Peterstein vs. Zizek LIVE RIGHT NOW
PETERSTEIN vs. ZIZEK pt. 4 continued
Peterson is shook
>what he thought what he thought when he thought was that what he thought was correct
wow, Jow Forums sure picked a ringer
>lather your b-balls, bucko
Where is Natbol?
Peterson is a fucking retard... As a Nationalist, i hope this Zizerk guy wipes the floor with this pseudo-intellectual cosmopolitan retard.
Fuck niggers
is this supposed to be an introduction or a presumption of "other guy is rong lol"
> radical individualism vs radical idividualism
peterson is drugged out and his hands are shaking. rambling for 30 minutes..
Peterson looks like a student at an oral exam he knows he isn't prepared for
Man he cocked that ending up
>this is Jow Forums's golden boy
>this is who they give $1+millon/year on patreon
Also, the site for the stream where you're supposed to pay $15 is down
they are both shaking
has shizek talked yet?
needs some bread.
Holy shit why is Peterson so fucking bad today? This looks so bad on us(incels).
this is so sad
Do we have a brainlet Petersein meme yet? Can we make one?
can't wait for big dick slavoj to step up to the podium and tweak his nose and say "my god..." for the first time
It's like one of those dreams, I expect him to look down and notices that he has no pants on any moment now.
imagine paying money for this. Poor Peterstein goys.
Why did Peterson accept this 'debate'? He's nervous because he knows he has no idea what he's talking about. Is the cash he made from this really worth it?
They're both genuinely disgusting to look at and even more disgusting to listen to.
I cannot understand a word Zizek is saying.
This dude is a comedian and not a philosophist. What a fucking retard. Holy shit.
Commies are mentally ill.
Gtfo, Discord tranny
How do you prove that the poor are getting richer under capitalism, rather than technological development and sustained "peaceful times"?
He has some idea but his ideas are quite shitty
what fucking language is this fat fuck speaking?
He picked a fight with a twitterbot quoting Zizek. And now he's here.
Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics
Calling it now, neither of them will be able to agree on the words they are using and will just talk past each other for hours.
I almost did before I found this stream and the website is 503 lol
So what was Peterson's argument for why history shouldn't primarily be interpreted as an economic struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? I heard him say something about human nature, but the economic system predates the human nature we develop.
That's how Marxist freaks "win" debates, same as Chomsky. They just talk slow and like retards so no one can even refute them.
Zizek sounds like a robot drowning
Yes, Peterson, use the improving mortality rate of Africans to support capitalism. That's very beneficial. lmao
>this is Jow Forums's golden boy
lurk moar faggot
>tfw Jow Forums hates Juden Peterstein so much they'd vote for Zizek
He's just out of his element when it comes to politics. His lecture series on the Bible was tremendous, his advice on personal growth is good etc. but he's so basic when it comes to political ideology it's nothing.
Slavoj is a fucking druggie
More people die out of hunger and poverty-related illnesses in capitalism every 5 years on average, than have died under the entire historical reign of communism in all countries summed up.
Being able to speak properly is not a requirement for this debate?
Jews burned Notre dame:
What's wrong with the Marxist's mouth? He talks like an inbred
wait but who draws what lines where
> "Peterson is shook"
> "Peterson is losing"
> "Peterson is rambling"
> "Peterson is a retard"
I do not care for him as an intellectual, but provide examples please.
Wtf, bro? Well, guess you're actually retarded.
It's literally just a Discord tranny raid. Probably Contrapoints shills
Imagine defending that rambling commie retard who is talking right now kek
Zizek btfo neo-libs in his opening statements
you would think he would get that speech impediment fixed.
Marxists are inbreds, it seems. No surprise
no they didnt you dumb retard kys incel skyzo
my favorite part is how they both have brown hair inthe OP pic
This would have been better without an audience. I can't fucking stand those fucking monkeys chimping out at every possible opportunities.
Is that lisping a thing he does to be funny? What the fuck is that
Discord trannies who raid us !=! Jow Forums
Though Jow Forums is shit today, yeah
>Giving money to Juden Peterstein
I'll pass thanks.
and it begins.
China? LMAO
Speech impediment.
he had a stroke i think from all the coke, his brain damage makes more sense
This is somehow worse.
zizek is actually a decent leftist, woke on Jews not pc
its going to both of them dumb fuck
> agine defending that rambling commie retard who is talking right now kek.
I've never heard of Zizek but he speaks funny. I will give him a chance to see if he can sway me towards Marxism (very doubtful.)
Here's a rehost of stream.
holy shit its literally impossible to listen to this turd, all i hear is the spit in his mouth sloshing around
Lmao, doesnt seem that either Zizek or Peterson are oppressed
Lmao, Zizke has no idea about China at all
> now he mentions psychoanalysis
why is this fuck only reading from his sheet?
Zizek refuses to attack Peterson and finds common cause with him in the introduction because "the left liberals are attacking me for my critique of LGBTQ ideology" holy fuckin based wtf i love leftypol now
gå o lägg dig pol-jonte
This is really the highest echelon of communist intellectualism?
Holy fucking shit, Discord trannies are cray
Liberalism dies today, the new frontier will be communism Vs Fascism
wow thats an actually fair point
i startes remembering those industrial deaths(murders) from china lol
>woke on Jews
he's criticized antisemitism countless times, what are you on about
so this is the power of communism....
>Pleasurable survival
Trump is a postmodernist? Can someone who caught his point on this give me the qrd?
>this kike
>Jow Forums anything
Jordan Peterstein is a literal brainlet. He fucking says random word salad to appease to his audience. Uses strawmen and accuses Marx of things he's guilty himself, primarily avoiding the benefits of collectivist ideology, avoiding the JQ.
Anyone else's mouth watering up listening to him?
Just a Discord tranny trying to indoctrinite retards here.
They are raiding hard
Does Zizeks accent drive anybody else crazy?
>technological development and sustained "peaceful times"
Brought about by capitalism, not any other system.
It seems like a lie by omission
He isn't against LPGTQ in any way or form, he is in completely for aggressive in pushing it, he just wants them to push socialism a bit more
he's spewing philosophical and linguistic salad at a speed I cannot process
sufferin' succotash!
Wages in particular have remained stagnant while productivity has risen. We work the same long hours for relatively less.