How fucked is the west? These are two literal retards talking about lobsters and German toilets.
>Zizek and Peterson are considered to be heavyweights of Western thought
>considered to be heavyweights of Western thought
This was the "debate of the century" between two heavyweights of philosophy, two Western titans
neck yourself with that memeflag
but to answer your question
100% fucked
>Peterson doesn't even know who Hegel is
Neck yourself, Zizek is a genius and just proved it once again
>i'm a philosophy major :DDD these guys r serious
>Gay self-help specialist VS homo philosopher
Truly heavyweights of thought.
Are you dumb? You sound dumb
u must be the only gommie who likes zizek still
who won the debate ?
Did you watch it?
I didn't even know juden peterstein and sniffling communist man were still relevant in 2019
woah, we are fucked.
You won
Lobster Man is after my piss bottles.
To be fair it’s really something only retarded commies care about but as someone who shits on commies for a living you need to either drop the “intellectual” schtick and just advocate for free helicopter rides or know basic commie arguments
You shit in a bag. You literally shit in a bag. Disgusting filth. Worse than poos, you preserve your poop and put more plastic into nature. Freak.
Yes! Now go read Capital by Marx, instead of letting Peterson tell you about it.
you're delusional, stuck inside a tiny internet circlejerk, this shit doesn't matter in the real world
i'm being ironic newfag, this is how they advertised it, but they were both retarded and the debate was a joke
By the current generation of social (((science))) freshmen looking for their pseudo-religion to fill the post WW2 spiritual void. None of this is new or noteworthy. These people are Gnome, Rand, etc tier, and there will be others just like them in a few years for the next generation. It's like how pop music has been nothing but rap for decades, even if the niggers keep changing. Western culture is trapped in a loop of constant superficial change, while everything on the level of substance remains stagnant.