I got my friend with benefits pregnant. She agreed to keep it and I did as well but we're not getting married...

I got my friend with benefits pregnant. She agreed to keep it and I did as well but we're not getting married. Should we consider marriage even if we're just pals? Is there any financial benefit? Would it help the kid?

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If either of you find a person you love within 7 years agree you will give up the kid for the other pair to raise.

what if we don't find anyone in 7 years though?

>Would it help the kid?
The kid is growing up with two utter degenerates as parents; it's screwed, hard.

were not bad people we're just pals with compatible genitals. We both have pretty good careers and can raise a child I just want to make sure they're development is okay. I don't want to accidently have a incel or killer for a kid.

One thing to remember is to have quality time with the kid. Key word quality.

Sex outside of marriage is degeneracy. It doesn’t matter how ‘normal’ it is and how everyone is doing it. It doesn’t stop it from being degenerate. All it says is how far our society has gone down.

Yeah every future deadbeat dad tells themselves that. Then you'll find someone else you want to 'actually' raise a family with, and you'll be stuck in an endless cycle of distancing yourself because you feel guilty about not being there for the kid so you distance yourself further...

Tl;dr enjor your incel son/single mother daughter

Then stop being a faggot and become a father

Is this a conversation you need to be having with your partner, and not random folks on the internet?

Bro I'd be a father either way
It's not like I'd abandon my kid, we even agreed to move in together for a bit so they wouldn't feel weird. I was just asking about the benefits of marriage since we are both a little iffy on it. I mean we are still pretty cool friends just not emotional intimate people.
okay Christcuck

>Is there any financial benefit?
Marriage is essentially a financial decision at this point. The only benefits are money-related.

Tbh Jow Forums helps me relax because I can read the worst ideas/thoughts in a nice grocery list, it's very therapeutic that way. I'll talk to her when she wakes, maybe cook some breakfast to ease her into it.

you're posting here.

the fucker is destined to be a fucking degenerate.

Update bros. Guess we're going to get married.

I'm terribly sorry :(

This is like a straight version of "no homo."
>Guys I was just shopping for a minivan with my platonic life friend when she asked if 4 seats would be enough. How do I tell her we're going to need 8?
>No mono, but my platnoic life friend has been looking just as beautiful as the day I met her lately.
>We held our first grandson today, and my life friend put her head on my shoulder. I'm worried that she might be getting too attached.

I kinda think both of you need to drop the weird bullshit and evaluate what the fuck is going on between you, if you're getting pregnant and wanting to keep it.

I wouldn't get married for the sake of the child. Growing up with two loving, affectionate parents who provide a good example for a healthy romantic relationship is best. Growing up with two parents who are both happy, well-rounded people with a fulfilling life and a good line of communication is second best. A dysfunctional marriage - whether abusive or just ice cold - is far far behind. The chances that you are good at co-parenting this unexpected child imo are much higher if you don't also try to start a relationship you don't want and is under tremendous pressure to succeed. Stress during pregnancy is also really quite bad for the child, you want stability. I wouldn't shoot too high with the risk of winding up lower than as respectful co-parents with enough emotional distance to talk frankly and reasonably.

I mean we probably get along better than most couples, we just got to say "I love you" or whatever now no biggy. We already agreed to get a prenup in case this doesn't work, she's pretty cool.
Haha dude I just got my best friend pregnant is what happened.

>I just got my best friend pregnant.
>"I love you."
Fucking millennials.
Enjoy your lives, weirdos. Put it on the shared lot's gravestone. "Best friends"

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Your kid is so fucked lmao

You Dudes got any good baby names? I suggested Genesis or Diogenes and she suggested Aurora or Cesar.

Hers are better.
Suggest "Julius" instead of Cesar, though. There were many Cesars. Julius was the biggest badass of the bunch, though.

just abort it, dude.

True, kinda feminine though at least in English
We kinda past that stage, it's been 5 months and we've become comfortable with the idea of having a kid. Besides were both cool people who could probably make a little cool person.

I never thought of Julius as a feminine name.
Aurora is the best one. You just have to make sure she grows up into a bombshell instead of a fatty. Nothing more cliche than a fat girl with a pretty name. Black people ruined "Venus" for me that way. I think of the planet, instead of the goddess

I never thought of the pretty name cliche, were both genetically skinny/attractive but should we try some more guttural girl names like Greta or Brenda?

Again, Aurora is great, just don't let her get fat.

Cesar is the only good pick of the bunch, but how about you just give your kid a normal name that won't look embarrassing on a business card
"Original" names are how poor people make up for the fact that they don't have material wealth, by pretending that their spawn is a high ticket item. It ignores context and sounds completely tasteless. A name like Diogenes is one step removed from naming a child Optimus Prime or Anakin

I can actually feel my hairline receding from this post.

Guess we have to enroll her in kickboxing and dance then if it's a girl. I still like the name Genesis because it means beginning and this pregnancy is why we're going to get married.
Yeah but we're both dorks, we're purposely going for exotic and fancy names. Besides Diogenes can shorten to Dio as a nickname.

>Cesar is the only good pick of the bunch,

Yikes. You still defend premarital sex even though it's gotten you into this situation? I'd like to to take just 22 minutes out of your life and watch this video. Christianity is extremely important. youtube.com/watch?v=jcM4rdGWZKA

Shit happens.
If you get along as friends, why not just take that step into being a family?
You don't have to marry her, but consider moving in together for the sake of the kid. Unless you both have other partners on the side, then consider your ass paying child support in a few years

It'll never work out unless you get married.

It could work out. I hope your your child and yourself it does.

Marriage can be very comfy. I think it's more about your mindset than anything. I think you can still have a beautiful and meaningful marriage without some whirlwind emotional precursor to it. You can have a slow-burn love. But you actually need to work towards that.

Read any of the thousands of studies showing that children with a proper family where both parents are married and live together have much better lives.

Saved for posterity.

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I showed her this thread and we are laughing pretty hard.

>she agreed to keep it and I did as well
>I did as well
You can lie to yourself but not to me, bucko. Either way you were going to eat shit and have zero say in the matter. So don't rationalise this away as you """agreeing""" to anything. You don't want this kid. If you wanted this kid you would've married her.

If you want your kid to turn out well, have one later. Abort this one. Or, enjoy explaining why mommy and daddy got married after the kid's birth date and watch him say he hates you. Watch him turn into a turbo incel because you had him at a time when you weren't planning, or ready for it. Stop this cruel cycle. Do whatever it takes to talk her into aborting.

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>kid is 6 years old
>"mommy, why don't you and daddy live together?"
>"because we are just pals who bang every now and then"

Kill yourself
But not before you kill her too

>Guess we're going to get married.
RIP in piece, we crei evrytiem

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This speaks volumes. Laughing at your problems is what you do years later. If you're laughing at your problems as they happen then you're irresponsible & used to letting life wash over you. Exactly the kind of person who gets knocked up by accident. Please spare the world from creating miniature copies of your irresponsible selves. Scoop that kid out while it's still an egg yolk

Tough luck?

wow this thread is still up?
I'm just not comfortable killing my spawn bro
Laughing is something you do everyday senpai, are you not happy?
again, she moved in with me like 4 weeks ago

in my opinion, if you do not get married it becomes more likely relationship to sustain - thinking about the kid here. you two don't love each other and should still have a chance to find someone you do love. take care of the kid the best you can and remain civilized and in good relations with her. let's say you don't get married and 5 years or so pass, you have the kid and you two individually meet someone in the meantime that you actually know you wanna start a family with. this way you can do that. if you commit to a marriage that means forever and, while you can never really know, you are much more likely to make a marriage work if you actually select the person. this is just my opinion, i've never been married so i don't know what i'm talking about really.

You are so fucked. You will be financially much worse off, and therefore your stress levels will be through the roof. I don't even have good advice for you.

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Oh my god you are so completely fucked.

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You kidding me OP? Having and raising a child is the best thing in the world. Don't listen to these virgin incels who don't know any shit.

Not comfortable scooping that fucker out, but comfortable with ruining the life of at least three people.

You didn't need to reassure us that you're incapable of making difficult decisions. We already knew that you're irresponsible. And having an unplanned kid out of wedlock is the very definition of immaturity. No matter what your instincts tell you, raising a kid will not make you grow up. It merely shows that you will avoid pain it the short term (abort), at great cost to the future. She doesn't want to be with you, and will for ever resent you for being pushed around like a bitch. You are not a man if you sit there and let life wash over you.

Convince her to abort, and take the blame for it, that's what she wants. You get to keep fucking, and you get to start a family properly one day when you meet the right person.

You dont HAVE to get married, but there is a small financial benefit in regards to taxes every year. Thats it really.

put it up for adoption. if i remember for every adoptable child there is 34 people who want to adopt them. you will be doing someone a favor and you won't need to be a father.

The amount of times you've said bro in this thread... the kid is doomed, so are you . Abort for God sakes. Read a book faggot.

>were not bad people
Yeah, you're fucking stupid people.
You're getting a bitch that fucks around with random people pregnant, and you're trying to say that you'll raise your kid properly?
Bahahah, that kid's fucked.

>a bitch that fucks around with random people ?
>that kid's fucked.
I just had the most awful thought.

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Dude, he got a whore pregnant.
The relationship isn't gonna last, and if it does last, he's gonna be a miserable cuck posting here to get relationship advice.

You piece of shit I wish I could strangle you through the screen

It's been awhile since I've seen a thread last this long.
She's a dentist and I own a gas station. I don't think we would have kept the kid if we didn't think we could financially support it.
Been friends for like 10 years, I got to say it's fun to see the assumptions everyone jumps to.


I'm from a Greek speaking country and Diogenis as a male name is alright here but I doubt elsewhere.
Aurora sounds stupid, so does Cesar but at least they're not too ridiculous names. Don't even consider Genesis unless you hate your future child and want them to be bullied

did i say something wrong? OP is clearly not ready for a kid, and there are people who are. give the baby to them and everyone is happy. it's as simple as that.

>I don't want to accidently have a incel or killer for a kid.
That doesn't happen by accident, thats entirely up to you

>I don't think we would have kept the kid if we didn't think we could financially support it.
No, you're either going to get screwed in the divorce, or you're going to be forcing yourself to live with a person you only married because you accidentally had a child.

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like I said before we got a prenup

Dude, that looks great. I'm happy for both of you. Not having "romantic" feelings isn't the end of the world, as long as there is mutual respect and you get along. My parents are kinda like that, not lovey dovey at all but their dynamic is pretty cool imo.

And you know what's the best part, you're not gonna have to pass through the post-honey moon phase, you're already past the emotional stuff so I really hope it's gonna turn out okay. Good luck my dude

>She's a dentist and I own a gas station
Are you sure it's even yours?

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I'm pretty sure it's mine but I'm not adverse to checking when it's born.

This thread is a spectacular pile of projections.
