Are most of your opinions just cope?

>all women are whores
Women want everyone else but me
>I want one woman to marry and raise children
= I'm desperate enough to just marry the first one who will settle for me and I'll probably be a shit father anyway
>sex before marriage is a sin
See 1st point
>Christianity/religion is good
I'm an edgy contrarian who 'believes in god' because 'the left' doesn't like religion
>everything is controlled by Jews
Excuse to not make an effort to improve my life because it's 'rigged from the start'
>every race but mine is inferior
Despite me being an overweight khv NEET I'm 'biologically superior'
>collective pride in my race/country
I've never achieved anything of my own so I take credit for others

I could go on all day but ffs look in the mirror and improve your lives. You'll find most of the hate you have for everyone else is really just hate for yourselves. A lot of the time you're factually correct, but you draw the wrong conclusions and blame everything and everyone around you. Take some responsibility and be your own man.

Yes look at the flag oooooo goyim obey and die for Israel. Find a better argument than pic related.

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who are you fighting, the people that use these point on Jow Forums are about 5% of the people. actually have a conversation with some of the people on this board. Your attacking the small percentage that you could call the "loudest" percentage which is just faggots from /b/ spamming boards.

A jew and a memeflag arguing, priceless

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Kike has a point. I feel a lot of these dudes on here that claim to be Nazi are fucked up dudes who never had a gf. Like to talk about shit but never do anything. Sig Heil. happy 420. Long live Hitler

you overuse, misuse, and abuse the word 'cope' thus rendering it forever meaningless, good day, kike


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based jew

Shoshanna, is this you? If yes, long time no see ... I miss our discussions.

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Absolutely retarded movie.
Quintessential liberal elite circle jerk. Fucking Jewish girl in interracial relationship with black guy helps a crack team of Jews from the US kill Hitler and all the Nazis and neatly save the day, whilst having them also Allahu Akbar themselves and die as heroic martyrs for their cause. Might as well have made Anne Frank into the little girl from Kickass with Oscar Schindler as Agent 007 for fuck's sake holy shit I hate that movie.

Absolutely agree here. Tarantino's quality did sharply decline after From Dusk Till Dawn. Still, Waltz provides good meme potential as eternal Austrian ... aaaanyway, still wondering if it is you or not.

> Anne Frank as the little girl from Kickass with Oscar Schindler as Agent 007

Ebin!! Wanna krautfund that? XD

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>atheist who lives in israel

nice try kike

>46% secular and 8% anti-religious
Literally 1 second on Google.

>not a horny pregnant Anne Frank armed with a Kar98 who shoots Nazis from rooftops at day, and rides Peter's dick nonstop at night

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>ywn hunt Nazis like a deadly predator with your heavily pregnant Jewfu


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Women are in fact self absorbed sluts nowadays. I'd rather just blow a load on my knuckles and make my own sandwiches honestly.

I would say that "cope" is when you have to caricature something to prove it wrong but hey

>most of your opinions are just cope
I want to change your mind but I don't have arguments
>we're all equal
Don't try to protect your country while we destroy it with mass immigration
>it's just a coincidence
See 2nd point

I could go on but this is a shitty slide thread so I won't

>we're all equal
Not what I said. You can't take credit for coming out with SMS first because you're Finnish, just like you can't be blamed for fighting for Hitler in WW2 or inventing Molotov cocktails which get thrown in the thousands in my back yard.
>don't try to protect your country while we destroy it with mass immigration
Don't recall Israelis driving around abducting your friends and forcing them to vote for left wing retards, you have minds of your own don't you? Why the fuck do you think we vote Likud and the right wing here? We don't want mass immigration of terrorism.

are all your arguments strawmen?

Nationalism and love for ones country and heritage should be ingrained in the education system from day one. I believe in God, because if Jews exist then Satan must indeed be real, and therefore there must be a God out there somewhere. Many woman do behave in a grotesque manner. I wonder who undermined the nuclear family in America. I wonder who encouraged Porn in America. I wonder who promoted the idea of "sexual liberation" in America. I wonder who encouraged Homosexuals to be more flamboyant and brazen about their lifestyles. Look no further than Tel Aviv, the faggot capital of the world. "Anyone that despises me or my people must be an overweight, man-child incel". Ok Jew, whatever helps you rationalize the fact that you have been hated since time immemorial. Even the most repulsive, hopeless white, is more respectable than a Jew.

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And I say this after tasting the fucking grapes. They REALLY are sour

I could steal your wife

great contribution kike.
you can fuck off back to plebbit

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Nice blog post. Embarrassing.

Low effort LARP, you could at least use a memeflag you fucking kike!!

True. Jow Forums tards are have to post copes 24/7 otherwise they'd kill themselves out of shame. It's out of their control in a way. It's a mix of a massive ego and reality not measuring up to their beliefs.

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Aren't Algerian whores dying to go to France to slut it up with the BBC?

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>>I want one woman to marry and raise children

Guys who say this are either naive kids in their late teens, or are absolute betacucks/christcucks

If you've looked at history or just normal human behavior in general, you'd realize that the one who wins is the one with most power, not the one who is right and/or good.

Was Hitler right? Of course he was. Happy birthday Fuhrer! We miss and love you.
Did he still lose and the more powerful side win? Also yes.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if people who were right won, you'd be ash.

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Not really sure how anyone could dispute the fact that virgin woman have always been recognized as the absolute ideal. If you had the choice between a woman who has been railed by a dozen men, and a woman who has preserved herself for marriage, why in the world would you pick the one who had previously been ravished? I guess there are some guys that like cum-dumpsters. Some men even enjoy watching their wives get plowed by others. Very strange.

>>all women are whores
Only incels think this shit , men and women have sex drive not only men (who would ever say)
>>I want one woman to marry and raise children
>>sex before marriage is a sin
Only incels say this shit
>>Christianity/religion is good
Imagkne believing in fairy tales as an adult
>>everything is controlled by Jews
This is right tho , all hail our jews overlords
>>every race but mine is inferior
This one is retarded , people who believe this shit need to get gassed
>>collective pride in my race/country
Same , you just happened to born tbat way , is retarded to take pride of that

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Epic tiddies.

WARNING: There is an evil presence that has possibly poisoned all forms of birth control. Even condoms. STOP HAVING CASUAL SEX!!

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No what I mean is most unmarried older men dont want to marry at all anymore unless theyre ludicrously rich and powerful, because they realize the burden and stress they would be bringing into their lives

If Hitler / If the Jews / If if if.
You're a man with your own thoughts and your own free will. Go out and do whatever the fuck you want with your life. Jewish surgeons specialising in gender reassignment surgery are going to promote cutting your fucking dick off because it makes them money. Jewish politicians are going to tell you to vote for them because it makes them money. Jewish bankers are going to convince you to take out a $200k loan because it makes them would anybody else, but that doesn't have to affect you unless you let it. Israelis don't give two shits about anyone but Israelis. We don't like foreign 1/16th Russian Jews coming here, we sterilised the Ethiopians, and now there's an epidemic of fake Colombian and S. American Jews.
We went to a pile of rocks in the desert and said "fuck off this is my little patch of land leave me the fuck alone." That's all we want.

i agree but at the same time fuck you kike

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>Why the fuck do you think we vote Likud
Likud voters are mizrahim or atleast slightly religious ashkenazi mainly.
jews everywhere else are cancer like secular ashkenazis who vote avoda or meretz.