>The left can't meme

Rightwing Retards officially BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

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wtf I want to read Stirner now

Because of human nature

Anarchists are simply naive idiots with no understanding of humanity

centrists ruin literally everything.

I just want to shitpost in peace without being accosted by assmad kekistanis/huffpofatttieroasties

>A libertarian meme

Seriously, the LEFT cannot meme

Except the left is the one who wants to expand the state

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people who form a state are physically stronger than those who choose not to and, as a result, will always prevail.

yeah so?

Stirner is best girl

The state is necessary to enforce the rules, humans are egoistic by nature and a higher power keeping us in check is the best for progress as people are not afraid of producing new stuff.

I think they mean their interpretation of the state, defined as a sugar daddy entity who protects them from their own bad decisions. Or are you saying the NPC is a rightwinger? Because that looks more like it would be a liberal.

Fixed it.

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>"fuck you dad I'll do what i want" the ideology

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Because of an invasion retard

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>say centrists ruin everything

>doesn't realize that the division of humanity is caused by the inability to compromise on one's beliefs to achieve a better, stronger belief system.

Come user. Its time to let go.

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Generally - human nature is not one that favors stability long-term. At each tier, from family to nation, there needs to be set rules, and they need to be enforced. Without this, any society will morph from chaos to chaos with periods of both positive and negative, but one in which the citizens are drawn like leaves in a stream. It is a social primordial soup, from which solid forms may rise, but without tiers of law, it will melt again.

A "stateless" structure can function, yes, but rarely on the macroscale. Small communities, such as old settler villages, can sometimes function for generations with no overarching form of state, however it becomes nearly impossible at any grander scale. This isn't to say a state is flawless, but that SOME form of structure is necessary for any functional human organization.

Specific - Niggers. We can't have any relaxing with laws or structure because of niggers. Why is the honor system not a thing anymore? Why are police becoming more like military? Why have former great cities become more and more cautionary tales for others? The response to these and many other questions challenging the status and function of the West is this: Niggers.

We, at some point, decided to live inside the zoo, but without the keepers around to break things up, the species next door with jump the gate, piss in our enclosure, then likely eat everything and break the swing. We can't have nice things because niggers are unappreciative, spoiled assholes and without the state to feed and shoot them would turn most major cities into Zimbabwe in ten years.

Other people are fuckers, yes, but niggers consume, digest, and shit cultures like locusts.

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>centrists ruin everything
>keeps on ruining
>im not ruining user

burn in hell forever

People do tend to be sheep and will follow some asshole who makes promises every single time.

What are ancaps, user? Are you really this retarded?

You do realise if everyone believed in what stirner did society WOULD collapse? I hate that most anarchists are just complete brainlet pseuds who don’t understand the actual ideology. Most are cringe atheists as well

It sounds to me like a little anarchy could be the fix to the nigger problem.

>He thinks I follow anarchism
Pic related

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I don’t follow it in the way most NPCs do today. Actual anarchism is mostly dead.

The concept of right wing is a spook

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Can you just imagine it?
No niggers of jews?
I mean, you would literally be able to talk to anybody and have a high degree of trust in them. My God.



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Society would collapse and then the second most powerful entity would make itself the new state, how is this not obvious to everyone?

>right wing are on state
>what is communism
Kill yourself

>were gonna create a stateless society!
>first we need the dictatorship of the proletariat
>then the government will dissolve
>The extremely powerful cadres will just give up their power, and disband the military. No questions asked

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>becoming defensive because your ideas of centrism contradict the ideas I presented which align closer to the ideas you stand for.

Its okay user. Nobody will hurt you.

>It sounds to me like a little anarchy could be the fix to the nigger problem
Whites will automatically escape cities and regroup, forming new states. Why not do it explicitly and save more?

jesus christ that's bad

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Anarchy cannot work for the same reason communism can never work: human free will allows people to be assholes. And just like in communism how there will be people who refuse to work and want to leech off others' labor, in anarchy there will always be someone with more physical or military power who brings others under his sway for protection.
The state is an imperfect tool for an imperfect world, but that doesn't mean we should rest on our laurels: we should be always working to make the state better, more efficient, less restrictive.

The state is already the product of a natural state of anarchy and exists because it was the strongest force with the most available resources. 2000 years of anarchic competition between nations has resulted in the system that is currently in place, by an anarchist's logic we should just accept the state as it is because it's the inevitable product of the natural state of things

“Because there are external threats in the form of other states.”
Organization is the key to winning at warfare. Have fun fighting a predatory nation-state without it.

Now it's perfected

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The problem is that whites are vastly more empathetic than any other race. Most whites, even without institutional kike brainwashing, would try to live and let live. Which, in a sudden anarchy, would result in chimping-out niggers massacring them.
We don't need anarchy: we need a functioning state.

The only way anarchy could work is if there were no niggers and only whites. Niggers need a babysitter

Anarchy can work if
A) we find a way to produce infinite resources
B) there is some kind of mass spiritual enlightenment among mankind
since either are unlikely to ever happen, yeah, is a pipedream

It would, but it's sort of social Chemo; destroying a lot of surrounding material to remove the bad stuff. Granted, not sure if there's a more delicate way to do it, but anarchy would likely be like using a shotgun to kill a spider. Yes, it's dead, but now you've got a hole in the wall. Sad thing is, outside of some rollback in social attitudes to the 1940's or so, it's probably going to take something like anarchy to fix the current course.

You find that in a lot of rural areas still. No, it's not idealistic Green Acres land outside the big cities, but the overall culture is different. Even areas that do have niggers and jews, they generally keep their head down and play nice. The reason being that retribution is likely to come much faster then outside response. Jews are slimy, but without a chance to cheat and squirm between rules, they turn into simpering yes-men pretty fast. Niggers, it's simple: they understand force, and nothing else. Cry, beg, bribe, they'll never act right when out of sight of whitey. If they know that, if they rape little suzy and livestream it, the local good 'ol boys will burn their house down, they shape up. Niggers are bad now because their spoiled. Like big, bratty and spoiled 10 year olds with MMA fighter bodies. If you don't expect it of a 10 year old, don't expect it of a nigger. The old-timers knew this, and acted accordingly.

I'd love for all people and nations to get along, but it's been proven not to work. You can either have a loving, inclusive society that teeters between alright and kinda shitty, or a tyrannical "we few first" state that excludes and oppresses, and keeps the residents in fair to good state.

People who think humans will somehow just be nice without a structure of state and laws are either VERY ignorant of human nature, or are pushing a narrative. Likely, trying to push anarchy or communism so they can become the totally-not-the-state control system that bubbles up.

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>Leftists pretending to be anti state
Absolutely sickening

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