I too used to be a raging Jew hater and white supremacist believing in the fantasies of Hitler/etc. I grew out of it and so will all of you once you face reality and have to work your ass off at a 9 to 5 job. Most people here are insecure fucks so they use the fact that they're white to excuse their pathetic life. Let me ask you Jow Forums, are you ever truly happy with yourself? Always enraged at the world, always looking to harm/kill others for your own enjoyment/unrealistic agenda?
I too used to be a raging Jew hater and white supremacist believing in the fantasies of Hitler/etc...
I used to be [your ideology too] until I grew out of it. Seriously guys, [your ideology] is clearly flawed. When you get out into the real world, and out of your basement, you will see that [thing you belive] and [thing you believe] are clearly incorrect.
you understand we are entering new age serfdom right? China will win.
lol shut up kike.
I can't find a counter-argument so it's clearly b-bait!
>a 9 to 5 job
So in a way, you’re saying work will make me free?
hey i work 9 to 5 too and i still hate kikes
You're Jewish though right?
I meant most people here don't know what the real world is like. It's like playing with Legos as a kid and then when you have more responsibilities you realize the insignificance of them compared to reality.