Should people circumcise their kids if they’re not Jews...

Should people circumcise their kids if they’re not Jews? My father had me cut when I was born but we are far from being Jewish. Should I continue this or not?

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meditate on the Torah until you have your answer

I'm not sure. Maybe you should talk with your family (Father, Mother) about that, they probably will give you an advice. Are you still have contact with them? If yes you know what you can do.

no. Male genital mutilation is cruel and unnecessary.
Your kid can get cut on his own accord when he's 18 if he's retarded enough.

I guess I could speak with my father about that but damn that’d be an odd conversation

why speak about it, retard?
Don't let rabbis suck your children's foreskins, jesus christ, americans never cease to amaze.

That seems fair to me I just think it looks weird given that I’ve been circumcised my whole life

Don't circumcise your kid. If they really want it they can decide for themselves when they're older.

don't circumcise their kid, they should have to do it themselves like Noah did otherwise they won't understand the piety of the gesture

that's how penises are supposed to look like, not like a scarred prune

I not saying I would let my father chose for me you cockmeat sandwich I would basically ask him why he got me cut fucking retard

because americans are retarded goyim, that's why.
Don't expect any insight apart from the ol' jewish lie of
>yep, it's cleaner and more aesthetic that way

>Americans are retarded

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You should cut the whole penis off. Testicles too! It is healthy, Goy!

yes, the global stereotype of americans is that they're fat and dumb.

It’s purely cosmetic, the doctor will tell you this.
The argument is it’s harder to clean, and the chance of STDs go up.
It’s not hard to clean(the penis skin pulls back and you wash it like a scared turtle) and anyone is vulnerable to stds with or without foreskin.
Americans think having dead skin on their cock head makes them sexier to women. Well I’m into European women anyway and they don’t see the big deal.
Women prefer uncut once they’ve felt it inside.
A cut penis acts like a mop stick with a dull dry head, uncut acts like a piston inside the pussy. The skin going back and forth over the head creates vibration and friction. They rib condoms to simulate the foreskin, you cut guys don’t need to believe me but it’s true.

“Cheese dick,smegma!”

If you are a autistic person who doesn’t take care of hygiene then maybe dick cheese would be a problem, I suggest retarded people should have circumcisions so they have less to fuck up.

It's actually very simple. Jews must be circumcised. All servants and slaves of a Jewish house must be circumcised. Since they enslaved America shortly after the Civil war, and solidified it with the Federal Reserve, we're essentially cattle. So they make sure to circumcise as many of us as possible. The psychological effects were studied in MKUltra subproject... 87 I believe. Maybe 68, I don't remember. Pretty much it's all about altered brain development from neonatal trauma, and subconscious loyalty and solidarity through shared trauma and sacrifice.

I don't remember what book or the exact, but one of the Jewish texts says "You shall be commanded, and you shall return to that first cut, and obey."

Genital cutting needs to be wiped out completely, and totally. You can see that in ANY culture that it's allowed to take root, it becomes a cancer that is near impossible to fully eradicate. It takes many generations. The Romans and Spaniards were the only attempt to get rid of the Jews without just rounding them up and killing them. How'd they do it? They were clever. They realized that the core of the Jewish faith was the genital cutting ritual. They outlawed it, and sure enough. Finally many Jews began to escape their brutal, trauma programming, insular culture. Dissolving into the surrounding population.

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Then ask your father "should I keep tradition and circumcise my kid?"

circumcise if
>you enjoy living a jewish meme
>you are not disciplined enough to do nofap
don't when you
>don't want a dry glans
>want your foreskin to get rid of old cum from other people inside the vagina you are fucking (it is an evolutionary benefit having it)

>old cum
>uterine wall sloughs off every month

>girls fuck once a month