What's Jow Forumss opinion on student debt? In the united states declaring bankruptcy does not remove it for ones shoulders. A co-worker of mine has 200,000 dollars currently with the interest they have accrued. What will the breaking point be and when will it happen.
Also we all know the Jew created the concept of interest.
If people want to make stupid decisions, they should have to face the consequences.
Nolan Jones
I don't think brainwashed kids are capable of bearing responsibility for these stupid lifelong decisions. The blame should go to these people maliciously controlling the media and schools and using it to trick kids into thinking they have to take out a 100k debt just for the privilege of not being a homeless person.
Chase Williams
nation of bootlickers
Adam White
We really need to get over our credentialism fetish. Especially in an era when they're handing out useless but expensive degrees to everyone willing to cough up the bux. I realize a lot of credentialism is a last-chance method of discriminating against the stupid, since if they turn down too many POX, they get sued out of business, maybe when enough whipipo ditch college to go the self-employed route things will change.
Ryder Sanders
The whole system is a disaster. It has to be dealt with at the systemic level. Fundamentally, it's a scam, and the scam works like this:
>Leftist psycho universities use "students" as conduits to obtain money, and have no obligation to refund that money if the "student" cannot repay it
This is fucking retarded. It finances our enemies while impoverishing a lot of young people. Student debt all by itself has probably cut the white American birth rate by 20-25%.
Jason Howard
Ya well when its crammed down your throat and you're told by people you trust for your entire life that the it's the only way you wont die poor and alone, you believe it.
Isaiah Smith
Why don't they just default it?
Gabriel Brooks
The US government can "garnish" wages or seize your assets for student loan debt. They can even take money from old-age pensions ("social security").
Anthony Fisher
> nation of bootlickers You're right. We should just give power and our rights to the government so that they can make us less oppressed.
Jacob Reed
Samuel Thompson
I agree that for the most part they're not, but that's also on them.
People going to college are 18. While they're certainly not fully matured, there's no excuse for not knowing that college should be given a lot of thought and consideration. Anyone going to a non-community college is able to do the very simple math required to see how long it's going to take to pay back a loan. Additionally, there are more decisions than just going to college. I have a Bachelor's degree. Despite that, I ultimately made money throughout my schooling because I made smart decisions alongside going to college.
Justin Parker
Lol truly the land of the free
Parker Miller
This. We are letting kids decide at 17 fucking years old how they will be $100,000 in debt. It's fucking insane
David Brown
How old are you and what do you owe?
>31 >$5k
Gavin Campbell
What's your credit score
William Butler
I did the same. I have a bachelors degree and started my own business but I can say that everyone I talked to outside of the medical field, including lawyers, have all said everything they know about the job they learned it on the job and the schooling they received was basically a waste of time and money
Dominic Ward
Students loan+home's loan+auto loans+credit card loan(for consumption i guess ?)+low-paid job>can't pay back banks>banks failed>2008 crisis coming.
Angel Ross
I heard the real problem is that they made iq tests illegal as a hiring requirement so businesses started using college as a way to filter out the retards
Blake Ward
How the fuck do you even get 100k in debt without medical school Why don't these people go in state? Do they not have scholarships in America? A classmate of mine had almost 200k in scholarships (Asian kid who was an art savant, I think he works at actiblizz now.)
Aaron Gutierrez
The breaking point will never happen unless people default in mass
Easton Stewart
Literally 0 reason for anyone to have student loan debt.
t. 25 y.o. Boomer
Carter Moore
It is only a problem because colleges started to operate like for-profit businesses and the Government decided to try and give everyone the entitlement for a student loan. Not that it is a problem in itself, it just leads to a bubble that will burst.
Tuition could be more affordable but again, higher education has become an industry. Also, the fact that massive corporations want people with higher education vs someone without it, people caught on and started to encourage their offspring to go to school when they did not..
Thus it grows into a expensive problem. If you guys are trying to get a college degree, get it done before it is too late.
Luke Rogers
>but that's also on them.
Think in systemic terms, not individual terms. Unless you're thinking of the system as a whole, you will miss the entire point and reach useless conclusions.
Jack Clark
Why don't you fucking retards ask why it costs so fucking much. Where else do you pay $800 for a book?
Jonathan Powell
Started repaying debnts two years ago, started at 100k for an Accounting degree.
Currently owe 26k. Done pretty good. But wife, I, and the kids live real frugal.
Evan Gonzalez
It's almost like kids shouldn't be making these decisions. The way it should go is
>school till 18 >manual military duty till 21 >then you can decide what the fuck you want to do
Brandon Hernandez
>not giving money and power to the government to pay for other people's shit is bootlicking Absolute state of Europe.
No sure exactly but I got a mortgage a year or so back so presumably at least ok.
Jonathan Jones
Why can't you just move to Russia and forget about 200k$?
Alexander Wood
>Military duty Oy vey goy now DATS a good idea!
Hunter Cox
>Hundreds of thousands in debt in your twenties >it's da joos fault The master race everybody. Are burgers the real niggers?
Samuel Green
Wealthy cocksuckers herd in the sheep so they end up spending the rest of their life in debt some way or another. It is total usury.
Gabriel Hall
>are burgers the real niggers >give us 40 billion got No ones a bigger nigger than you demons. A dirty paki needs to tunnel into Tel Aviv and detonate a dirty bomb.
Goverment shouldn't be subsidising these fucking commie re-education campuses. I have no issue with them changing the law that you can discharge your debts. The consequence needs to be though you lose the right to present or claim having a degree anymore.
I didn't pay off my debts and get a hard fucking job where 3 years of my life I spent putting in 80 hour weeks. Just for some fucking basedboy to get the same education on my fucking taxes and walk away from his obligations. Fuck that shit.
Logan Moore
Employers are still allowed to have their own specific "entrance exams" maybe we'll see more of that as the higher-education bubble bursts.
Austin Clark
Listen here Schlomo, your days are numbered!
Carter Hill
The college system needs to change. 90% of college degrees and programs are worthless shit. First two years of college should be free and focus on funneling people towards career paths. Next year plus should be specific skills training for careers.
I was a biochem major at a top ten school. You know what professional skills I learned in college in my classes that helped me succeed in my career? LITERALLY NOTHING. My research assistant position is the only thing that ever made me employable in any way. Why did I even pay to go to school?
Asher Morgan
The student loan bubble represents a decade of the Boomers cannibalizing the vulnerable and the young to line their own pockets. Are there young people who made retarded decisions regarding their education? Absolutely. After all, the 18-24 aget bracket is notorious for doing dumb ass things, throughout pretty much the entirety of human history.
That so many Americans are OK with this just shows the extent to which we have all been Jewed. If you won't even protect your own people, how the fuck are you going protect a nation? Pro-tip: YOU'RE NOT, and that's why America will be a majority nonwhite socialist nation in another 15-20 years, South Africans will all be genocided, Europe will be majority Islamic, and Aus/NZ will be Chinese vassals.
Jeremiah Bailey
If you 'got a mortgage a year or so back', you owe a fuckload more than 5k.
David Torres
Thank God I have full scholarship for my bachelor's degree.
Luis Foster
White people have to plan when their kids aren't even born to save up for college Niggers just assume they will get free shit
Here lies the issue. The responsible ones get punished the childish ones do not. I believe it will end one day though can't go on like this forever
Jeremiah Nguyen
pretty much, slightly surprising that nobody has used the Griggs v. Duke Power case as precedent to shut down companies from requiring a degree, seeing as it effects minorities in the largest way. although that would be a battle nobody would want to fight, nobody who has paid their "dues" at least.
Nicholas Foster
What a fucking retard. I got my accounting degree for $5k and became a cpa.
Isaiah Murphy
>go to school until 18 >manual I agree, lets start with you
Xavier Gutierrez
Same old concept of lending money you know can't be paid back, so you enslave people. China is doing that to many African countries. All these students are now slaves to the left that , who creates the problem, sells the "solution"and gets the votes.
Luis Rivera
I've had to take aptitude tests and they were the exact same as an IQ test
Leo Ramirez
Age: 27 Amount: 4 loans, 2 have a principal of 2000 at 6.8% 2 have a principal of 4000 at 3.2% total owed is 15,500 with interest.
Credit score is 390 but I have No debt aside from student.
Thomas Powell
Fuck off kike. The only reason my country has to tax its citizens at every turn is to give your faggot country $104/sec
Zachary Myers
390? Holy shit I've never heard of or seen a score that low. TFW 740+ master race
Grayson Ward
Age 29 18k car, 6k student loans, 5k credit 65k/yr income Mortgage of 950/month 756 credit score
Going to have car paid off in 2 years. Not doing too bad. But im envious of your 5k only
Chase Allen
>Give countries free money and it's their fault for taking it >Oh no please don't give me all that free money, please i'll do anything just don't give me all that money!
Was getting cucked part of your plan?
Tyler Collins
Aiden Watson
Age 30 50k student loans 8k credit 25k car No house 40k yr income Credit score 720ish Have masters degree in a field I hate
Suicide seems likely.
Levi Turner
>Student debt all by itself has probably cut the white American birth rate by 20-25%. Well I'm almost 28 and was dumb enough to fall for the student loan scam and currently live paycheck to paycheck still 30k in debt.
Women tend to get texts of their grandmothers dog dying when they learn of my financial situation so I won't be having children anytime soon. Looks like I'll be winning the Darwin award.
Nolan Reed
Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple and soon we will wake up and throw them out of our country.
Noah Nelson
This, it's a catch 22
>go to college >end up $50k in debt >get an entry level job that pays $40k a year >wages depressed by H1Bs >boomers have grown roots in their comfy upper-end positions >gen x is too busy in mid-management and below to take the reins >neither generation wants to train up millennials because they assume they're lazy and incompetent >stay at 40k a year >live like a monk while you pay off interest >see a promotion comes up >"seeking masters and 10+ years experience" >your 120-pound coworker with D-cups gets the job even though she spends half the day fucking around on her phone and she doesn't have the masters' or experience >an hero
>don't go to college >HR catlady that got some horseshit degree in menstrual art won't even bother to look at your application >stuck in bullshit work like sales or manufacturing >trades require 2-year degrees now >live like a monk >every job is a dead end, all supervisor positions require degrees >you're a peon forever >no woman that's not white trash with 3 gray babies would even consider you because you have no status or money >an hero
>there's no excuse for not knowing that college should be given a lot of thought and consideration. How about every adult around you talking about how wonderful college is, how it'll pay for itself in 5 years and how it's an absolute necessity You don't make that decision at 18, you make it at 15 or 16 and spend the next two years preparing People like you are part of the problem
Isaac Barnes
>Imagine taking a debt for something other than creating a business How retarded are these people?
Charles King
That's how insanely stupid our system is It's actually really, really hard to get a loan for starting a business, but they never, ever turn down a loan to go to college
Ayden Brooks
Parker Green
It's really gay and I don't know how most people pay it off.
I graduated with a CS degree and immediately moved to Asia to teach English. I'll have my student loans paid off by the end of this year and I'll just be saving for retirement.
Noah Diaz
Yeah. I blew it off for a while and was a fuck up punk rock musician.
I'll figure put a way forward. Just pissed. Never see a thread like this on pol and was curious of the consensus.
Jace Reyes
It's a tragedy. Trusted adults like parents and teachers tell children their entire lives they must go to college at any cost, which leads to them shackling themselves with insane amounts of debt before they have even started their adult life. I fell for the meme myself, but dropped out and ended up paying off $35k in debt before it got too ridiculous. If I had continued on towards graduation I would have had the price of a mortgage in debt for a piece of paper that I didn't even need to get a respectable career. The college scam set me back years financially and I would have more than paid off my house by now if I never fell for it.
Nolan Edwards
>(((((Israels))))) constant lobbying for financial support through AIPAC >Feigning offence at the fact that your country takes every red fucking cent it can from us, and uses our soldiers as cannon fodder to destabilize all the countries around you that hate you. >The jew cries out in pain when he strikes you.