
What do you guys think of Zoroastrianism?

I am a Zoroastrian living in New York. My parents left Iran after the Islamic Revolution because they were forced to step down from their profession as they weren't Muslims, my mother a doctor and my father an engineering professor. As well, my father has told me horror stories of Muslims fighting him and throwing stones at him considering he was Zoroastrian.

I just want to hear your guy's opinions on the religion.

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How the fuck did it survive after the fall of the Sassanids?

Is it true Sonic the Hedgehog has blatant Zoroastrian imagery?

Attached: sonic.jpg (1024x768, 101K)

Wow, I never noticed that myself but yeah there is a very decent similarity between the sonic logo and the Zoroastrian symbol. Photo related.

Attached: zoroastrian symbol.png (250x134, 17K)

I would say it was mainly due to Zoroastrians moving to remote locations and a large group moving to India.

Zoroaster predicted the coming of the Messiah, the King of Kings which would liberate the Adamic Aryan Race in the end times and defeat the children of evil.
Zoroaster predicted the coming of Jesus Christ about 600 years before he was born. This is the reason why Magis (Zoroastrian Priests) travelled from Persia to Galilee to meet the King of Kings, The Magi also gave Christ Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense, items given to Persian Emperors on their coronation.
the Prophet Daniel was head chief of the Magis and taught them astronomy and sorcery. The Magi were the original Magicians who really could tell the future by looking at the stars and planets, and they used tarot cards and all of the things associated with divinations.
Jesus Christ is the Shoyashant and Ahura Mazda was none other than Jehova. The Holy Bible predicted Darius the Great 150 years before he existed by name. Darius worshipped Ahura Mazda, and the Holy Bible said that Darius worshipped Jehova and was his right hand.
Ahura Mazda = Jehova

Also, aren't hedgehogs sacred animals in Zoroastrianism?

No, I have never heard about that. It might be more of a cultural thing for a specific group of Zoroastrians.

i thought it was completely destroyed by muslims
do any of the old books still exist?

It was destroyed in terms of numbers and power, but there is a still about 200k followers around the world. Our text, the Avesta, still exists.

Pretty much 100% neutral to Zoroastrians, tbqh.

I've never met one IRL (that I know of), and I'm not super familiar with what they actually believe. My understanding is...

>it's a form of monotheism
>fire is symbolically important
I think birds are symbolically important, too.

That's all I know about Zoroastrianism. Iranians are cool though - you're like the Whites of the Middle East. I hope you guys can get rid of the theocracy, some time.

Oh, alright.
Besides that dumb little curiosity, Zoroastrianism looks interesting. I don't know much about it, and Zoroastrianism isn't a proselytizing faith so even if I did I couldn't really act on that knowledge officially at least.
What's the general Zoroastrian consensus on non-Zoroastrians? Is it like Judaism and Christianity (some sects) where righteous non-believers are tolerated?

For Zoroastrians, a non-believer that follows the basic ideas of Good thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds (our motto) is considered essentially a Zoroastrian just with a different label. So we respect them as such. As well, Zoroastrians do allow converts, just not the Indian sect of Zoroastrians known as Parsis.

Adding on to Parsis, the reason they don't allow converts is solely due to a contract they signed with the king of Indian when they first set up a community there, saying they would not convert Indians. They just respect that promise to this day and is part of their culture.

>Zoroaster predicted the coming of the Messiah

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>Zoroastrians do allow converts
Like someone would have to ask you faggots if we can worship Ahura Mazda

Gate keepers fuck off

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Honk honky

Lol, that is pretty true. Zoroastrianism is a very individualist religion and promotes private reading and praying. So yeah realistically being a Zoroastrian has nothing to do with joining the community, it just if you want to, which as I said before, most Zoroastrians fully support.

Didn't Zoroastrian rules marry their sisters at some point in time?

That clears some things up.
Zoroastrianism is neat, at least to me, because it's basically the precursor to the more "recent" monotheistic religions.
My beliefs are more closer to Hermeticism, so there is bit of a conflict there, but it's good to be aware of other faiths.

Yeah, I 100% agree, I just like sharing my perspective. I actually really respect Hermeticism so that is very cool.

I have never heard of such things, most likely a rumor of some sort to make Zoroastrians look lesser.

I have no problem with Zoroastrianism
The religion seems to promote good from my limited understanding of it

it really just makes me more angry at Islam

Can we form an alliance? Sikh, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu
we've all been royally fucked by Islam at one point or another.
we have to expel mohammed's death cult from this world

Heresey but it is fun to be plowing your sister in CK2

Sister fucking is hot

Attached: based sister.png (960x576, 896K)

No, YHWH is the devil

Um, no
All desert religions are evil. We must band together to eliminate them. I'm not sure about the Christians yet

Ahuramazda is not like the god of the bible. He's a higher god that created lesser gods, that created lesser gods that created men (very low form gods). Multidimensional theory and godmind theory are based on this sort of concept, that other dimensions exist that are closer to divinity, and contain more divine beings. Whereas lower dimensions contain less divine, more evil beings as they're further from divinity and closer to something else. The separation of the Angra Mainyu and Spenta Mainyu are important concepts in nearly every religion because zoroastrianism, and the pagan faith that predates this reform, are the closest thing to the original proto indo aryan religion.

I heard no one's allowed to convert to the religion and you can't have a non zoroastrian wife without having to abandon the faith. Are you retards trying to go extinct?

I feel like the spaceship from alien has a closer logo than sonic desu

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user, if any desert religion was evil, it would be Christianity. Arguably even more so than Judaism.

fuck you muslim
your religion is SHIT and your people are forever backwards
you worship evil and preach death and destruction
Islam is holding humanity back

>same ethnicity
>same history
>same culture, cuisine, music, clothes etc
>different religion

wow gee I wonder what the cause of pakistani retardation is????

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all non christians are jews


Muslims are scum

Abandon this heresy and accept Jesus Christ into your heart.

>pointing with one hand
>literally holding a sonic syle ring
Fuck you I can under this.whenever I see anything sonic related my minds immediately going to think about my inbred dynast in ck2.

Isnt it iranian only?

Christianity is a desert religion you fart sniffing fool. Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism) is from Iran which is mostly mountainous, and close to the birthplace of white people, those closest to the whole and pure light of the ultimate god (Ahura Mazda). There's a lot to be learned from this age old faith, even if you don't subscribe to it read a bit about it.

Zoroastrianism is based.. the limited knowledge I have about them is makes me think they're cool and the Zoroastrianis in India have been such a great contributor to our Economy, nation building and society.

Refugees tell tales to get asylum . Your parents most likely stole a shitload of money from the government

When Islamic scholars recorded the first meetings with Danish Vikings they called them "Magi". Shitskins didn't see enough of a difference between these groups of whites to consider them separate.

Also, false religions are a creation of Ahriman, the dark one. Mainly, any religious that has you worshipping a demanding god, that god is likely Ahriman. Kikes and their likeness (the Christians and Muslims) are unknowingly followers of the dark lord.

Ultimately though your soul will be weighed by your deeds, whether you know the truth beyond our reality or not. But to know the truth is to ascend further than you otherwise would. Reintegration with the divine and bounteous light from which you derive is your goal. Our realm began with a burst of light, a burst of God's likeness. The big bang is described in the origin theory of Mazdaism, as well as what came before it. Other pagan faiths base their origins on this originally Iranian/Aryan belief system. Zarathustra/Zoroaster refined it to the point that the higher deities could be understood, whereas other pagan faiths were not reformed to include the gods beyond the gods, or what caused the gods to be. Pagans only understand up to 4th and 5th dimensional beings. There exist up to 12 dimensions, the top being oneness, ultimate consciousness of infinite information. That's the concept behind the wise lord, Ahura Mazda or Ormazd.

Zoroaster was an interesting guy, but I don't think Zoroastrianism is any truer than Islam or any other religion. Never realised how cucked Iran is.

It's great because Zoroastrians can fuck their sisters and get away with it.

so after a little look I don't think I'd have much luck becoming a member in my country. there's only like 3000 followers in my whole country. are they welcoming to white converts anyway?

You don't understand Zoroastrianism then.

>God is some dude that's flawed as fuck, just decides to create earth for no reason, still has negative aspects like ego and anger, demands worship or he'll make bad things happen to you

>God is the most pure form of light, infinite wisdom and knowledge, however he has free will and thought. Has to separate these thoughts into two categories, Spenta Mainyu (good things) and Angra Mainyu (bad things). Is in constant battle with Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), so he creates our universe so his bad thoughts (darkness) and good thoughts (light) can duke it out. His thoughts/manifestations/creations are weighed in this realm, and the good ones will rise and return to oneness, and the bad ones will sink and be annihilated.

That's way more fucking deep my dude. That shit ain't about followers, it's about understanding, it's one of many theories of everything. Religions like Islam are shills by Ahriman's demons as far as I'm concerned. They don't explai5 the nature of the universe, they essentially just worship some suspiciously evil, suspiciously humanlike dude.

>Angra Mainyu (bad things)
interesting how similiar "angra" is to "angry". Anger/hate/bad things

Spenta Mainyu on he other hand sounds more positive withou7t even knowing what it means. crazy how that works.

Again, religion shouldn't be about followers, it should be about understanding. What do you really want? A large social circle of people in agreement, or to understand the true nature of our universe and existence? If religion is about social interaction and acceptance to you, Mazdaism is not for you.

You do not need a teacher either, if you're interested buy the texts (the Avesta mainly but there are others) and study others' research that's widely available to you in this age of information.

>What do you really want?

to understand the true nature of our universe and existence.

It derives from a proto indo aryan language, so there will be similarities to what we in the west understand. Cultural embedment. Spenta might be the proto concept for splendid or splendor maybe? Whereas in Africa spenta could mean diarrhea, so they would feel much less natural positive vibes towards the word.

>Spenta might be the proto concept for splendid or splendor maybe?
hah, that's exactly where I was going to go with it too. interesting stuff.

No there is a rather large group in India, as well as a lot of other Zoroastrian communities in other countries considering the state of Iran.

I really don't know where this idea came from, but I can assure you that there are no references to sister fucking in our texts or our culture.

Yeah, I have no clue about the state of Zoroastrians in Australia. At least in the US, most Zoroastrian temples are welcoming of white converts. The only problem might come from the temple speaking Farsi a lot. Regardless of that Zoroastrianism promotes individual study and there isn't really an emphasis on performing some sort of ceremony to become a Zoroastrian. Just enjoy the faith in private if you so please.
Link to The Gathas: zarathushtra.com/z/gatha/dji/gathtml.htm

Stay the fuck away from Abrahamic meme religions then. Monotheism in general is for the simple minded who can't understand complex topics. No, Mazdaism isn't monotheism. Everything is a part of the divine whole, so it falls under the category of pantheism or panentheism.

I am very interested in Zoroastrianism, as it is the oldest monotheistic religion to date. Could you give me a run down of what you believe and how it applies to the modern way of life?

yes I am far past abrahamic religion. I grew up going to catholic schools until I was a teenager and have no interest in getting back into it.

>so it falls under the category of pantheism
Nope you're retarded.

Rank these people in terms of how close their teachings are to zoroastrianism: Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed

Pantheism means all is divine/all is god. Ahuramazda is described as infinitely wise and of infinite light. Everything in creation ultimately stems from this infinity, as a part of it. Not created by it as a separate thing. Even things which derive from Angra Mainyu, Ahriman itself is a manifestation of the divine.

To understand this concept think, are your thoughts and dreams separate from you or within you? In abrahamic religions for example, this is not the base concept. Their gods are the only god, without a pantheon (except angels and demons/devils exist for some reason), and their creation is something separate from them that they rarely get involved with.

Buddha (more or less a personal ranking primarily due to the nature of how it emphasizes the idea that everything is connected), Jesus Christ, and Mohammed. In terms of actual beliefs though Jesus Christ would rank above Buddha.


It's a crusader kings 2 thing. It's one of the few religions in game that allow for marriage between extremely close family members.
Though I consider the real reason to play as them is to fuck up your sunni blob overlords from the inside.

Nice larp retard.

Also zoroastrianism is Islam light, sharia is pretty much taken directly from zoroastrianism, they were pretty fucking huge on chopping people up over petty crimes

Mazdaism is already more interesting since it has nothing to do with jews.

Considering how different the two religions are I would have to say that is completely false. Zoroastrian text doesn't put out a list of rules like most other religions do, it is more like a moral compass of thought, not a rulebook.

>this is not the base concept
Most scholars for 2000 years would agree that this is false and they don't agree on many things. Spinoza, a retarded atheist established the concept of pantheism based on his post-enlightenment nonsensical view of religion. Zoroastrianism and Christianity are deeply connected and if those aspects mean Zoroastrianism is "pantheism" then so is Christianity. Orthodoxy and the early church fathers are pretty clear that the image of God is a reference to the subjective experience that transcends everything material. Modern anti-christians create these dismissive narratives based on nothing but hatred of Christianity, it's the same process of systemic annihilation that the white race is going through.

The ultimate creation of Ahriman. They look white but inside are darker than the darkest nigger orcs.

muslims tell me Islam is a way of life and a guide in how to live a fulfilled life. its not meant ot be a rulebook either albeit many muslims do use it in that sense.
based off what you said i can see strong similaries and overlap

I'm half Persian. I think its dope. Really wish Iran never became Muslim, it's a dumb religion that doesn't seem to suit the racial and national character of Persians.

I’ve read a bit about Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda and all that. Looks really interesting, absolutely terrible how the Arabs effectively wiped out your religion. As a Christian I pray that your faith survives the coming of the century

>if those aspects mean Zoroastrianism is "pantheism" then so is Christianity. Orthodoxy and the early church fathers are pretty clear that the image of God is a reference to the subjective experience that transcends everything material. Modern anti-christians create these dismissive narratives based on nothing but hatred of Christianity,
But this is your God.

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I'd what you just wrote wasn't completely false, zoroastrians influenced Muslims to an extreme extend after they got conquered because the Muslims had no actual idea how to rule anything they conquered, zoroastrian priests offered solutions in exchange for Muslims to adopt zoroastrian traditions, by the end of the day, Islam didn't bring much more than people to Islam, since they had to adopt zoroastrian traditions just to stay in power, you can conquer anything you want, but if you can't literally force the hand of every single new subject, or say, actively control how the practise religion or what language you speak, you don't actually rule them.

You might want to take a history lesson you mongrel, it's your religion after all

Indian Parsi here.

My ancestors were forced to leave Iran and seek refuge in a foreign land. I’m not very religious but I still regularly go to the local Zoroastrian prayer hall here in Bombay.

My Mother is religious. She knows Persian and we celebrate Parsi New Year and other Zoroastrian festives. I still culturally identify as Zoroastrian though.

Today we are forced to live in a foreign land, speak a foreign language, even though we have remained ethnically Persian for 800 years, because our own homeland kicked us out. No wonder Parsis contribute to India, because if there’s even 1% chance that this irredeemable shithole can stand up and take our retribution against Islam, we are ready to take that chance.

Thank you for your service to the kikes. Without retards like you they have no chance of defeating the greatest civilization in history.

best goy, greatest ally

It's pantheism. Even gnosticism and paganism I would say fall under that category. In gnosticism all things possess the divine spark, thus all are part of god. In paganism, you know those religions with a PANTHEon, let's take Greek paganism for example. All humans were molded from Gaia's clay by Prometheus and he gave them the breath of Zeus's fire. They're made from a god and contain the spirit of a god, get their energy from things that grow on a god, which are fed by the sun god, and exist in the matrix of the time god. In that case it's pantheism stemmed from many gods, but all existence still seems to be directly a part of a god. Not deriving from one but actually existing as a moving functional part of one or many.

Not quite a concept for brainlets so if you want to keep it simple and just it's muh monotheism then that's cool. And fuck no christianity has nothing to do with zoroastrianism unless it copied some things somewhere down the line of its evolution. You cucks basically have an eclectic religion that's entirely copied from others. I can't think of a single concept in Christianity that isnt borrowed, that might explain why you see similarities.

Based Parsi bro
Please marry a qt Parsi girl and have lots of Parsi children. You are dwindling in numbers

The idea that Zoroastrians influenced Muslims to preserve traditions has nothing to do with what you were claiming before. Having a completely separate faith come in and conquer, and THEN being influenced just in the sense of traditions doesn't somehow mean the two faiths are incredibly connected. As well, you are specifically talking about Shias at that point, Sunnis have no such influence in their religion.

islam and persian culture work really well. so well it caused the islamic golden age for nearly 6 centuries.

That can become a reality in the upcoming elections. I support Modi just cause of his anti-Islam, but how is he towards Zoroastrians?

>I can't think of a single concept in Christianity that isnt borrowed
Goes for most of the religions that came after the oldest ones, pretty much everything is "take what fits" from what was around. the only ones that really stand out are Buddhism because they don't worship a god, and taoism which is quite honestly the only logical religion around since it doesn't give a fuck about its followers

If you get rid of the Islamic part of that equation it would simply be a continuation of the Persian golden age. Islam was merely a label that had no real influence on the intellectual growth and prosperous nature of the new nation.

>Not quite a concept for brainlets
This is the issue. You actually think these are advanced concepts not covered by every Christian theologian in history. You're a retard who will never read anything related to Christianity in good faith because of your kike brainwashing.
>but Christianity is jewish
You complete golems actually have the utter lack of brain capacity to claim that jews are inherently subversive and subverted us 2000 years ago but their aggressive promotion of that narrative isn't subversion. At the same time all scientific evidence completely shatters this narrative, around 50% of people tested from bodies found in the area from that time had genes for blonde hair and blue eyes.

>Without retards like you they have no chance of defeating the greatest civilization in history.
They defeated us already

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Christianity isn't Jewish!

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It' not really a hard concept to understand but I'll make it even easier for you
>be islam
>no tradition just people with spears and a few ideas like "we should fuck children" and also "muh infidel"
>conquer plebs but can't rule
>adopt entire religious foundation into Islam, remove the complicated concepts and instead add the two things you had, enforce with spear

Parsis are very small in number compared to the rest of the vote bank so there’s less talk about them.

But, pretty much everybody has a positive image of them because Tata was created by Parsis, along with the Indian Institute of Science, which is currently the best institute in India. So they’re seen as a model minority.

>In gnosticism all things possess the divine spark, thus all are part of god.
A feminist God, you kike. Ignore the two other gods

Attached: gnostic jesus freemasonry jews esoteric history nwo religion.png (1552x1564, 1006K)

the golden age happend in Iraq and the levant , how is that Persian ?

Maybe true for Ameristan, Bongistan, Swedistan, Germanistan, the Caliphate of France and a few others but the spark of civilization was almost extinguished by muslims before.

Dude Spenta Mainyu literally translates to holy spirit. Jesus is literally Mithra of the Avesta. I could make a wall of text with such comparisons. Not a single concept in your religion isn't ripped off, and they barely make an attempt to hide it.

Why would a religion that rips off others, to the point that the concepts lose their meaning, be the correct one? Why not just believe the original less watered down beliefs?

>but the spark of civilization was almost extinguished by muslims before.
(((meme flag)))

Yeah yeah we get it. Fight for the Jews. Muslim is just another branch of (((Christian Jewism))).

Attached: pepe 911 jews did it.jpg (619x406, 190K)

whites of the middle east

>Jesus is literally Mithra of the Avesta.
>Jesus is the Logos
>Jesus is Plato's perfect man
>Jesus is Dao!
>Jesus is Luke Skywalker!

You vermin infect every thread with your cancer. We can never talk here without your Jew worship

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Yes, but what I am saying is that it is purely the cultural aspect of the religion and even then it has no ties to what is going on in the modern age. Islamic leaders might have previously supported Zoroastrian traditions but now they are telling people to not follow them. Obviously, Persians don't care and still do because they really don't have that close of a tie with Islam anyway. I'm simply saying that your historical idea that somehow the two religions, that are now so clearly different, are and were connected makes no sense. When they were connected in that moment of history it was purely in a cultural sense to ease the pain of Persians being forced into Islam.

I have come to believe in ideas similar to zoroastrianism, but without knowing about it. I came up with it myself or better was told about such things.

>Why not just believe the original less watered down beliefs?
Absorb everything you can. You've framed it as the older version of a thing is always better. Zoroastrianism also developed out of an older tradition obviously, that's how the world works. Christianity is the most developed tradition of trying to understand the metaphysical. Even modern science can be considered to be a branch of Christianity. Why not use the older "less watered down" tradition?

>Christianity is the most developed tradition of trying to understand the metaphysical.


You people are worst than Leftists here. You wont STFU about your rabbi

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>Christianity is the most developed tradition of trying to understand the metaphysical.
The answer to everything: God did it!
I'm sorry dude but even paganism has more answers.

>modern science is Christianity

What metaphysics are in Shekeltianity?
