Started to grow my hair 2 years ago, am I better with long or short hair?

Started to grow my hair 2 years ago, am I better with long or short hair?

Attached: 2years.png (1301x715, 1.38M)

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Long looks better, but only because the short hair option is shit

get a crew cut or something actual men would wear

That’s pretty embarrassing

Used to love this band, I am more into death and black metal now

I couldn't tell if you were a dude, or a woman with a beard at first. I'm not sure if I mean that as an insult or not. I guess I can at least be not half assed about saying that your beard sucks, so there's that, I guess. Might grow in better as you get older.

Women tend to like androgynous men, so it might be a good thing.

Personally, I think you look better with longer hair, though I think it might be a bit too long in that pic. Like 2 or 3 inches shorter, and it'd be perfect. Just enough to rest on the shoulders a bit, but not so long that you're mistaken for a woman.

Thanks, also I shaved my beard today

And I want them to be longer actually

>Personally, I think you look better with longer hair, though I think it might be a bit too long in that pic
I like the longer hair but you also look a bit older, more like a man too

hit the gym you fat piece of shit.


You should start styling it a bit, then. Longer hair is a bit more difficult to pull off if you don't have strong facial definition. If you lost a bit of weight as the other user had suggested, it would make your facial features much more pronounced which would help with that as well. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything, I'm just saying.

Just putting a bit more wave into it will help make it look less messy, and give it more character. It just needs something to break it up a bit. I've seen some dudes do that with color, braids, curling... There are a lot of cool styles out there.

As far as shaving goes, you may be able to get away with stubble until it grows in a bit thicker. My beard was pretty patchy when it'd first come in, but it always felt like a clean shave gave me too much of a babyface. Stubble was a nice in-between.

Cut hair on a no.3 and shave that shitty beard. Don't hide your lips like a fag (so look more like the left picture generally). Wear something with a collar, and have a vest below it. Lose weight and stand up straight and grow yourself a neck, otherwise you'll be a hunchback in old age. Always wear socks. Lift weights.

On the left you look like a perv who'll give spike teenage girl's drinks and on the right you look like a perv who'll spike baby's milk bottles. Neither is good.

Do as I say and you'll be good looking, feel good, and attractive to people of an appropriate age and gender:

Weight loss
Weight lifting
hair shorter than your pubes
dress like someone who might always have to go to work, unless exercising.

And I notice you've got a black top on. Is that because sweat shows on anything else? Try one of these

Try shaving it off

Long hair please.

short is hotter on u

You look like a girl kinda, even with the short hair. Like a butch lesbian. Not a pretty feminine girl.
How old are you man?

Long hair and where you from op?
Pls answer

Even more embarrassing

You have so much potential to be a cute redhead trap

Attached: 9365ba851a99c9f6c39482fcce167c2d.jpg (651x1035, 88K)

Your face is too cute to rock the long hair and pass for a man. You need a cut.

You would look good with a men's haircut and lose the baby far if your so brutal and metal you look like a kid

With a little makeup i would fuck you gurl