How to stop being an animal

How the fuck do I stop objectifying women?? I feel so horrible after I let myself loose in a club or a bar. I want to respect them but my urge to stick my dick in them trumps all my rationale.

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Your like Johnny Bravo. A human version of swine and can't figure out why nobody likes him.

Bruh not being liked is not my problem. I have no issues with getting girls but when I do my dick becomes my brain and I can’t control what I am doing with my hands and eyes anymore. Fuck

Read Otto Weininger

Just any work or something in particular?

Spend more time with ugly girls. Learn to appriciate women for qualities that dont have to do with outward appearance. Also stop watching porn.

will it ever become a truth, when guys be replying "okay" to their gf's nudes because they don't sexualize them like at all

Ask yourself why you want to fuck any attractive female you see. It might be about hidden insecurities. Or maybe you want to increase your selfworth by proving that you are a real man.

Wrong Otto, read Otto Gross.
Women like dick just as you like pussy; you've already given them mutual respect.

Sex and Character