Compared to whites, Jews have: >Higher IQ >Higher GDP per capita >Higher percentage of professional degrees >Higher percentage of STEM jobs per capita >Higher life expectancy >Higher high school & college graduation rate >Lower rate of violent crime >Lower rate of drug use, drinking, & smoking >Lower rate of STD's >Lower rate of broken homes/wedlock births >Lower rate of unemployment >Lower rate of welfare use >Higher rate of self-made millionaires
>Higher IQ Lower IQ. Jews compare themselves to "white countries" filled with low IQ races. But they get BTFO when comparing themselves to whites, Japanese, or even Mormons.
I read somewhere (excellent citation, i know) that extremely successful groups (Jews, Asians, etc) share certain characteristics: 1. A belief that they are special as a group (God's Chosen people etc) 2. A desire to prove themselves instead of a focus on self esteem 3. Emphasis on education. That and genetics, as well as high in-group preferences, probably has a lot to do with it.
because we have a direct connection to god. its like an ansible to a dimension of pure insanity and animalistic terror. just steal from one and you'll see it.