My the biggest problem is that I don't know what I want in most of the cases. For example...

My the biggest problem is that I don't know what I want in most of the cases. For example, I don't know if I want to go to party and I ask other people if I should go to this party, even on Jow Forums I ask people for things like this. What to do?

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It sounds like you spend a lot of time trying to convince yourself to do things you dont really want to do, but believe that you *should* do it. So you may be asking others as a form of convincing yourself. Try to focus on not doing things you dont want to and actually stick to it. You dont have to do things even if you feel like you should.

but the only thing I don't have to convince myself is sitting in front of computer, but I feel like I waste my life












Lay out the options are figure out why you're indecisive about going to the party. Maybe you're insecure or lack the social skills. If that's the case, going to the party will help cure that. Forcing yourself into social situations is key to getting over social anxiety.

Idk why I don't want to, I have nothing else to do



Damn this is some advanced level shitposting. How does one not know what they find fun? Like, have you just lost all of the memories of you having any fun in the past up until today?

I just don't know what I find fun



That didn't answer my question to you. Are you saying you've never had fun in your entire life?

Me again, what I'm basically getting at is that whatever you used to do for fun, do that or at least start there. If you've never found ANYTHING fun, EVER, honestly kill yourself for your own benefit. Life is not worth living if you're bored with everything for every hour of the waking day.




I think I'm in the same situation right now as you OP. I don't know what I want. I feel like I need someone to decide for me and give me orders because I can't generate internal pressure to do things since I don't really want anything more than what I currently have.. But at the same time if I don't move forward, I start to feel like shit mentally. I've been feeling bad the past days. And the thing is I have a lot of motivation and excitement, but I don't know how to use it for my own benefit because I can't think of anything I need.

Is this kinda how you feel? Would be interesting to know if anything I wrote is relatable to you.

yes. most of is relatable to me

So in general, do you feel like you are content with what you have and don't feel the need to do anything to get more, but because of that you have no aim and can't move forward and that's making you depressed?

Also how old are you?


My advice is to experiment with hobbies until you find one you like. Then come up with long term goals and short term goals whatever they are. If you make steps to achieve your goals you will feel more meaning and purpose.

As for what to do in life. People have many passions but i basically see it like this. Theres producers and consumers in the world. Producers usually have to commit to a discipline which is super humbling. It will change your outlook to see just how skilled humans can be. It definitely puts your ego in check if youre being realistic. But also theres the consumer who absorbs the creations of the artists.

Everyone is both but we often neglect one side. Try to find a balance. Art is far more broad than people think

What you're describing is called ambivalence.

One time I was sitting around trying to decide between two things, when I thought of a reason I needed to do one of them over the other. Later I realized that "excuse" I'd crapped out had dissipated the ambivalence completely. Maybe you just need to think of excuses for choosing either one, and go with the one that sounds most defensible (like if you had to defend your decision to someone else)