Does this mean

San Francisco will be a SuperPower by 2020??

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Pajeet Rodriguez is at it again.

Nothing redpills you like living in San Francisco your whole life, as long as you were t brainwashed early on.

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Legit thought that was Ryder

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SF being culturally enriched by the Pajeet H1Bs


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>reports of turds
Do people actually report street shits to some authority? That's hilarious. I don't think I've ever seen a human shit on a street or in public.

Shit it down.

I shit you not; we are covered in poo. Lived in the center of the darkest spot on that map for 20+ years now. Been to India, and they're worse, but we're dam close now.

Once saw a dude passed out drunk in the stairwell of Stockton street tunnel (middle of the dark spot). He wasn't dressed too bad, about mid 20s, and completely covered in poo. I could tell by the smears on his face that he had the drunk munchies as well before he knocked out.

Another time I walk out of my building and hear a cop yelling "PICK IT UP!". Got my attention and look over - a black dude is literally sitting there picking up a big fudge dragon with his bare hand.

It goes on and on......seen dead people..... people that could've been dead with needles still stuck in the arm.....small time drug deals daily....

Strange part is during the day, workers come from all over the Bay Area. The town is temporarily full of normal people. Hot chicks everywhere, smart dudes in suits, and we all try our best to pretend we don't see the madness.

I can't imagine where it'll end. It's the worst I've ever seen it here.