The rainbow and rainbow flag have long been important symbols for Our People.
The Greeks believed it was a path created by Iris between heaven and earth. In Christianity, it is a sign that God will never destroy the earth again. In Celtic mythology, a pot of gold lies at the end of a rainbow guarded by a leprechaun. In Norse mythology, the rainbow is a bridge between earth and Asgard.
The rainbow flag originated as symbol of cooperation between Our Peoples in the German Peasants war of the 16th century. It has since been used as a symbol of various nationalist and peace movements all across Europe. It was appropriated by "Gay Rights activists" in the 1980s as a direct affront to the deep tradition for which the rainbow stands.
It is time for Us to reclaim the rainbow and the rainbow flag as symbols of Our People and Our Movement.
This is /OUR flag/ now, gayhomofag, go back to /lgbt/.
Dominic Lewis
You DO understand that this was a psy-op by LGBT to make Jow Forums more accepting of LGBT right? We have you accept the rainbow flag "for the memes" but subconscientously you'll slowly begin to accept LGBT itself.
>turns gay pride into a racist hate symbol I don't see that. I see hateful racists accepting symbols used by LGBT people. Even though you tell yourself it's for the memes, this is just the first step. Soon you'll see that our ways are superior :3
The power of memes transcends the truth to you retards. It doesn't matter what I say, or if I reveal the truth to you, you've already started down this path. You'll be a cock sucking faggot like the rest of us in no time :)
The year is 2019, the Meme War has been over for more than 3 years and for the first time in half a century the world is free from the spectre of shill apocalypse. It should be a time of peace and prosperity but all over the globe the ambers of old anamosities have been fanned into flames by the winds freedom. Shilling in the 21st century is an international industry. Money and expertise flow freely through the global computer nets and every type of Pepe imaginable is available on the black markets of the third world. It has become harder and harder for individual janitor forces to combat this threat to the safety of their people. What's needed is an organization with the resources and the authority to combat shilling wherever it flourishes. It would be composed of the best and the brightest shitposting experts from every country and armed with state of the art clown and frog memes. It would operate in complete secrecy, its existance known only to the most senior Jow Forums officials. It would attack swiftly and silently, cutting off the head of the viper before it had a chance to strike. Such an organization already exists. Its codename is RAINBOW.