Was Nixon really that bad? I’m not an American so most things I know about him are from movies and TV shows and they always paint him as this really evil creature. Was he really evil or are the Hollywood kikes doing the same thing they do with Trump?
Was Nixon really that bad...
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Not really no. He's par for the course. Hes famous because of Watergate, which is literally fucking nothing. He never needed to step down honestly.
Is he bad from a normie sense? Meh.
Is he bad from a Jow Forums sense? Him and Kissinger are to blame for China being a superpower.
Most people dont even know a single thing Nixon did that was horrible.
Most people have no idea what Watergate is.
Opening trade with China was maybe unwise long term. But it's hard to say yet. The clean air/water acts and the endangered species act were worthwhile. I'm unclear on exactly what he did to our money, but...7/10 president.
I kinda liked the guy, he was sorta red-pilled, typical of his generation, but I don't know about his policies.
The Dems did to Nixon what they tried to do to Trump with the Russian Illusion, but the actual spying on Trump makes Watergate look like fucking jaywalking
If you spend some time listening to his old friends, like GG Liddy and Roger Stone, you get some idea of who Nixon was- The only real way for me, other than some old speeches, as he was before my time. I suspect that he was a tool of the dark overlords, then something made him change sides- And they used the press to destroy him over the bugging shit, just as they're using the press against our prez now. So, I think he started out bad, converted, and was gotten rid of for it.
he was no worse than the rest of them. just dumb enough to get caught.
its been shown all of y our presidents ran dodgy agendas.
He opened up China like Commodore Perry opened up Japan which led to Pearl Harbor. Eventually we will have a Pearl Harbor incident with China so Nixon could get slave labor for the Republicans just as the Republicans freed the black slaves through Lincoln for slave labor to use in their Northern factories.
Nixon was the last American president. He stood up the drug traffickers, social engineers, and the spy agencies. For his commitment to the American people he was toppled by a coup. Watergate was a setup from the phony Daniel Ellsberg to the wretched Mark Felt.
Nixon was just another Jew controlled puppet like Bush and Trump.
LBJ/Pentagon killed JFK, got away with it, then Nixon took the fall.
Bush/Pentagon did 9/11, got away with it, and Hillary will take the fall.
Nixon/Hillary were corrupt, but not even close to LBJ/Bush/Pentagon.
Nixon was not bad at all.. he was trying to prevent the commies from getting into power and merely had incompetent agents who fumbled the job and got caught then he tried to cover his knowledge of it up and the democrats smelled blood and the feeding frenzy took his political life but Nixon was /ourguy/ 100% and served America admirably
How would anyone pin it on Hillary
Same way they pinned "Deep State" on Nixon
my dudes he was at bohemian grove
According to Milton Friedman he was the “most intelligent highest IQ President he ever worked with” so that’s saying something. On the other hand he also said about him that despite this he was prone to abandoning his principles for political gains very easily.
he and Manson are two biggest boomer´s bogeyman. They treat them like the incarnation of Satan but when you look deep they never lived up the hype.
I thought nixon just took the blame of other peoples fuck ups. which made him look bad
Hollywood lied how Nixon was really like.
It was a literal psy op.
In reality, The Hollywood Portrayal of Nixon was based on Lyndon B. Johnson
Everything they accuse Nixon of being like was based on real documented behavior of President Lydon B Johnson.
Hollywood just memory holes Lyndon B. Johnson because he is a Democrat.
The fact Nixon resigned showed he was beta as shit deep down inside and was not a fighter at all. He should not have resigned at all.
He was an outsider who died for our sins, not Deep State
>The fact Nixon resigned showed he was beta as shit deep down inside and was not a fighter at all. He should not have resigned at all.
Wrong. Nixon did what he thought was best for the United States of America and was a patriot.
An outsider straight from Bohemian Grove. The "faggiest goddamn thing imaginable"
Nixon kept us in Vietnam for an extra six years. Par for the course as far as politicians go, but everybody who died from 68 onward is his and Kissinger's fault.
The coward gave into Israels nuclear threats.
The american thing, and logically the most reasonable thing to do at the time would have been to allow Israel to expend its Samson option there and then before it could acquire or allow it's arsenal to grow in power and quantity.
The world would have been ripe to unite against it's hostility at the time, but alas, it is likely too late now to do so without ending all life on earth.
>In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador warned President Nixon of "very serious conclusions" if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied. This is seen by some commentators on the subject as the first threat of the use of the Samson Option.
It is curious but it turns out Nixon had a lot more integrity than any living Democrat.