Let's be honest here, if you're a black man, should you just give up on dating online/IRL

Let's be honest here, if you're a black man, should you just give up on dating online/IRL.

And before you start on "black men date white women all the time", we're talking about a black guy being able to date a white woman who isn't council house trash or a landwhale.

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how do you dress/groom yourself? it's pretty crazy how your image changes with clothes as a black man

>council house
Sounds hoitey-toitey!

>Do you summer at your family's council house?

My military black buddy got a petite white girlfriend and they'd been friends for years before that. Honestly, watching them grow up has been all its own reward. Occasionally, they come to me for advice.

Here's one for you: if you're a perpetual victim like OP, nobody will ever like you, sexually or platonically. Nobody likes whining, period. No matter what it is or why it's happening. People never like to listen to whining.

Agreed. Leave your black women to the white men.

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Council Houses are draconian, modern high-density residences found in the UK, where up to 35 families will live elbow to elbow in a room the size of a London phone booth. The "council" part of the name derives from the matriarchs of each family convening once a week to vote on council matters, like who gets to maintain their hygiene that week.

This is promoting slavery. Kys

Yeah I know the man is the woman’s slave in this crazy world.

>informed consent promotes slavery

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I see, so it's basically self-regulated project housing?

if you think that's weird, "public housing" is what they call bars in the UK

he's the exception not the rule.

And more importantly, he's masculine, unlike me. I'm 5ft 4in.

That does make some sense, though. In the olden days, didn't travelers stay overnight at an inn before continuing on their quest?

Or maybe I just play too much RPG

But an Inn is privately owned, user.

Sure, it could be. The "public" in public housing probably means "open to the public"

I don't follow your logic

It's a "public house" in the sense that it's a house for the general public to gather in, drink and socialize.

But it's privately owned so it's not as if anyone can come in and stay

Do you want advice or do you just to wallow in self pity over how you were born despite the fact that millions of men that look like you have had some form of romantic success?

>Low self esteem combined with High standards

Good luck buddy

are you only interested in white women? if so ur making a big mistake white women are overrated

Have you ever considered going for your own women?

>*rubs hands eagerly*