>police tell you to drop your weapon
>you slowly and calmly do as they tell you
>get murdered anyways
you bootlicking idiots will defend this too, because you're all racists
>police tell you to drop your weapon
>you slowly and calmly do as they tell you
>get murdered anyways
you bootlicking idiots will defend this too, because you're all racists
Imagine thinking police don't discriminate against black people. Literally anyone who believes that is 100% retarded.
as expected, poltards ignore injustice when it doesnt fit their narrative
Women should not be cops
>pull out a gun over an argument in a burger king
yeah, fuck off
nigger made the choice to pick up a gun and go
outside with it, nigger took the chance that comes
with doing so, death. germany stop sucking nigger
thanks for proving my point faggot. he has the right to carry a gun in your stupid country. he also complied with the police, but POS like you still fault him because he is black.
the man was threatening innocent people with a gun and the world is objectively better off without him
change my. mind
Female police are a mistake
daily reminder that taste is king
They have to, blacks are disproportionately violent. Imagine not reacting based on fact and experience when you're police. Do you want them to go by rainbows and unicorns?
OP is an idiot. nog threatened workers at the store with the gun, thats why police arrived on the scene in the first place.
Not me. This is total bullshit. Absolute incompetence on female officer's part. This is the worst one of these I've seen. She should be tried for manslaughter. This should lead to a complete overhaul of police training, if she was found to be following training. He was literally putting the gun on the ground. And I'm normally a real hard ass about this shit and very pro cop.
Actually the worst one was when they shot that white guy in the hallway who was on his knees and complying with an order to go face down. Both are horrible. This shit does no favors for the image of police.
ding ding ding.
nothing of value meal lost
Daily reminder that it does not matter if he was in the wrong or right - The officer knew this was their chance to remove a nigger from society scott-free and took it. Admirable job, Officer.
It is incompetence, and stupidity (she literally repeats everything he male officer says), but you can understand why she was nervous faced with a nig with a gun.
she should be in jail for sure my man, but he had it coming, just not from her at that moment.
the article reads he 'reportedly approached a Burger King employee and a customer with a firearm.'
where does the word 'threaten' come from? but your own personal bias on the situation?
was he behaving in a threatening way to the police, in any way shape or form? did he not do exaclty as he was told? did he deserve to get shot? fuck yourself you pos hypocrite
Reminder Obama gave us machine guns and trump took them away
So how do you approach someone with a gun non-threateningly? Hey random Burger King customer, check out this piece I just bought?
that's the hill you're going to die on? that he wasn't threatening them?
You've never been around blacks in this type of area. This is clear as day.
You're right though, women should not be allowed to be police officers. We agree.
That man with the gun was in the restaurant behind the counter pointing his gun at employees when the cops were called. The man in the passenger seat of the car is the GM of the store who is being held hostage. If you're defending the hostage taker you're wrong.
Two people with child level IQ met with guns. And you think someone should be held responsible.
Hims waddnt pointin no gun at people when they cops come. And how u no dem peoples be innocent? This be anoda dead yun black man.
>>you slowly and calmly do as they tell you
No, he ignored repeated warnings. Any rational (white) person would have put their hands in the air and said, "Yes, Ma'am. Don't shoot," but did our Dindu do that? Of course not, he did everything you shouldn't do, got shot, and with his dying words were, "I dindu nuffin."
Unless he murdered someone nothing happened
Just like Trump didnt obstruct justice because he was too weak to get anyone to listen
>sucking nigger dick
flag checks out
What do you expect. It was a woman cop. They don’t belong in these fields.
maybe he simple had it in a fucking holster and spergs freaked out at the sight of a gun? the point is, YOU dont know, you are making judgement calls and assuming the worst in this person.
even if he was threatening them, at the moment he was shot, he was kneeling and speaking to a person...he didnt have a gun in his hand, he was not pointing it at anyone.
he did not deserve to get shot, and you say he does because of your racism, and that alone. that should make you think
Why do krauts love niggers so much ?
Don't be a cop if you can't keep your calm in stressful situations
Harsh but likely true. Bad meets bad and bad happens. many ways this could have been avoided on both sides... but she's the professional (or supposed to be). Unironically cops are supposed to protect criminals from themselves as well. They do not convict, they apprehend/arrest/indict. This is effectively murder, if you believe in the rule of law and the US constitution.
Fucking this x1000.
He didn't have a holster, he had it tucked into his pants under his shirt when the police arrived. The only way anyone would know about his gun is if it was either in his hand, or he raised his shirt showing them it, meaning threateningly.
Fucking absolutely. The professional should. And the people who hired the professional. This is 100% on the cops here. Don't make excuses for incompetent professional behavior. You sound really fucking dumb if you do.
My racism is based in reason and evidence. Statistics show black males are very disproportionately violent and criminal. If you're a police officer, you don't base your attitude and reactions on best case scenarios, unless you'd like to die.
>be American
>exercise constitutional right to bear arms
>get shot by cop
Oh Vey Goyim, don't you know you need below 110 IQ to be a police officer?
This is a respected position in society goy, have some decency.
Except he didn’t have the right to carry a gun, as he was a felon. Why do you love niggers so much? Aren’t they currently ruining your country? I’m guessing you’re a turkroach or some other variety of African rapefugee
I also concur with this statement, honestly i dont know how they expected him to remove the firearm with out fucking touching it.
You are reading the wrong articles if you think it was holstered. He was pointing it at people. That is why the police were called.
And when confronted by the police, they told him somewhere around 20 times to put the gun that was in his hand (not holstered) down before he finally decided to comply.
Notice how op ignores this
>Eliminated threat after disarming the assailant
Good work officer
Ay yo it is what it is amiright. You win some you lose some. Another day another dollar mang. Gotta roll with the punches if you wanna fight the good fight and every other fucking meaningless platitude you can think of you fucking retard.
The guy should not have died.
Yeah she killed that guy. Looks like 2nd degree murder.
Cringe. Shut the fuck up already. It's a stupid worthless nigger that only caused suffering in the world. The world is objectively better off without him. Good on the cop for shooting him dead.
The cop was a woman. A White woman that shot a criminal nigger. I don’t know how to feel.
>i dislike niggers because that is the opinion I was told to have
Yeah she clearly made a terrible decision under pressure. I suspect she will be charged with 2nd degree murder and plead out to reckless homicide or something like that.
Thats why females should not be allowed to leave the kitchen
thanks for proving my point yet again. He deserved to die because he is a 'stupid worthless nigger' according to losers here
>Imagine thinking the left don't discriminate agaisnt people with MAGA hats on.
This is a war where you are drawing the lines. One side is pro gun and the other side is anti-gun. Who do you think wins that battle?
You still havent answered to OP is a fag confirmed
Niggers make up 12% of the population and commit most of the violent crimes, what do you expect?
No he didn't deserve to die, but it wasn't because of racism, it was because the woman cop who shot him fucked up under pressure. Similar to the shooting and killing of Philando Castile a couple years ago. The cop in that case fucked up under pressure as well.
>woman cop
Yeah whenever you see a woman cop just expect her to be a cowardly dyke that shows no mercy or empathy. If you killed all female cops the benefits would out weigh the costs exponentially
I went from loving the police in my youth to hating them as an adult. Every time I get pulled over they treat me like a child despite being an adult. They enforce banal laws which are profitable more than serious laws which are unprofitable, yet they call me every month without fail asking for donations for a fundraiser, I will start telling them you make enough from speeding tickets, why are you always broke?
At this point the police are more of a threat to me than the drug dealers, at least the drug dealers and thugs don’t patrol the streets in uniform telling me I should be thankful for being robbed.
Fucking cunts
They literally would have shot anyone that grab the weapon regardless of race. you can tell how on edge she was from the start.
>female officer
not surprised.
>Sputnik News
Yeah this news source from the Russian government totally doesn't have any anti-American bias
no confirmation on threats, but lets play ball.
if he threatened someone, does he deserve to die for it? what degree of threat warrants a death sentence in your view?
if he was threatening people before, he clearly wasnt by the time the police arrived.
was he threatening the police at ALL in the video? was HER LIFE in danger?
'the world is objectively better off' doesnt even dignifiy a response its so stupid
I mean they were responding to a nigger high as fuck running around with a gun aiming it at people, but still he was just baffled as these 2 people with guns drawn are screaming at him honestly they prolly should have
A.) used there car as cover
B.)prolly could have tased him given how close she was
still though not as bad as when that one drunk white guy was crawling on his knees while to cops were playing simon says with him and then he goes to pull up his pants, and the guy i assume thought he was going for a gun but then he puts his hand back down then his level 50 IQ kicks in and he shoots him.
People dislike niggers because they've had to be around them, nigger. From the stink, to the noise, to the rape and murder, there's nothing good about them. Start washing your ass, use deodorant, brush your teeth, and maybe you'll at least be treated with common decency. Until you chimp out that is.
and your point is?
Based & redpilled
A nigger with a gun is threatening everyone in a 2 block radius
This is a Slide thread people, stop responding to it. The OP just wants your (you)s.
I know right?
I have no doubt it was a very tense situation, and when the guy has a gun I don't think a taser is appropriate. But she still messed up with that shot. Other cop didn't shoot. And the guy was complying with the order and moving very slowly as he did it. She just cracked under pressure. Just like the cop that killed Philando Castille in Minnesota.
>shots fired, shots fired, I shot a fire
Uncontrollable laughter.
Anyone who has met blacks knows this is true.
>At this point the police are more of a threat to me than the drug dealers, at least the drug dealers and thugs don’t patrol the streets in uniform telling me I should be thankful for being robbed.
honestly atleast when i get robbed the most there going to be able to take from me is what i have on me at the time, cops will write u a fine and take waaay more money then any thug or theif has ever taken from me, also i can only fight back in court a system that is already rigged against me.
>Fuck Drumpft Guys amirite
What does this have to do with anything?
>She just cracked under pressure.
honestly this they need to remove the max IQ thing and test for how people react under pressure.
Stop responding to this bait thread you retarded faggots
So why do you hate obama when none of that is true?
He sets the laws of the land
His job to ensure that the states are doing things right
I fucking hate niggers and love when police shoot them, but in cases like OP I still dont like it because a cop kills a citizen with a weapon that they were giving up. I fucking hate cops AND niggers
>inb4 that pic of a solboy saying "isnt the alt right as bad as sjw's?"
absolutely nothing pic was unrelated
Shitty edits to the meme. Here, I fixed it.
>implying they shouldnt
faggot. you dont like what happened and you got NOTHING to say so you'd rather sweep it under the rug. 'it's bait! make it go away!!'
Jews burned Notre dame:
Because most of brainless NPC ass losers with one sided opinions are redditors.
The world would be far safer if police killed nigs half as often as the left claims
>no reply
What a fuckwit. He was threatening people with a gun a couple blocks away. He deserved it.
Human rights are for human beings
>slowly do what they tell you
he took over a minute to follow orders, id be shooting after 5 seconds you dumb german nigger!
>So why do you hate obama when none of that is true?
>pivoting from street niggers to a left-wing president
There are many reasons to hate Obama
How is it bait megapedo?
You can't criticize americans now?
he didn't comply tho
>tries to rob several ppl at gun point
>cops get called
>they show up, see his gun and point theirs at him
>he never acknowledges the officers or their commands
>after two minutes of not responding or even looking at the officers he reaches for his gun
>cops shoot him
inb4 "he grabbed it by the barrel even tho I already admitted it was in a holster and that's physically impossible"
Like giving us machineguns?
This, women have a small stature so they're more likely to immediately respond with lethal force
thats because you, like many americans, are a trigger happy, racist, emotionally stunted and overmedicated brainlet that plays too many video games
please cooperate is the original
Dude this is obvious bait, any of these “why doesn’t Jow Forums support (insert left-wing position here)” or “checkmate Jow Forums“ threads are nothing but bait, and if you don’t think they aren’t, you’re really are retarded.
>y-you’re the real NPC
I love how you people always steal other people’s memes and use them as your own, and repeating them over and over again.
>honestly this they need to remove the max IQ thing and test for how people react under pressure.
Yeah, cops who can't handle a tense situation are the cause for lots of unnecessary police shootings. Which is why Black Lives Matter is retarded. Because now all the cops in that department are going to have to watch 50 hours of BET or some other dumb shit designed to fight racism.