So what's her end game?
To look as stupid as humanly possible.
Save America from Capitalism.
Unzipping my dick
god she's beautiful
Getting Tom Steyer to be her sugar daddy
To give me milkies hopefully
shed probably be the most popular porn star post retiring from congress of all time
would make millions
To get on top while we stay in the cheap seats
to cure sagging tits. she will be unstoppable. damn I wud fugg them tatts a mufugguh
Being primed by (((them))) to hold positions of power and presidency in the future.
You think she is where she is and gets so much media attention just because she comes out with retarded shit?
Giving birth to my three sons
If I was a young Republican congressman I would make it my mission to seduce AOC. Imagine debating, refuting and getting into shouting matches with each other across party lines just to keep up the facade, and when you're both home you just hate-fuck your way through your problems. Then when you're back on the floor the whole show starts all over again.
Turning the US into this.
I want nothing more than to feel her smooth soft olive legs, gently part her supple, soft brown ass cheeks, and run my tongue over the goosebumps over the inside of her asscrack and light brown Latin asshole. I want her to squat over my face, pelvis completely parallel to the floor, and she grinds her labia, clitoris, and asshole on my face while calling me a silly witeboy etc etc no shame she is a hot bitch
damn gurl you gone some nice tits on you
Just to rack up that government paycheck for as long as possible.
looks kinda nice. a fit slag just dicked by two environmentally aware gentlemen chilling and sucking in that fresh air and letting the fishsack rest.
Her face is awful but her tits are top tier. I don't even care if they are saggy, would suck it till drain it all.
Based fellow German
i'd cum on her lips and tits
See Maxine Waters
She'll spend the rest of her life coasting through congress in her easy-mode district and collecting helpful government and campaign contributions for her and her family's business interests.
I heard this girl/guy maybe
is an actor taking a role is any of that true?
Forcibly castrating all white men and sending them off to work at the hucow dairy farms since there are no more cows.
how is that based. a quasi homosexual fantasy not resulting in bringing her down. this is why your country is shit.
a real man would film it and use it for gain.
If you wouldn't smash your confirmed a homosexual
Jerking me off with her tits.
to use memeflags to forcibly spam a meme on a site where you don't belong you empty headed fucktard
Parts are actually like that and worse.
To do whatever the script writers have in store for her.
Great tits
except you're full of shit and almost none of the country looks like this
>The thought of seducing a female politician is homosexual
Based IQ 70 black nationalist
she should breast feed me with her motherly milk
Her tits are her only good feature.
she's a woman so y'know, attention pretty much, please stop giving it to her
Pissing of white guys until they end hate raping her. It's the only way for mud women to get som uncircumcised white dick Shlomo.
cope posting clingy german. let it go
They're the embodiment of socialism, it's all good until it runs out of milk.
What? Detroit and any 75%+ black areas are absolutely destroyed and there a fevelas all over in the West of the US.
She looks like a monkey with great tits.
Hoe manipulated was this picture?
>So what's her end game?
Genocide of the White race.