My good friend of 6 years (male) has turned so negative. It's all shitting on everything I like, everything is "bad", everything is "shit", but his life seems pretty good.
What gives anons? Should I cut this friend out? We have history together.
My good friend of 6 years (male) has turned so negative. It's all shitting on everything I like, everything is "bad", everything is "shit", but his life seems pretty good.
What gives anons? Should I cut this friend out? We have history together.
Example? What do you like that he would respond this way?
Cut him out. It doesnt matter whether you have history or not. You WILL and CAN find way better friends. Time doesnt mean anything in regards to friendship. Friends should be people you enjoy spending time with, no ones you find a chore to be around. The best friendships are ones that support each other
If it's starting to make hanging out unpleasant or annoying, then yes, cut him out.
I have a friend who is super critical of everything so I try to see him only so often. He's a fun guy and funny, but I can't stand watching a movie with him or going to a restaurant because I know he's going to pick at something to bitch at.
>me: Hey man ep X of show Y was awesome
>him: Season Z of Y will have a new studio so it's going to be garbage
Shit like this. It's so draining, and if I try to get him into a more positive mindset he just shoots me down.
Thanks user. Maybe I will. On the other hand, maybe wait until he matures. I don't know.
>I have a friend who is super critical of everything so I try to see him only so often. He's a fun guy and funny, but I can't stand watching a movie with him or going to a restaurant because I know he's going to pick at something to bitch at.
That's the kind of shit my friend pulls but more in a way where I suggest something and everything is shit and he starts criticizing it, but if I hint at leaving he's always whining about me not leaving.
>complaining about complainers
Riddle me this Jow Forums
Suppose I am the person describe by posters ITT.
How do I change so that I'm not like this?
Do I have to lobotomize myself to be an intellectually compliant tool so as not to express criticism of any kind ever again in front of these hyper sensitive people? Clearly everyone under the sun equates criticism of something with disliking that thing so I guess I can never utter anything more than "yeah haha its pretty good" and just kind of bottle everything up. How do I change that?
Didn't this a southpark episode?
Just stop complaining. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion so stop telling it to everyone unless they ask.
Just stop asking for his opinion on anything because you don't value his negativity.
>Hey user, did you see the latest Marvel cinematic masterpiece? Who's your favorite superhero?
>Wow user, that sounds like a cool job, you must love it huh?
>Oh I looove *NPC sitcom X* user you remind me of *character* what a great show huh?
You don't have to lobotomize yourself, don't be dramatic.
You can have a negative opinion about a thing and not be an asshole about it.
- Don't say thing are "just shit, just because". That's not criticism, that's pointless bashing.
- Have an intelligent and informed and Specific opinion. If someone asks or if you have a comment, keep it brief and summarize. "I didn't like this aspect of the thing. it had potential but was poorly executed."
- Be open-minded about aspects you don't care for but that they do.
- Don't go off extensively about how things are shit unless the person is actively seeking more details (and passively listening doesn't count as seeking details.)
- Observe the other and see if they start to mentally disengage when you start talking negatively. If they are, change the subject.
- Accept that people are going to like stuff that you don't like.
- Accept that this doesn't make them idiots or make you smarter than them.
You don't have to be stupid to not be critical. Read the room.
It's also about not invalidating others opinion. As in if someone says "I liked movie x" you say "I didn't really like it. I prefer y" instead of "that movie was fucking garbage".
You're insulting them. There's a strong implication in your wording they're less of a person for liking a thing you don't. People are fine with you having your own tastes and interests. They are not fine with you sounding like you're more refined or smarter because you have your own tastes and interests.
Pretty much what the other guy said, forcing your opinion down peoples throats get incredibly tiresome and talking to people like that begins to feel pointless as the criticism/complaining becomes predictable. I had a friend who was like this and the main problem with it is that complaining about things all the time tended to make him miss the underlying point to what I said, or what x show is about, or why someone likes y music or whatever.
oh please, just expressing distaste for something is enough for someone's impression of you to transform into someone who hates everything
to respond in the negative in any way is to be assigned the trait of negative
do you know why someone starts calling everything bad and shit? it's because they no longer bother to express nuanced thoughts, they've realized its completely futile
>Just expressing distaste for something
Did you say "I don't like that" or "the thing you're talking about is garbage."
Just curious, is he physically attractive?
Nevermind. I don't even have to analyze much here or find the root of the problem.
You literally lead with "do I need a lobotomy" which means you actually think everyone else is stupid for not liking what you like or having your opinions.
I am positive that bleeds through when you're talking to them.
It won't make a difference, they will just equate the two.
Basically the Dale Carnegie book is correct. Just grit your teeth and blow smoke up everyone's ass.
>I am positive that bleeds through
it sure does, and it appears the only solution is to scramble my brain to fundamentally alter the way it functions in order to stop acting the way I do
>which means you actually think everyone else is stupid
doesn't matter if I do or don't, you've made up your mind and inferred what you needed to, because I expressed negativity
Just answer those questions in a few words instead of going of in a rant about how bad it is and how much you hate it.
>Hey user, did you see the latest Marvel cinematic masterpiece? Who's your favorite superhero?
No and Batman
>Wow user, that sounds like a cool job, you must love it huh?
Not really but it pays alright.
>Oh I looove *NPC sitcom X* user you remind me of *character* what a great show huh?
I don't watch TV
Just don’t complain about everything or be diplomatic if you are going to complain. Also, you have to find stuff to be positive about, as well. Otherwise, you are just a complaining shit that nobody wants to risk saying something good around for fear that you will just suck the air out of the room with your bullshit.
I used to be like you and it drove people away. What I eventually figured out is not everything is bad and I actually personally benefitted by finding the things that were good and recognizing that when I was with other people. Life sucks sometimes, but recognizing the good out there doesn’t mean you are being stupid. Actually I think it’s a sign of intelligence if you can challenge yourself to look at things from a different perspective.
you KNOW giving short answers, not expressing interest in anything other people express interest in, and continuing to answer in the negative is not one iota better than being animated and obnoxious about it
you KNOW that
I'm glad I kept pushing because this is a hell of a lot more useful than "just stop complaining"
If you think the problem is expressing negativity and not your callous attitude and superiority complex, then you're highly misled.
Shut the fuck up dude. That is totally wrong. You can be respectful and not super engaged at the same time. People notice you're not very interested and change topic.
That is if you're not some autist who doesn't get social cues.