Redpill me on the Federal Reserve

If it's as bad as you guys say, why doesn't anyone just go and blow up/shoot em up?

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>why doesn't anyone just go and blow up/shoot em up?
because the building is not the system.

because hi FBI

Then how do you physically remove the system?

you could kill 90% of the elites and nothing would happen, in fact very little would happen if you killed 100% of the highest level elites

Red herring to get people to support fiscal policies such as lower taxes for the wealthy. It's not really a private institution as lolbergs lead you to believe.

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While Andrew Jackson laid on his death-bed, ready to be consumed by the inevitable, he declared that his greatest accomplishment was his part in the killing of the 2nd national bank in the U.S.

He is the face of the $20 dollar bill today.

by building our own systems, its the only way

I remember when pol told me that Trump and the "based GOP would end the Fed lmao

theres a difference between defending the system you've created from people such as the royals and going out and trying to destroy a system without creating your own

been thinking about it. how do you think the public and mass media would react to an assassination of a banker or fed executive? would they just be spun off as a right wing conspiracy theorist? would it help wake people up more?

Because mass shooters are incited by glow in the darks like you and your Jewish paymasters run those particular financial institutions hence they will never be attacked

Assassinating one dude wont do shit

Read Stephen Goodsons books on Central banking and the enslavement of mankind. He's the best author on the subject and was a member of the South African central bank. Stephen was assasinated a few months ago. Very sad and interesting. He named the Jew and a few very specific Jews. He paid for it with his life.

When money is backed up by hard assets (precious metals/labor value) each dollar in circulation represents a singular miniscule percentage of that civilization's productive capability, to a cap of GNP + Hard Asset value on hand = Currency Produced.
All currency produced past that point represents a society's intent to pay. This means that instead of being tendered as an asset which citizens of the society may pay their debts, the money itself becomes a collective debt as more and more "promissory notes" are printed.
The Federal Reserve was created to steadily destroy the value of the United States Dollar, as well as to get the serfs used to trading in a currency not backed by the "Labor Value + Hard Asset" model.
>Why do we use labor value, user?
For the same reason Hitler did. Every dollar of value added to GNP is given to the worker that produced it. Long-run inflation is 0 because the currency never alternates in value.
Politically, the best you could hope for with the Federal Reserve at this stage is a radical restructuring that prevents the fiat printing which has lead to our current situation. It is currently not feasible to be rid of the bank (though that could change in 2020 and beyond with Trump), but it is apparent that he and the Bank will come to blows before the end of his eight years -- conveniently after he is re-elected, of course.
The US is looking for a new long-run financial plan. Petrodollar is coming to its structured demolition, and with no HRC to introduce a new scheme (or more blood to keep the wheels greased) it seems likely that Trump and the post-[RBG] SCOTUS will have a radically different idea about the role of Central Banking in a modern economy than (((Woodrow Fucking Wilson))).

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The US Fed has basically become a hydra. Take out anyone and another gets appointed/promoted into the place. Basically you need to appoint enough members over time like Herman Cain who don't really want the system as it stands.

You can't take down the international banking cartel all by yourself. The 2nd ammendment is only useful when enough Americans all at once say enough is enough. Brenton Tarrant did not expect to clear out all the muslims in the world he just wanted to do his fair share and redpill people in the process. You absolutely can blow up the federal reserve but you need 1/4-1/3 of America on board with it

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>Stephen Goodsons


I thought about this...
Then realized i would be Gaddafi'd within a year of the government finding out that i made a company paying employees goods on credit instead of taxable USD

read this, it may help explain the order of things

the most destructive measure against the fed, banks and multi-national companies is ending the law of incorporation.
Please read up on where the incorporation concept came from and how it works because without it the entire global system as we know it would cease to operate

Someone PLEASE redpill me on neomercantilism and chartalism I'm begging you

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hey kid wanna blow up a federal building.

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You would own media and military wtf is up your ass

This is the most incorrect post I've read all day.

Fed was established out of outrage and fear of the central banks in each state (which were all completely private entities) not having enough assets i.e. gold to back up bank notes when brought in to be exchanged. Major bankers of the time drafted the federal reserve act, and woodrow wilson signed into law the act of 1913, which most notably transferred the power of the Treasury to issue currency to the Federal Reserve.

The Fed's own website admits it isn't accountable to congress or the president to implement whatever monetary policy it decides on, and at that point the only differentiator between a private entity is how it declares profits, which it doesn't need to do, because those who benefit from the reserve system do so by essentially loaning printed money to the US government at interest, while authorized to do the same to business and consumer entities.

At the end of the day, banks don't need to have assets to offer you a loan, and when you loan $10,000 from one of them, they just created that money from nothing.

Welcome to debt based economics thanks to the federal reserve.

i tried to explain this to someone and they could not even understand what i was saying, it was so strange.

t. shill sperg
>The Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., is an agency of the federal government. The Board--appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate--provides general guidance for the Federal Reserve System and oversees the 12 Reserve Banks. The Board reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress but, unlike many other public agencies, it is not funded by congressional appropriations. In addition, though the Congress sets the goals for monetary policy, decisions of the Board--and the Fed's monetary policy-setting body, the Federal Open Market Committee--about how to reach those goals do not require approval by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government.
>Some observers mistakenly consider the Federal Reserve to be a private entity because the Reserve Banks are organized similarly to private corporations. For instance, each of the 12 Reserve Banks operates within its own particular geographic area, or District, of the United States, and each is separately incorporated and has its own board of directors. Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System hold stock in their District's Reserve Bank. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. In fact, the Reserve Banks are required by law to transfer net earnings to the U.S. Treasury, after providing for all necessary expenses of the Reserve Banks, legally required dividend payments, and maintaining a limited balance in a surplus fund.

The only real currency is white children.

Yeah I have had that response as well, and this was from a high IQ person. All they could say was "user, you have some interesting ideas."

The answer is simple. Pussy and pedophilia. There are more men with honor then without. The baby boomers are basically an entire generation of this. That's why it happened so quickly. It also explains the hippie movement. The people that were assassinated in that era stood against it.

There are also additional pages from the same Fed website such as this from the one about accountability.
>The Federal Reserve is accountable to the public and the U.S. Congress. The Fed believes transparency is a fundamental principle of central banking that supports accountability. In the area of monetary policy, twice a year, the Federal Reserve submits an extensive report on recent economic developments and its plans for monetary policy. In addition, the Chair and other Federal Reserve officials often testify before the Congress.

t. Fed mouthpiece
Try researching beyond the fucking "About the Fed" page on its own website you fucking Wikipedia brainlet

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Conspiracy blogs aren't sources Ron Paul. Your son is a massive niggerbitch too and we be coming to raise your taxes after 2020.

only good people get assassinated, user. you should know that by now

Then kill everyone related to them. Kill everyone who makes over a million in a year.

Don't shit on Corbett. Corbett is based and he does high level analysis of quality sources.

Gamers rise up!

Can and did now what are you gonna do about it jigaboo

>why doesn't anyone just go and blow up/shoot em up?

Modern white men are extreme cowards. They know it, I know it, and so does everyone else. Pic related. No one will ever do a fucking thing. The fact is that all the strong white men dies in Christianity's pointless wars.

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Fed is a private corporation.
Corbett is based.
Show me a source outside of the Fed's own website or Wikipedia you submissive statist queernog cum guzzler, then maybe your faggot responses will be considered.

Also you wanting to raise taxes outs you as a kike.


Good question, OP. I’m totally ignorant on the Fed Reserve. I do have my theories though.
>created and controlled by da Jews for usury off the goyim


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