They're playing tennis and swimming all day while I'm a wagecuck.
Rich boomers look better than me
>Rich boomers look better than me
stop eating so much fast food and get more sun
boomers seriously need to fucking die
is that your kidney stone?
Sun makes wrinkles though
I forget desu it's probably an archeology thing. I just needed a pic
Wow this is SO FUNNY HYUCK
What's your wage cuck job?
Saved for boomer miga-faggot triggering.
It's your fault for not working hard enough to be a millionaire too.
-t. boomer
have some more by all means
handshake not firm enough
Very based.
what do u call this meme btw?
I believe it’s been dubbed “potato trump” kek.
>They're playing tennis and swimming all day while I'm a wagecuck
So all the people born between two arbitrary date ranges are 100% responsible for your shitty miserable life? This is why people laugh at the Kremlin
I'm not a boomer. I just hate the fake generation bullshit division I see everywhere.
I walk away and the whole thread has been slid. Whenever you do this, I post it four times more.
yup, lots of studies on this, wealthy people, despite not having to work, end up more athletic and healthy since they can carve out time to workout, eat better, sleep better, access to best medicine, better educated, etc.
working class wagecucks get fucked in every aspect, they're generally less happy, they die earlier, they're less fit, sleep less, less educated, often lack access to adequate medical care (or postpone medical care due to cost, often leading to more severe ailments),
I'm not a shill.
>I walk away and the whole thread has been slid. Whenever you do this, I post it four times more.
Most Russian shill shitpost I've seen all day!