Jow Forums tell me about the gentler sex?
What’s the dirtiest thing a woman has said or done with you?
She said maybe I should have sex with her mother since she’s been alone for years and “it wouldn’t matter b/c it’s just me”
She has a poop corner in the house. Where she poops all the time. It's just a metal plate filled with her delicious shit. I just wank to the sight and smell of it. It's intoxicating
lick my balls
Hooker told me this, pic related.
OP’s mom told me this, pretty hot.
Y'all poop everywhere, but the toilet don't you.
That is what true freedom feels like.
She put a small bottle of lube up my ass so I could feel what anal was like before she let me fuck her ass. I confidently say that I am not gay
Then after breaking up years later I got her drunk and I guess date-raped or plain old raped her. Women lie about that shit all the time when they have sex and regret it and get in trouble for it. You can't be raped a half a dozen times, maybe you're just a ho
Was sick, to she sucked the snot out of my nose and swallowed it, made me puke and she was perplexed as to why.
Did yah do it?? Was her mom hot?
Had a 1 night stand ask me to impersonate her grandad, oldman voice and all.
Barely had any sex at all because she wanted so much violent "punishment" stuff beforehand.
Not my proudest moment, bulldyke looking ass bitch looked a lot like that dude from that msnbc show. She got kff before I did and cried so I had to jackfinish.
I was going through a dry spell, so I guess no ragrerts but fuck that sucked.
By the gods.
my wife got a really bad stomach thing from some bad food we had on a date and was shitting herself for like a week straight
i of being who i am of course had to make fun of her for it at every opportunity
eventually she said if i made fun of her again she would shit down my throat
turns out she wasnt simply, if you may, shit-talking
that is how a learned that scat is as disgusting as it seems if not more so but also that my wife is incredibly fucking hot when she gets aggressive
did you hit it
lick my ass while wanking and deepthroating me
Fat ugly woman at work has groped my crotch, ass, chest and said degenerate things to me when I was an awkward shy 18 year old. This woman also talked to other women at work about nigger dick sizes which has forever ruined women for me.
Any notion of some kind of ''romance'' and ''love'' has been wiped from my mind. I am going to stay single for life.
I guess I should actually contribute to the thread.
>Fingering girl, I knew she was a whore, but still was going to fuck.
>She rocks forward onto my hand ans whole hand goes in.
>Freaks me out honestly this what shocking to me and my boner went into the shadow realm.
>She starts riding my fist and I am very confused that this was possible, I was young sorry.
>She tells me to put the my other fist into her asshole.
>I pulled out my hand and slapped her across the face and told her to get the fuck out of my apartment.
>I had no clue why, but I was so disgusted that i never went near slags again.
Best decision of my life honestly and have only had rewarding relationships since. I am haunted by that evening though.
I know this feeling. Took me a long time to have few that a few women aren't total whores.
trying to fuck in the kitchen when her fiance who is one of my best friends is in the next room over. sorry i have loyalties that you don't, trollop.
Long time to realize*, sorry very drunk on vodka brother.
Ahhhh now I see
She didn't tell me she was on her period. I found out when I was 7" in. Pulled out, said wtf and she laughed. She's a feminist and a whore but I wouldn't mind fucking her again.
Friend of mine said he was eating a girl's ass and found a piece of corn. Guess he was in too deep. This was a girl who had a big ig following and was a model lol.
>I guess I should actually contribute to the thread.
contributing to data miners
Jokes on them, all they get is trash.
>I wanna snort coke of yer cock and lick it
In a Scouse accent. A couple of weeks ago, a reply after i propositioned her.
my gf told me she loved me when i was throwing a massive rage fit
it was the only time shes ever said it so i got a massive erection. dirty af
If a woman is willing to do something dirty to you then you are an incel cuck who she is using because she can't get a real man. And the fact that you let her makes you even worse. It's unhealthy. I hate jews.
A woman once invited me into a public bathroom so I could watch her. I didn't accept.
I don’t know, women never had interest in me
“You’re my bitch, you’ll always be my bitch, and everything you own belongs to me”
I ended up not marrying her...
I dated a chick who wanted me to pee on her for awhile. But then she'd get mad when I would say 'damn I really need to take a piss' and look at her expectantly lol. Other than that, lots of chicks seem to have impregnation fantasies, and way more than I would have thought like to be choked and slapped during sex. For those reasons and some others I quit women entirely years ago. They're all fucked in the head.
I once paid a black crackhead to defecate on my face. I even fed her before the ceremony. Her delicious soft serve was smooth and came out in one medium sized log. Her aromatic kaka Coated my face and lips ever so elegantly.
>She put a small bottle of lube up my ass so I could feel what anal was like...
Hate to break it to you, buddy. You may not be gay but you sure as hell aren't straight.
Sometimes me and my wife make love in the missionary position while looking deep into each others eyes and telling each other how much we care about the other
sniff mm yes quite pungent my dear
What the fuck.
She looked at me confidently.
Almost came.
My GF shits on my dick from time to time.
I then wank and cum inside her
G-d that’s so fucking hot ugh.
Had a chick suck my dick after slamming her in the ass. I pulled out to cum on her and instead of just letting me do that, she blew me to finish off instead. Felt amazing, but couldn’t look at her the same way ever again after that. Ass to mouth is one of those things that was too close to the abyss for me.
She held my held my hands while coming
>I want to fuck you until your dick falls off
>I want to kick your ass
>I want to peg you
Noped right out of there.
I know how you feel. The first ass to mouth I ever participated in was with a Colombian twink in Bogota. The hottest part about this arrangement was the kid wasn’t even a sex worker, just some poor dishwasher working at a restaurant. Long story short I pulled him aside, threw a couple of hundos at em and before I knew it I was knee deep in his faggot ass hahaha. I even gave him my bug hahah, kids probably dead by now.
marry me
sloppy thread, discord tranny
"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."
My little sister sucked my finger. She was 9 at the time. Then she smiled at me seductively. After that everything was back to normal even until now years later. IDK what was going on at the time but it happened and it's like she forgot about it.
Oh my
>im 13 and fight club is deep
the post
You’re a sick fuck
A girl has never said anything dirty of kinky to me.
Usually they ask me to go away.
Not that guy but I don't see anything weird or cringeworthy in that post
Once a woman put my peepee in her mouth and when I said I was coming she went hard on it and my nut shot out of her nose.
It was pretty nice.
Nothing too dirty just asked me to fuck them in the ass which I did. They then had to rush to the toilet to shit it all back out which made me laugh.
she let out this nasty wet and silet fart that stunk like dead aborted babies, she said "i farted". the one time she told me "im horny" it was a turn off.
LIAR, everyone knows girls don't poop
Flag checks out
When I was 17 I dated this 16 year old girl, she had an inferiority complex because she was short, though she had the most beautiful face and body with a big booty, she lost her virginity to me and thought we will get married because her parents are very conservative Catholics, she had a gay brother who was 1 year younger than her, he had a booty just like hers, and he would usually give me dirty looks, so I told her unless she let's me fuck him, I will tell her parents that she lost her virginity to me, so she said yes after a week of crying and fights, when I told her brother he directly went for it and seemed to be a very degenerate small fag, I told him what I did to make this happens and he laughed at her, I told him I wanted to duck him and her side by side and he agreed, after threatening her about the virginity again and that she allowed me to duck her brother she agreed, I ducked them side by side, after a while she became into it, after we broke up she became a slut who sleeps with every guy she meets.
I fucked a girl up the ass once and ended up getting her shit on my cock. Glad I was wearing a condom but for some reason it didn’t stop me from fucking her. It actually turned me on even more knowing what my cock was doing to her ass. It did smell do.
Ex gf took a pic while she was taking a shit and send the pic to me. Saw her turd cutter with shit.
I fucked a fat bitch up the ass in movie theater.
Good work
Another life destroyed mmmm
Why would a 13 year old like a movie from 1999? When did I imply it was deep? Why are you posting some cringey Shrek meme?
Oh when I ate my ex gfs ass I guess I sucked on her anus that little shit came out lol I tasted her shit. When to the bathroom and cleaned my mouth.
I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarballs!
>"I'm gonna give you thrush..."
Some coal burner let me have sex with her while she was in labor and just as I was about to cum the niglet began to crown and and I nutted all over his monkey head.
Is there a problem idiot?
Did you tell your friend?
Tongue punched my fart box, then started to cry when I refused to kiss her ever again. We divorced, and I pay 700 bucks per month in child support and refuse to speak to her or acknowledge my fecal/degenerate former family. They’re dead to me. I’m not larping, it’s fucking gross.
Damned be the tyranny of the loo
>cucking under a woman's words
never change leaf
I work at a magazine job and i'm the token white guy there. Only spics and muslims. I got put in a team with only women. The amount of times I get dog whistled when I come in at work.
I don't mind it though since I'm not a little bitch. Plus even the muslim girl qts can't help but smile at me whenever I pass them
Are you sure you’re Belgian?
Raped me.
i was banging this moldavian chick for a couple of months and as revenge for talking behind my back I fucked her out of know where in the ass
she said afterwards that it was "1st time" and "perfect" even though it went right in; degenerate shit mates
>are you stupid or something? creep
dirtiest thing a woman has said to me
Burn in hell faggot
just fucked a tindergirl last night,
she's about to be a dentist and quite cute desu
hit her in the face, bound her up, made her gag and came in her ass, she loved it...
she grew up without a father obviously
shit was cash
don't let your daughters turn into a whore Jow Forums
wiped my ass for a few months after a grain truck hit my side, and lots of sex where she had to do all the work and also couldn't put any weight on me
I’ve eaten my ex wives shithole before.
lulz I just remembered that the moldavian chick became a doctor :)) and yes she liked to be chocked but from what I noticed the Paretto principle is present here as 80% of women really love it
Ya, felt obligated but not a fun conversation. Didn't tell him that night but a few days later when I thought it over.
Told me she loved me. Then 4 months later said she was trans and wanted to become a man.
Women are fucking stupid.
Pretty sure. I can relate back to the 1890's here. Of both my parents' family side
my married coworker I was banging told me
"Oh daddy this is your pussy now you own it when my husband comes back I'm going to be so loose from your big cock"
she swallowed so much of my cum too
after work I would just make her suck my dick
now she hates me cause I'm a piece of shit haha
She did anal then she sucked my d 20 mins later knowing I hadn't taken a shower or anything
When I was 13 my 16 year old ex e-gf that loved hitler played with her boobs on skype. But what’s fucking sad is that I don’t like boobs.
"I was molested by my grandpa, is that okay?"
I said okay then she sucked my dick
Bro I’m fuckin stoking right now finish the story
> the dirtiest thing
"I want you to hit me"
A couple of partners explicitly wanted me to rape them, or as close as is legally possible.
> The gentler sex
This is a lie.