Is there a group of people who have done more harm to the entire world than white christians

is there a group of people who have done more harm to the entire world than white christians

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Jews.... next question


i didnt know jews colonized two continents wiped out several millions of people through war famine and disease

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Judaism gave birth to Christianity so they are automatically guilty of everything the Christians have done plus more.

Atheist Slavs have done more than (((white christians))).

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jews colonized nearly every nation. they have genocided millions of people.

>meme flag

the semitic people

thats true so is there a group of people that come close to the destruction that the judeo christians have caused

I think what you should be asking is whether there is a group that has done more to advance and better society than white Christians. Say thank you on this Good Friday of the Lord's Passion.

Have you ever heard of the Mongols? They did it before it was cool. Stop with your recency bias.

Maybe the Mongols if you weight the "destruction" by % of total living humans killed, but I value the destruction of nature and destruction of culture much higher than just the body count, so IMO Abrahamists are by far the most destructive.

Who do you think are the current worst people’s? For me it’s poos and chinks because they produce the most pollutions.

the huns lasted for 200 years the christians started their crusades against europeans 1000 years ago then went on to masscare millions of americans and australians then went on to cause more wars in europe like the 30 years war and cause more destruction in japan china and india
thats 1000 years of imperialism and christian missionaries are still spreading their disease to remote islands

what is this method of execution called?

If they could have they wouldn't think twice. Same goes for any nation.


I hate memefags who bring up these threads. Obvious kike and/or glownigger trying to D&C the board. Despicable. You're tricks and schemes wont work on me faggot.

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Christians brought the world into modern times. Atheist, pagan and gay leeches want to destroy it because they stopped benefiting from it.

Pay closer attention

No, they destroyed the word by giving medicine and infrastructure to niggers and other non-whites allowing them to bread like roaches and destroy the planet.