Charlize Theron reveals she is raising her first adopted Jackson, 7, as a girl

>She told the Daily Mail: "Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said, 'I am not a boy!'

Children do not understand sex/gender at age 3.

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Kill it with fire

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they call me mr. tibbs

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I guess the pedos are going after black bois as well
a hole boy hole is still a hole

Jaden is just mentally fucked up in a lot of ways, I think being a tranny is just one of many symptoms of that. Almost definitely got abused as a kid.

it was really fortunate these transgender girls from africa happened to be adopted by a supportive white american woman

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Right? I mean, what are the odds of that happening? God is truly beautifull.

>Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said, 'I am not a boy!'
me at 3
>look mom im a plane
hard years laid ahead for me it was rough but my mom raised a good plane, total rebuild now i sore the skies
later faggots

I can't believe I used to jerk off to this cunt

Why do you post this thread everyday? Do you think maybe you’re mentally ill like her child? Are you just some bored fatso in the basement with a thick layer of Cheeto dust lining your keyboard? Obsessed with this celebrity or just trans issues in general? Maybe you should try to improve your own life over bitching about some washed up celebrity and her mentally ill children on a Korean basket weaving message board.