because the occupiers of your govt want your children dead.
US Fertility rate one year before Roe v Wade was near replacement level. One year after it was below replacement level.
Because it eliminates consequences of sex. When there are no consequences to sex people will have sex freely with numerous partners. Increasing partner count leads to unstable marriages in the future, leads to divorce, inhibits pair bonding, and erodes the natural base for the nuclear family unit. The family unit is the building block of civilization - when it is weakened or eliminated, the society is quickly eroded.
Not only is it a satanic blood sacrifice, but it weakens civilization making it ripe for subversion. Jews love abortion.
Because western nations can't say no to women.
Fertility rate went down for the UK and china as well, which shouldn't be explained by roe v wade. I agree with your argument though.
>Because it eliminates consequences of sex
You can do the same by just wearing protection, brainlet.
You are wrong. Just stop please. You cant "create" the past just to fit a narrative.
Pic related US live births by year.
because it kills nonwhites and it's the only form of eugenics we have left.
stop shilling for stopping the one thing actively slowing our replacement you fucking christcucks.