Go to a doctor

>go to a doctor
>Measured 5'8
>Disgusting manlet

Oh do I overcompensate being so short.

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You are literally the best height for attracting girls. Wtf are you on?

That's not. I need to be at least 6 feet. I'm 4 inches shorter than mist people

Okay you must be a tall guy trolling.

I'm really not. And I am 5'8. That's still really short

You're taller than most girls. You have the looks advantage over tall guys. If you're not getting girls easily you are doing it wrong.

It doesn't help when I go to a bar, 8 feel like the shortest person there

Sounds like you have massive issues with insecurity. You need to know your worth and act it.

i'm 5'8" and women love me

it must be your shite personality

But I am worthless as a breeding partner. I'll need a massive bull to help me since my dick is only 4.7 inches

Yep, bitter tall virgin larping.

Nigger I'm 5'5 and I love it. I wouldn't trade this life for anyone else's. Get your head outa your ass and stop being a fuckin pansy.

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I don’t understand people who obsess over height

Because you're not short
It's like a rich guy going "why do people worry about rent?"

Dude that is not short you're like 2inch shorter than average , just date short girls. Or have some fucking confidence you making a big deal out of height makes it a big deal for girls.

You're a loser because you're a brainlet mentally ill incel, not because of height. You'd still be the same loser if you were tall. You'd just find another excuse. Incels usually use "I'm ugly" as an excuse.

you stop being a pussy and accept the hand your were dealt. being literally one inch below average is not going to hinder your enjoyment of life in any way unless you obsess over it like an autistic fucking freak. girls dont like autistic freaks.

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I'm 6'10 my life is hell I have to duck through every door and every seat or object is sized for a small woman and speaking of which my penis barely fits into BBW which I'm not even attracted to fuck also I have to eat twice as much food and alcohol so my budget is insane and I have to buy custom made beds and shoes that cost 3x average fuck my fucking life I wish I was 5'8

>not playing div 1 ball and getting a free scholarship to a state university
>not lifting weights to become a goliath
>not wearing a hoodie and scaring people in parking lots.
>not mogging chads in clubs
You just suck at being tall

I’m 5’9” and have had absolutely no issue with it my entire life. I think y’all are just looking for excuses to fail at life Bc “ITS NOT FAIIIIIIR” or some bc you’re too lazy to try. Then y’all come out here and waste your lives like crabs in a bucket. Got news for you guys you get one shot. Quit wasting it being a little bitch

>You have the looks advantage over tall guys
Manlets making up new cope everyday

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it's looser lanklets larping/circlejerkinf desperate to find something to make them feel better about themselves

Niglets, if your personality sucks donkey dick, you could be 7 ft with a 12-inch dick, it won't matter, I have friends that are 6'4 put their god complex along with I deserve love and nice guy attitude pushes every woman they meet, and they're basically becoming the supreme gentlemen, so work on your personality and stop giving a fuck about your height.

You fell for the bait.

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