Enjoy your slow and painful premature deaths you fake omnivores.
Canines tho
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you're advocating for vegetarianism but i'm not sure.
Woke: reduced red meat consumption, increased fish (not high on the chain, deenz and salmon) consumption.
Broke: veganism and other diets which cannot sustain a large amount of muscle mass.
>people eat meat
I don't get it
If humans woz meant to eat veggies then why we gotz canines
But it's true
>1 post by this ID
I love how Vegans like other lefties don’t even try to be persuasive and instead just get all red faced and blurt out insults nowadays.
Yeah OP, I’m convinced. Thanks for the effort.
Cavemen used to eat meat all the fucking time
Cavemen that haven't been influenced by the opinions of egg heads and retards on social media are closer to the nature of human truth than we will ever be. Whatever they ate is good enough for me.
>reduced red meat consumption
Post dreads and manboobs.
Veganism is literally just a movement designed to lower people's standard of living like green/eco living and bug eating.
>If I feed this retards ego by making him think that he's choosing to be superior then I can literally get him to eat grass and he'll tell other people that they should feel bad for not eating grass.
If I can digest meat and greens i'm an omnivore.
Gorillas are vegan, why do you think they have canines? Canines are to fight.
Cavemen also had an average life expectancy of 25 years old.
I can barely digest greens. Vegans are satanic.
Fuck off retard, humans are perfectly capable of predating tiny mammals such as rodents, rabbits, foxes, etc
isn't it one of noahide law to not consume meat kek. don't eat meat goy. wouldn't want you to properly function
We were made to hunt large mammals in family groups. But I would encourage idiots to be vegans. When the SHTF I bet they taste pretty good.
Is a bite an eat?
If you think any of those primates in Africa are vegan somebody sold you a line of shit, dude. You wave a ribeye at any one of those monkeys and just watch. I sure as hell wouldn’t tie a pork chop around my neck before going out to play with a mountain gorilla.
>Gorillas are vegan
Sitting on your ass turning to lard is what causes heart disease moron.
eating fish is pretty based, but we have polluted the ever living shit out of anywhere you could reasonably go fishing for food and packaged fish is filled with preservatives and mercury
they breed quickly though and take damn near zero effort to sustain yourself on if you could find unpolluted waters
though if you want to make it about being efficient by consuming meats that are low on the food chain, deer and most traditional livestock are your ideal
in particular, deer breed rapidly in the wild and are majorly overpopulated even in areas that are big on hunting like appalachia
they also make good jerky that lasts long and takes very well to almost any seasoning you can imagine
Omni just means the human body is capable of beneficially digesting both animals and plants.
As if being raped to death by muslims will be any less slow and painful and premature, britcuck
Those are chimpanzees.
But these aren't.
Bullshit. I was vegan for a 6 years, most of the poeple who are vegan eat deep fried crap. Wich makas your colesterol go up like crazy, went to a full meat/protein based diet and I had boners all day long and nutted like a fucking broken sprinkler.
Cum is protein, most vegans eat carbs and fibers, you do the math, also Cold Winter Theory, we evolved eating vast ammount of meat.
Being fat, smoking and being sedentary leads to erectile dysfuntion. Not meat.
Pretty sure vegans suffer from that. How many are secretly eating fish while proclaiming to be vegan as well?
It's a good thing we're closer to chimps that eat meat.
Blatantly false
Dude. When the skinny people are dying of starvation and the rich people have all bugged out you do realize Jamal is going to be making jerky out of your thigh muscles because that is the only part there is any meat on?
people like OP make me not rule out cannibalism completely.
wouldn't be a vegan fag thread if OP could resist posting one of the 20 professional sportsmen that are vegan out of the hundred thousands that aren't
thanks, you enjoy your heightened childhood mortality
All animal flesh contains cholesterol which causes your arteries to clog, we produce our own cholesterol so we don't need to eat it. This is why any kind of meat is automatically bad.
>What are Molars.
blatant lie, yet again
>what's good cholesterol
>[citation needed]
they lived to like 900 sweetie, didn't you read the bible?
I do beleive they have found evidence of Neolithic people who lived six or seven decades. They may have been “Chiefs” or whatever but life may have been easy. How hard is it to sneak up on a goddam mountain of meat? Three or four men with spears could do it.
These are chimpanzees too. Gorillas are too big to hunt other animals. They also eat ants and termites.
Its only cannibalism if you eat the same species...
If you are working muscles hard you NEED that choeslterol to survive. Those triglycerides are needed in a man who is burning 4,000 calories a day killing Mastodons with a spear. Which is why those things plummet when you start working out.
LOL this is this biggest fucking lie jesus christ people you really think eating meat is bad for you? It's the easiest food for your body to allocate nutrients from
But think about it. Almost everybody on this planet has forgotten the undeniable truth we all know. Man is the top predator. You can thank me later.
Our body produces its own cholesterol spastic.
Coconut has cholesterol yet i bet you eat ton of it... Jeez, ofcourse if you eat shit tone of meat you gonna die soon but same goes almost for evrything take for instance "green super foods" like kale, brocoli etc. witch contain oxalic acid. And lot of oxalic acid can give you really bad time, but small amounts of it can be benefical. Same goes with cholesterol you dumb dumb,
I'm still waiting for that citation, nigger.
The gorilla you posted (the western lowland gorilla) is omnivorous though.
By definition, a herbivore must only ever eat plants, and a carnivore must only eat meat. If a sheep ate meat it would not be able to properly digest it and it would make itself sick. Regardless of whether or not an animal primarily eats one group or the other, if it is capable of sustaining itself on both, it is omnivorous.
u seem educated
dude even horses will eat meat if they can, eating grass or trees is just the risk free option for most animals
>not eating sardines
Which is heritable, I know. I know mine has been incredible since I was an Army physician 25 years ago and my HDL has been in the 70s while my LDL has been in the 50s for decades. I also know this, in years where I have lifted hard those numbers just got better and better. If I took a year off they started to slide. Think of what you know about muscle injury and repair and realize, if you use this body as intended it runs like a Ferrari.
Just cos something may have eaten meat once or twice doesn't mean it's body is adapted to consuming it.
Certainly the alt-reich has never used such tactics
12 scoopin' in heaven now, bros.
t. ooga booga
>As primarily herbivores, the main diet of western lowland gorilla groups is roots, shoots, fruit, wild celery, tree bark and pulp which is provided for in the thick forests of Central and West Africa.[13] During the wet season gorillas commonly consume fruits. While in the dry season, there is a decrease in the consumption of fleshy fruits, but they still continue to eat other kinds of fruits. The diversity of fruits consumed was higher in the poor fruit year, when favored fruit species failed to produce large crops.[3] They may also eat insects from time to time. The common food item within fibers are the herbaceous stems.[3] Important food species have been divided into three categories. Staple foods which are eaten on a daily/weekly basis throughout the year, seasonal foods which are present in the majority of resources when available and fallback foods which are always available, but eaten only or mainly during fruit-scarce months.[26] The adult will eat around 18 kg (40 lb) of food per day.[27] Gorillas will climb trees up to 15 meters in height in search of food. They never completely strip vegetation from a single area since the rapid regrowth of the vegetation allows them to stay within a reasonably confined home range for extended periods of time.[28] The western lowland gorilla eats a combination of fruits and foliage, providing a balance of nutrients, depending on the time of year. However, when ripe fruit is available, they tend to eat more fruit as opposed to foliage. When ripe fruit is in scarce supply, they eat leaves, herbs and bark. During the rainy months of July and August, fruit is ripe; however, in the dry seasons, ripe fruit is scarce. Gorillas choose fruit that is high in sugar for energy, as well as fiber.[29]
Imagine living in a first world country where you can eat all the beef and chicken you want, and eating only vegetables.
>cannot sustain a large amount of muscle mass.
Burgers are retarded lmaao
>vegans literally destroy planet earth and are the shills of the big corporations without realising it
vegans literally are sub 80 iq niggers
Can you niggers explain why you think because some gorillas will occasionally eat meat when there's not enough vegetation it means humans are physiologically adapted to eat meat?
it's true though
>all vegans are leftist so[yboys
get brain moran
and he's a failure
gorillas eat more than 400 grams of proteings daily
Are you fucking retarded?
Let me tell you about all the additives I put in food to compensate
Humans all over the world have been eating meat since the beginning of time as a means of survival. Panda bears eat virtually nothing but bamboo and they can't digest it very well, oh and they have sharp teeth despite being a herbivore
You sure it's not just because your digestion is fuccccckee
Just because humans have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years does not mean that our bodies are adapted to it.
You are right i mistaken cholesterol for saturated fats. Anywho that doesnt change my aregument much. Lot of staureated fats is bad for you aswell. It is all about balancing your diet not making it restrained. Anyway we are omnivores and i aree that people should definetly eat less meat. Omnivores link => beyondveg.com
Cannabalism, seriously?
youre proving op meme
Fucking idiot
Right, that was the conversation
Fish nuts and berries lads
>As primarily herbivores
>not exclusively
No need to look further nigger, you are either retarded or trolling my man kys either way
I think humans have different nutritional needs based on their dna and biome. I'm pretty sure I'm a hunter, O positive blood and excellent stamina and I'm feeling better than ever eating a diet of -only- meat.
veganism is high carb diet repacked
Nope. I have no health issues except for being 20 lbs overweight. And that's because the military destroyed my meniscus and I can't do cardio.
yeah well I know more about gorollas then all 4 of you combined
Great job, I can read wikipedia too. Did you also read the part where they eat insects? If they are willing to go out of their way to acquire insects (being intelligent enough to shove sticks into anthills) does it not follow that they have a desire to eat them? It's not a desperation thing, they do it willingly. You'd think it logical that if they were strictly herbivores they would have no desire to go out of their way to eat animals over plants in the same way humans do.
While I have your attention:
Hawkeye goes dark after witnessing his family get dusted.
Thanos reunites with Lady Death (Katherine Langford's Mystery role.)
Tony and Bruce work on the Quantum Tunnel for time travel.
Time travel is used to help locate and/or recharge the stones so the snap can be undone.
Past Avenger selves think Present Avenger selves are imposters, they fight.
Doctor Strange’s best outcome vision was their time traveling.
Doctor Strange alerted past Nick Fury as to who needed recruiting in order to fix the future.
Nebula witnesses Gamora’s death during time travel.
Thanos realizes they’re working to undo the snap and tries to destroy the Stark Gauntlet.
Pepper Potts suits up and becomes ‘Rescue.’
Thor wields both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker.
Cap ends up with Mjolnir during battle.
Professor Hulk discovers the souls of the dusted remain in Soul World within the Soul stone.
Using the Soul stone releases the dusted.
Cue sling ring portaling of the undusted for a final Thanos battle.
Cap assembles the team.
Captain Marvel destroys Thanos’ ship and the Black Order army.
Tony & Peter emotional reunion.
Peter gives Captain Marvel the gauntlet.
Cap steps down as Captain America, Bucky takes over.
Tony joins SHIELD
Hawkeye trains his daughter to take over the Hawkeye mantle going forward.
Cap leads the New Avengers going forward. Peter takes a hiatus from Avengers leading into Far From Home.
While Hawkeye's daughter and Professor Hulk actually set up Old Man Logan, the franchise will move forward with setting up a movie about the Celestials and Eternals.
Wild fruit and vegetables are very difficult to come by in nature. The fruit and vegetables you get from the store aren't even real. It's a good thing herbivores can ferment grass and leaves unlike us. Humans are carnivores.
He's not a vegan, because he takes supplements. A diet that requires supplementation is unnatural by default.
You know a diet of only meat has no vitamin C? Hope you like scurvy.
He probably eats raw meat like me. We get vitamin A and C almost everyday.
What is starch