I'm 18, Im on vacation and I'm bored, what to do?

I'm 18, Im on vacation and I'm bored, what to do?

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Enjoy your vacation

I can't

have sex

I dont know how to

Put peepee in hole

Why not

Experiment with men

I feel frustrated and blue

Post boypussy

Where did you go for vacation?
Who did you go with?
How long will you be there?

Then masturbate

Ignore all the fucking degenerates.
Work out self improve probablg play a online game or hobby with friends, think and re evaluate your life.

Im in my house
Im 18 years old
2 months vacation


So you didn’t travel anywhere? Are you just not in school for the summer?

You need weekly hobbies, go see your local art museum, learn new skills.

Im just not in school for summer

Suuuuure. You're definitely not a schoolkid on summer vacation.

Hit the gym, do some shit you find interesting, meet up with some people you want to see... you can literally fill your day as as you want.

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Smoke weed and play video games.
If you can't do either of those things get a job for two months.

Why do you think im not 18?

Make some extra money by mowing lawns.


Because 18 is the minimum age to post here, if you're younger than 18 but you want us to get as accurate a picture as possible of your situation so we can help then 18 is the age you would put.


Not op but I'm 18 and im on 3 month summer "vacation" or whatever burgers call it

Also op get a job