Sven here! Need evac asap, but where to? I'd like America or Australia...

Sven here! Need evac asap, but where to? I'd like America or Australia, but they seem like one of the more difficult nations to invade legally. Help me new home

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Jow Forums will never help. They are assholes

Russia probably

Förväntade mig inget annat. ^^ Ta hand om dig, broder!

first post, as per standard, is best post

Why the fuck would you want to move from Sweden. It is literally white man's paradise outside of that shithole Malmo. Every fucking standard is higher there than both America or Australia

unfuck your shit, Sven, you god damned disgrace

>outside of that shithole Malmö
kek, Exactly where I'm from

How does 10 fags combat 100,000 fags?

We only help those who help themselves

move back to Somalia with the rest of your family. We don't want you here either.

what? It's a shithole everywhere, Malmö, Göteborg and Stockholm have all fallen to the invading hordes and the degeneracy.

no whites allowed

What are you smoking. The swedish education system is a fucking joke compared to any other western nation. Even our niggers do better than white swedes b/c they aren't allowed to discipline kids in any way or give them significant HW

Bah! You can EASILY become an American, just fly into Mexico first, run across the border, and -boom- you're an American now!

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Too bad... I'm gonna be the captain soon in your neighborhood. I'll get my grön card, start my Sven-Somali rituals and go hijack shit...

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Poland, especially Lublin, the biggest student city. Find a way to get money outside of Poland and live as a rich there

Women are classy, family oriented, practice Catholicism and extremely nationalist. Also right wing gov

>Get a state funded college degree
>Leave Sweden

Gör't föfan!!

Not a bad suggestion desu! All you say is true, but I heard their immigration policies are on par with Hungary. (regardless of sandnigs or fellow

I wish we could fast-forward 10 years, see old Stefy crying on national TV "I didn't know, it¨s not out fault" while civil war raging outside

Different cat post ponies that's what NSA does.

>Vi har varit naiva

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Be the change

Jag flyttade till USA, gifte mig med en amerikansk kvinna. Inte helt lätt att hitta det dock. Men som en europé är det typ din enda chans till uppehållstillstånd om du inte får det genom jobb eller universitet.

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Naive! That will be the leading word in the history books describing our downfall for the future generatons.

You guys are worse then roaches. Most arabs wont like niggers atleast you guys get them to fuck your wives. Hope you all die.

Varit där länge? Hur tycker det jämförs med Svea? Trivs du bättre där?

Blah blah blah you little island niggers got a big mouth. Pipe down.

Sen 2016 så inte så länge. Det här stället har definitivt stora problem, storstäderna förstör hela stater eftersom alla knarkare och avskum flyttar till storstäderna och röstar på demokraterna för att få gratis pengar och polisen tvingas att låta dem gå.

Men jag gillar det bättre för att här så kan man ha alternativa åsikter och folk är okej med det, i Sverige så finns det bara en "tillåten" åsikt, här har vi i alla fall två eller tre att välja på. Bättre vapenlagar och rättssystem är ett plus också. Funderar på att bli polis här när jag är klar i armén. Skulle aldrig vilja vara soldat eller polis i Sverige.