Why is Trump getting BTFO for copyright infringement?

Why can't he not plagiarize??

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-19 B Janine Morison - Impeach Trump Now 🌎 on Twitter Stop violating copywrite (672x681, 438K)

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twitter.com/search?l=&q=jew from:bjaninemorison&src=typd

omg he used a font in a tweet

The Eurocucks try it cause it's illegal for them to do so, then they sperg out when they realize memes are still legal in the USA.

>"game of thrones"-like phrasing is copyrighted
how much of a dumb white nigger you have to be, in order to believe that?

All the people claiming it are Jewish, user.

It probably is knowing kikemerica. Rich people can shit in your house, copyright it, and it make it so can't clean it up.

I am pretty sure that they are just doing it to distance themselves from him.
He is not very popular.

(((copyright))) infringement

inb4 HBO has "problems" start to occur

hes currently more popular than ever lol and will probably easily win re-election