I am a mixed guy that basically looks like Stephen Curry. Pretty much a mulatto with light skin and nappy hair. In which part of the United States would I best fit in as a male of this phenotype? I am thinking Southeast. What do you guys think?
Wanna move but where should I go?
>In which part of the United States would I best fit
The bottom of the Pacific ocean
FPBP as usual
Based Muhammad poster
close-cropped haircut and a bar of bleach soap. if that doesn't get you where you need to be, tell people you're half-italian
>basically looks like Stephen Curry
then move to fucking Charlotte like everyone else has been the last 15 years
RIP Salad Tosser
Rack the trollz
Anywhere in the south really.
Best gif ever
Move to
Leave the Land of Borgar. Go to South America. It's gay here anyways
inb4 england isnt white, england is full of mozlims
Puerto Rico.
Blessed and QCpilled
Go to Brazil.
Just go wherever the fuck you want to lmao
>one post by this id
Haha, OP has brillo pads for hair
on the floor.
Fuck off were full. Try moving inside your own asshole and disappearing.
Thats steel wool stupid. Brillo is different.
Too late already got a cushy coding job in atlanta, I'm coming on in and you can't stop me
>In which part of the United States would I best fit in as a male of this phenotype?
>I am a mixed guy that basically looks like Stephen Curry
That is nasty
>Wanna move but where should I go?
a basket ball court
Well thanks for being honest and not larping as white. Southwest, yes or southern Texas. Definitely look into taking trips into South America because there are some gems, it's not all bad. Something to think about.
Then why even make the thread you stupid attention-seeking nigger
Puerto Rico or just go back to south america where shitskin mutts belong.