There is far more historical evidence surrounding the life of Muhammad than that of Jesus...which isn't to suggest Jesus wasn't real! He rose from the dead and was indeed a prophet, but not the final prophet.
Allah is obviously a demon. Look at the fruit of his teachings..
Kevin Flores
>There is far more historical evidence surrounding the life of Muhammad than that of Jesus I was gonna ask "are you out of your mind?" but after opening the thread I see you're a muslim. You people are dumb as rocks.
Christian Phillips
Do you truly believe that a sand nigger went inside a cave and saw an angel in the middle of the desert ?
John Johnson
Hey, they don't tolerate fruits, they toss them.
Christopher Ortiz
Who was speaking through Muhammad, if not God? Satan.
No, There isn't far more historical evidence surrounding the life of Muhammad than that of Jesus. In fact outside of Islamic sources there is next to nothing about Muhammad. Islamic sources themselves paint Mohammad and illiterate. In fact the quran itself was pieced together in the 9th century from numerous sources. Wheres Romans were talking about Jesus in 70 AD and 130 ad and we have those sources including those from Chinese and Indian scholars. Even Islamic scholars talk about Jesus.
Joshua Mitchell
The bible calls you an antichrist because you deny Jesus is the son of God. Repent of believing in a satanic religion and believe that Jesus is the son of God and paid for your sin.
Wyatt Collins
Muslims worship the same God as Christians: the God of Abraham. Arab Christians also refer to God as Allah.
Lincoln Green
Do you truly believe that a "sand nigger" died on a cross for your sins?