please come back God, we need you
darkness is taking hold and im losing faith that we can beat it alone, nihilism runs rampart, degeneracy is everywhere.
I am afraid
i am afraid for the future, i am afraid for my country, i am afraid for the humanity.
We coud be so much more and yet we waddle in our own filth,people are blind, they can't see
that they are slaves, slaves to the faceless masters , slaves to theire own weakness
I can't take in anymore, there is despair under every action and attempt i make to change something about myself but im to weak i lack will i feel so lost, without purpose.
Born to die.
I try to seek for knowlege but the further i go i get more lost and i cant stop going,
Its all so tiresome
i feel some small and insignificant, the Earth is mere space dust, not to mention a singular human life
the pointlesness of existence, everything i do is an execise in futility.
And the worst of all is realisation that this will never end.
There is no escape, suicide is not an option.
I am here forever
The ride will never end.
i know you guys will propably going to this this is a shill or something but felt like sharing to find out if im not alone
also Nihilism and Existential Dread general