My parents are from a Muslim country but they are not religious like many in my ethnic group and I converted to...

My parents are from a Muslim country but they are not religious like many in my ethnic group and I converted to Christianity because I did my own thorough investigation and I sincerely think Jesus Christ is God and that the Bible is true (and islam is absolutely false).

Am I an enemy for you ? Do I need to go back ?

Attached: chateau-frontenac-boardwalk-Rob-Crandall-Shutterstock.com_[1].jpg (1000x667, 145K)

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>converted to Christian
U good senpai. Happy Easter

No, you're not my enemy. No, you do not need to go back.

You're not the enemy. If you value Canada you would go back. I don't value Canada so I say you should stay.

learn the language, adapt the culture, dress like us. find a girl who is your same ethnic background.

Do all this, and we will be at peace :)

Have a good day!

You may be converted that's fine. But genetic wise no.

What race shitskin, all these Christ cucks are retarded

You would be a valuable ally if you were to spread your civilised ways in your old country.

May I ask you from what race you are?

>Assimilate but dont mix with us

Are you fucking retarded? If you want actual assimilation where people have one identity and loyalty you should encourage mixed marriages.

Attached: 1555726761861m.jpg (576x1024, 108K)

Thank you u too

Will do

I'm well aware of that, that's why I ask


I see. That's not false.

For your own sake stay in Canada, we don't need traitors like you in Algeria (I'm Algerian myself). Keep yourself and your christcuck religion in Cucknada, filthy murtad!

Abdul is right, you should go to your home country OP

You will always be a sandnigger to them bro. It's not to late to return to your home country and religion.

i didn't use the word assimilate, you did.

no, your ok

Mixed marriage is identity suicide

I accept you senpai

assimilation efforts are appreciated
im going with not an enemy for now

you made the right choice so good job

you made the right choice leaf, you're fine in my book

>non muslim in a muslim country
He'd get lynched.

>Do I need to go back ?
Yes, probably and eventually.
Don't take it like forceful deportation, but as we all know the white race will not survive if we keep being nice.
Some browns, blacks and yellows are alright and aware that no whites is bad for everyone. So naturally the logical and ethical thing to do would be to keep them as allies and once the conflict is resolved, give them their own separate space.

Do you not know how to take a hint without revealing the plan, you fucking autist? Kill yourself, mouth breather.

no & no

shut the fuck up non-whites

happy easter bro

show your flag faggot

date and time stamp for starters

this is pol u know the rules

Do you honestly believe that shit is thought provoking? This is a dead serious question.

Welcome to the West; please breed within your own race.

If you believe that American/Western values are separate from race/ethnicity, then there's no reason to promote race mixing.

If you believe they are values inherent to White culture, then mixing will eventually erase them.

In either case, race mixing ends badly.

Unless, of course, you're an anti-White racist, that wants to see us bred into extinction.

Tldr, kike detected. Kys