Lets go then bitch. Let's take this outside...oh wait HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA
Lucas Ortiz
(you) got fucking problems
Andrew Rodriguez
>went to a promenade by a river Hey you took my advice. Listen faggot I never said that would get you a gf, you were asking for "things to do" in a big city. In that thread you made it explicitly clear you were not looking for a gf you goalpost shifting piece of frogposting trash.
Angel Ward
>Hey you took my advice. Woah woah woah. Don't pump your ego so much. I'm not the one you think I am and I didn't take YOUR advice specifically for sure. I didn't post here about anythign of this sort.
Caleb Turner
>In that thread you made it explicitly clear you were not looking for a gf you goalpost shifting piece of frogposting trash. Well then that's clearly not me who you think it is.