>alpha religion
>patriarchal values
>family values
Tell me again why do we hate Arabs?
I'm not an arab culturally or genetically. Other races are inferior. Arabs will never go to space or engineer anything useful. What they've had, they squandered. They are cousin fuckers and their race is irreparably in decline.
>why do we hate Arabs?
that flag
make like the notre dame bitch
because those aren't the kind of people they send over here. they send over the dregs of humanity
>Tell me again why do we hate Arabs?
Because most of them look like Colin
>meme flag
>notre dame
You made this thread multiple times Ahmed, with the same picture, go back to algeria you sandnigger
>Denies the divinity of Christ
Says the mutt
baiting people to like muslims with qt 1 in 100000 ahmed, gtfo faggot and leave france for good.
Because theyre invading my fucking country. I never did anything to them, so they should fuck off.
>Arabs will never go to space
>They are cousin fuckers and their race is irreparably in decline.
this and mixing with niggers was the biggest mistake islam did. the only way for the middle east to ascend is HARD eugenics.
It's interesting how the higher IQ arabs are more likely to have more caucasian/less african features and have a higher frequency of coloured eyes...
because they want to remove our freedom with their slave religion
Khalid ibn al-Walid (585–642) - Arab military commander and Companion of Muhammad. He was chosen by prophet Muhammad, and later Abu Bakr and Umar to lead many military campaigns.
Khalid is the only military leader that fought more than 200 undefeated battles and considered to be one of the finest military leader in history.
>Named Sword of Allah by the prophet
>Covered from head to toe in scars and wounds from battle
>Dies peacefully on a bed, despite seeking martyrdom in every conflict
she's not ugly. she's just fat and middle aged. would be MILF if she lost weight.
Why arent you fighting for isis saudi faggot
>alpha religion
If you consider Cancer an alpha disease.
>patriarchal values
>family values
not really
lol wut
nothing unique about that
or that
Go back to Algeria you piece of garbage
based pic
Violent dysgenic subhumans.
They are so inbred that they are beyond saving. Also you have to go back, Muhammad.
This is obviously a troll why do you guys even fucking reply
>alpha religion
>patriarchal values
>family values
they follow a religion of oppression and warfare. it is a death cult.
lol no
Every disbeliever becomes a muslim when they read about Khalid Ibn Al Walid
>Went to space on an "Amerimutt" spacecraft designed and funded by NASA (Also led by "mutts")
Wow I am so impressed.
>>Arabs will never go to space
Unless they loaded
Besides it was some kind of affirmative action
>or engineer anything useful
Well,I got news for you,and it doesn't smell like peanuts.
Irrelevant to the modern age.
because the ones in america are not the white-looking pure persians
they're the inbred cousin-fucking genetic trash that all have the same face because of inbreeding
>praising a pedophile prophet and not calling out that piece of shit
>fucking goats
>seriously low IQ
>blowing another up
You've just listed all the reasons why
>alpha religion
More like a religion that can't take a fucking joke. Get butthurt over a cartoon to the point of shooting up a joint and you want to call that "alpha"? French are shitty people, but Hebdo was completely uncalled for.
>Patriarchal values
The men can't keep their dicks in their robes. Solution? Make the women dress up like tents.
>Family values
At least until the daughter wants to go to school or see some guy who isn't who you already picked out
pic related
But their goats haven't been able to shit comfortably for days
That's anywhere where they set up shop for long enough.
Arabs are a good race. But their religion is retarded and holding them back. They should keep helpful things from islam like hate gays, control women, always favor your own people (that's where the west fucked up) but they need to stop their fanatic religion bs.
So is Greece and Rome and Carthage and Egypt ...
Like or not Ranger, sand niggers and darker ones one are superior, because founding something is much more intellectually demanning then developing it.
Once the algorithm (which is a sandnigger invention btw ) of which civilization rise and fall is discovered, things will happen much faster
>>alpha religion
more like pedo religion
muh based Muhamed fucking 9 year old "wife"
>>family values
family crime, no values to be found
They just pretend.
See Afghanistan, where they literally rape little boys.
Because the Jews told you to.
لا اله الا الله
محمد رسول الله
>child rape
>goat rape
>praying 1000x/day
>get hand cut off for walking out of convenience store and forgetting to pay for Snickers bar
There's a lot more, OP.
Gotta admit that the keffiyeh is an aesthetic as fuck item of clothing given its simplicity.
how many people do you know that want to live in an arab majority country?
it's not for nothing that brown people get the "refugee" title automatically for coming out of arab nations.
I wonder why...
das raycist.
Also rape is just a cultural invention.
It's just surprise sex.
Arabs are genetically distant from europeans
they are low IQ and short tempered but Arab men have the best butts.
Smug inbred. Fuck off, you Maghrebi cocksucker.
wasted digits
fuck off, Jew
Wtf Hans
Damn, Arabs look like that? Guess I'll let them invade my country (again), take advantage of the welfare state and rape my family! So BASED
>>alpha religion
Only Iraq and Lebanon are arab countries lol
Afgh and Iranians are Persians
>Maghrebi cocksucker
>implying Maghrebi cock doesn’t taste good
They do have nice cocks so I take it as a compliment
Maybe something called Islam where you need to kill 'infidels' for your 'god'. You don't like bacon either so you can fuck off and kys.
moroccans and tunisians engineers are the most talented in France. The battery in your smartphone is invented by an arab. but hey I get it, jews are everywhere trying to discredit us and if I haven't studied in the same school I would have never heared about it him.
>It happened because this pic says so
Tu es rebeux? Je peux te sucer?
Because they are low IQ scum who have sworn to kill us or convert us
How did he pray towards Mecca in orbit?
>Hebdo was completely uncalled for.
Muzzies did what Christians should've done a long time ago if they weren't such pussies. Pic related is the cover of Charlie Hebdo titled ''the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit''.
Why is being homophobic a virtue?
>Rides camels
>Beats women
>Only the rich have wives
>Alpha religion
>Islam literally means "submission"
Muzzies seem to be the only ones to do the right job
Too bad they throw gays off buildings
I don’t think that Arabs are of any kind of racial inferiority, I just think that Islam is shit and they were better off before they had it. Our best and brightest minds should be working with their best and brightest minds, but it’s probably better for everyone if we don’t brain drain Arab nations or allow mass migration to displace our genetic legacy from our homelands.
Yeah but it means submitting to God alone and no one else. If God doesn't exist, basically you are submitting to no one.
Compare that with yourself and you are submitting to something whether you realize it or not. Most likely you are submitting to the Jew in one form or another.
>I just think that Islam is shit and they were better off before they had it.
That's because you actually don't know fuck all about history or anything to do with the Middle East.
Hey stupid frenchcuck, do you refer arabs or muslims?
because exist christian arabs and i don't hate them, they are the most based christian that exist.
>le Islam destroyed arabs and made them go backwards
Lol m8...
Most of North Africa and the ME was Christian before invading waves of Arab Muslims swarmed in and forcibly converted them. Get the fuck out of the US if you’re a towelhead.
he's literally a white guy
i hope north africans and levants can protect their genomes from inbred brown arab genes. is there any kind of anti-racemixing culture on this level in those countries?
What evidence do you have that Islam made anyone in the Middle East any better?
Ah shit, here we go again.
Fuck off, Mohammed.
Unfortunately yes.
Notice how you didn't even remotely refute what I said you stupid mutt. That's why you're shit and your people will always be shit.
>Most of North Africa and the ME was Christian before invading waves of Arab Muslims swarmed in and forcibly converted them.
BTW, even this is completely false because most of the Middle East and North Africa was Pagan and people were rarely forcibly converted.
>american is a race
nigger. I work for an industry leader in structural steel fabrication and all our top engineers are Arabs or north African.
Everything except 'caucasian' and 'family values' seem like perfectly good reasons to hate someone. Given some of the shit you're presenting as 'good', I also suspect that your definition of 'family values' is more like National Action's than like anything actually good.
So congrats! You've convinced a Nordic antifa supersoldier to hate Arabs! Or you would have if I were actually dumb enough to think that race determines culture.
I don't. I'm probably going to end up marrying an Arab. They're the only people on earth with morals anymore.
Whatever you say, kike.
wtf is wrong with people. who makes these accounts?
Because they are here.
Begone Hebrew
they can't. Their women like black men too much.
Oh, fuck. I've worked with sandnigs before. Care to tell me which structures, so I can avoid them?
Like I'd point out which structures we've made. But we did just finish a sky scraper in NY, fucking solid.
unlike niggers, arabs would be acceptable is eugenetically remastered.
You forgot child rapist.
there's a "movement" of North Africans agains Nafri women who mix up with black men.
It's called "beurette an khel" or something
but there's also a porn website called beurettekeh dor com about light skinned muslim women fucking black men.
So they'll probably lose this fight like white men.
Mostly female incel fatties craving a some rough hubby halal dicking but can't get it because their not virgins so they aim for inferior foreign males, which is fine by me unless it's a poopie monkeyman
Because I don't want them in white countries. Go be Arab in Arab lands
Uh, Arabs have begro in them and it shows, achmed.
because it is anti freedom
For being the tool or sword of the Jew. Arabs are willingly going to Europe to start another Christian vs Islam war while Jews profit after pushing them there in the first place, and will take their land while they're absent.
>low iq from family fucking
>pedo “prophet”
>the men fuck boys and goats unironically
Sounds pretty based OP
>>alpha religion
they worship a literal paedophile.
>patriarchal values
>family values
doesn't mean they're white, which in their case is negative.
killing gays is retarded, whites are better than this. and no im not a fag.
they hate jews in a retarded superstitious way, not in a based way.
arabization of northern africa was a mistake.
You mad white boi?