I got my friend with benefits pregnant. She agreed to keep it and I did as well but we're not getting married. Should we consider marriage even if we're just pals? Is there any financial benefit? Would it help the kid?
I got my friend with benefits pregnant. She agreed to keep it and I did as well but we're not getting married...
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If either of you find a person you love within 7 years agree you will give up the kid for the other pair to raise.
what if we don't find anyone in 7 years though?
>Would it help the kid?
The kid is growing up with two utter degenerates as parents; it's screwed, hard.
were not bad people we're just pals with compatible genitals. We both have pretty good careers and can raise a child I just want to make sure they're development is okay. I don't want to accidently have a incel or killer for a kid.
One thing to remember is to have quality time with the kid. Key word quality.
Sex outside of marriage is degeneracy. It doesn’t matter how ‘normal’ it is and how everyone is doing it. It doesn’t stop it from being degenerate. All it says is how far our society has gone down.
Yeah every future deadbeat dad tells themselves that. Then you'll find someone else you want to 'actually' raise a family with, and you'll be stuck in an endless cycle of distancing yourself because you feel guilty about not being there for the kid so you distance yourself further...
Tl;dr enjor your incel son/single mother daughter
Then stop being a faggot and become a father
Is this a conversation you need to be having with your partner, and not random folks on the internet?