Which is the most red pilled sect of Christianity?

Which is the most red pilled sect of Christianity?

Attached: crischt ge.png (336x485, 128K)

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westboro baptist church

>Red pilled

Attached: 1548104819166.jpg (1180x1084, 114K)

East Orthodox

brainswashed swede

its obvious to you that Lutheran sweden was dominant and wealthy and modern sweden is atheistic and on the brink of extinction yet you are so brainwashed yoyu deny obvious facts

Christkike shills don't get the clown meme, lol

Attached: clown jesus.jpg (194x259, 10K)


Orthodox Judaism
They not only acknowledge christ, they spit on him.

Traditional Catholicism is the ultimate truth. Also, not a "sect" (those are the Protestants or the current post-II Vatican Council ""Catholic"" Church).