How can I tell if everyone in this thread but me isn't some sort of obese tranny nigger jewish muslim furry commie overkin stuck in a room out in San Fran? I don't think I can trust anyone else but me anymore.
oh boy I cant wait for ANOTHER useless conversation on trump being a jew puppet despite assad being alive and jews getting exposed in the mueller report
Jason Hill
A hat rack would have been an improvement over that turncoat faggot.
Alexander Rivera
Better than the traitorous snake, Sessions.
Reminder that Rosenstein's wiretap and 25th Amendment Plan happened while Sessions was still at DOJ and I highly doubt he was unaware.
wait a minute, rosenstein is not only jewish, but a supporter of israel too! how does this tie into the jewish puppet narrative for trump? any takers? anyone? no?
Attorney General Hat Rack would have indicted every living democrat while Sessions was busy sleeping.
Brayden Ross
Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
Statistically, republicans are more overweight than democrats.
Oliver Parker
yes and no. My guess is he will be useful for Trump at a cost. Trump will not end up draining the swamp as he promised, but that probably wasn't going to happen anyway. Trump is also probably going to do more for Israel than most on Jow Forums would want. I figure Trump has come the conclusion that he's going to have to do more for a neocon leaning geopolitical agenda to get some of his domestic nationlist leaning policy passed. Barr is part of that bargain.
Leo Bennett
>6 posts in instead of one Mate, you're losing your touch.
Yes, there is. You are less useful in every aspect of life. You cannot walk as far, cannot lift as much, cannot sustain effort as long. You use more calories yet do less work. You are a waste of food, time, and space. Choosing to let yourself be a bloated glutton is worse than suicide because suicide is inflicted on yourself and you inflect yourself on everyone else.
Stop stuffing your face and start working out. You only get one life, you're fucking it up.
statistically black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime related to their low percentage of the american population, and they vote overwhelmingly democrat.
your point?
Matthew Perez
do you have that webm of him throwing haymakers like a retard in the gym
Asher Long
>kike >trying to deflect from posting non archive links *honk*
Jackson Bell
Barr's most useful purpose is he supposedly abhors the idea of corruption within the Justice Department. In the wake of the Mueller investigation, he's exactly the kind of man you want to lead the clean-up crew to root out the people who abused their positions in the FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence Agencies.
Otherwise, he's not particularly aligned with Trump. That's fine, because cleaning up the intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement takes precedence right now.