Oh my God. Uploaded only 2 days ago. Number 1 on trending. Over 11 million views. About 30 of the biggest stars in music today collaborated on this. It's unreal how stupid this is.
Pure global warming propaganda. What's most disturbing and infuriating about this is the cutesy animation style juxtaposed with unnecessary vulgarity and sexual innuendos everywhere. This was obviously targeted towards kids—poison their minds while their young with sex and a total "climate change" sham with no basis in science. At 3:15, they praise India, Africa, China and they literally say, "We forgive you Germany." Again, this just seems too unreal. Are they baiting us Jow Forums?
Whoops I mistyped. That line about Germany actually starts at 3:55, not 3:15.
Isaiah Hughes
“I choose violence.”
Tyler Sanders
Jews who made this think they're speaking for the world.
Aaron Bailey
Too bad for them, I'm actually going to watch it. I'm bored too. And it's hard to focus. Will someone please ask me a question? I'm very lonely/curious about this place and I don't have anyone to talk to.
Gavin White
>"We love you, Inida" >"We love you, Africa" >"We love you, China" >"We forgive you, Germany" Fuck you. Just fuck you!
Got a few moments in about a skunk 'spraying stink in your face from it's butthole' or some degenerate shit like that. You hit the nail on the head with everything; they are getting more and more blatant with this crap.
Angel Walker
propaganda that says we have to "save the world" because of a change in the weather.
Alexander Gray
>+ that degenerate talk
amerimutts should stop exporting degeneracy in the west
Jonathan Jones
I assume the singer is Tribe, just by the looks of him
Hudson Watson
Uh-oh, I watched it.
Christian Clark
I hate Gaia worship. I wish environmentalism maintained the sober and stoic realism of it's past form instead of being hysterical deification of the planet.
>Hey we need to cut emissions/wasteful use of chemicals because they fuck up the environment for us and lead to acute death/illness. We understand we can't get rid of refrigeration or pesticides so let's find a replacement that doesn't dramatically change our quality of life. k >Hey we need to cut emissions and stop using fossil fuels entirely because they make Gaia cry and will lead to a literal apocalypse where everybody dies btw this is going to happen in like 10 years if you dont' do it now NOW NOW NOW NOW DO IT NOW OTHERWISE EVERYBODY IS GOING TO DIE NO TIME FOR ALTERNATIVES DRASTICALLY CHANGE YOUR QUALITY OF LIVING (Unless you are rich) AND EAT BUGS NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.
Levi Jenkins
Naw. You have to "save the world" as you call it, lol, by segregation. Seriously though. Segregation is our only shot at redemption in our makers eyes.
Daniel Rivera
It's as if you're me talking to the world, but you're just slightly off. Close, but not perfect... like me. heh
Nolan Sanders
Everyone in the west needs to start segregating, balkanizing, and returning to source.
Mason Baker
Lil Dicky is the biggest forced meme of all time. He has no real audience or fanbase. He pays to put all his stuff on the front page of Reddit (and now YouTube as well, from the looks of it) and even Redditors have called him out for this. This is straight up Matrix shit.
Jack Martinez
Been samefagging all over this bitch. Not one of you motherfuckers (hopefully soon) wants to talk to me? I'm genuinely hurt. Not suprised, but ya know... I love you guys.
Ryder Harris
WE HAVE A WINNER! The Matrix was very prophetic, analogously.
Adam Peterson
I disagree but I'm a Christian. Our maker already saved the world through his son Jesus Christ.
Ethan Green
You drunk man?
Connor Wood
Wow. Someone should screencap all of my samefagging in here. Whoever does it will be surprised.
I'm getting tired... your time is running out.
Brody Thomas
What do you want to talk about? I think we all know about the importance of having real communities
Joshua James
Are you guys white?
Tyler Cruz
No no no... you ask the questions here, if I feel like answering, I might.
Nathaniel Bennett
I only wish to address white people, myself.
Levi Rodriguez
Your actions suggest otherwise, BTW.
Blake Foster
Scots/Irish here, born in the old country. You?
Jayden Richardson
>Your actions suggest otherwise
What actions? I live in a rural, homogenous community, it's super-comfy, safe, high trust etc.
Bentley Murphy
Matthew Foster
Born Portland, Oregon. I hate it. It's the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Pure filth and Satanism everywhere you look. Ever been? lol
I'm a bit of a jester. Just FYI.
Thank you for talking to me, btw. I really appreciate it.
Gavin Ward
Nothing on this earth is safe while the Jews hold power over a country that is NOT THEIRS!!!!!!!!!!
It's not directly your fault, but it will get better soon, if you REALLY want it to.
Owen Edwards
>install video blocker >blacklist all BuzzFeed channels (there's 20 of them), and a ton of other clickbait, degenerate shit like Jeffrey Starr, and all the propaganda I encounter >video ends >disabeled autoplay re-enables >HEY THIS IS BUZZFEED MYSTERIES AND TODAY... YouTube is one tricky nigger. And before any of you mongoloids says "hurr it only showed you stuff based on your browsing history!" no it didn't. I don't have a YouTube account, I delete cookies every five minutes, these are the default recommendations, and the algorithm is pants-on-head retarded.
Dylan Garcia
I mean maybe I got old but who is this shit supposed to appeal to? Is this really aimed at kids from 6-10 while making all sorts of sexual jokes? Or is it aimed at teenagers, it sounds like something I would find boring as fuck, maybe I'm out of touch but I don't see who is supposed to be the target audience of this propaganda piece.
Never been to the Pacific Northwest, but I hear it's very beautiful apart from the smelly hippies
Nowhere is safe I agree, but this is still miles better than city living. They can't destroy Nature
Eli Williams
"Fellas don't you like to cum when you have sex, and I heard women orgasms are better than a dick's." How did you like that retarded line immediately preceding a shot of the Christ the Redeemer statue?
It's quite literally the most beuatiful location on the planet... if you're white. I live on the coast. Surrounded by beauty and wonder daily. Niggers and Mexicans must leave. It's literally our/their only hope.
Grayson Barnes
I thought it was a disgusting reference to a Divine Entity. Figures the kikes would ruin another beautiful mental projection. Sad.
Dominic Torres
They don't forgive Germany anyway, Germany is "Amalek" and must be destroyed (start from the 40 minute mark):
You're not broken or even close to it. If you're even aware of Jow Forums, you're light years ahead of the pack.
Angel James
>I live on the coast.
I live on the opposite coast -- not as scenic as the PNW but still very nice. Tang of salt air in the breeze, though my own house is about a mile back from the water
Nicholas White
Stay strong brother, a world built on lies is doomed to collapse
Lincoln Nelson
Seent it. And many others. Amalek is actually distributed all across Europe. We must all be killed. Just Incase.
Justin Taylor
Note that the fags pushing this shit are still using electricity and living in houses instead of mud huts or burrows.
Jaxon Jones
>"We forgive you Germany." Based
Jeremiah Sullivan
Sounds Divine. I hope you view it as such. You're white. Not only do you deserve it, you're OWED IT!!!! That said, we're above criminal activity. That's for the kikes and niggers.
Jordan Garcia
Living in tiny/container housing, having no car, shivering because we can't afford heat and subsisting on an insect-based diet is our future, not the future of those who rule over us and want us to "save the planet". Just look at Emma Thompson and her 6000-mile birthday jaunt to LA before returning to London to scream about carbon emissions
Julian Hughes
But will they understand why when it does? It'll be fucking hilarious, man. Every"one" is going to be laughing about it for eternity. Well, everyone except (((them))). (((They'll))) just be sad. LMAO
Cameron Wilson
climate change is real mate
Jacob Stewart
>animu shit discarded
Jose Hughes
i mean whats wrong in promoting renewable energy?
Gabriel Gonzalez
It does have a basis in science but most of the bullshit spouted by these people, gives it a bad name. Just read the basic chemistry and leave the bullshit out of it.
Connor Martin
Wrong. That is not a white man's future, present, or past.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>At 3:15, they praise India, Africa, China and they literally say, "We forgive you Germany." its 3:55
Jace Phillips
>"We love you Poopyland" Based
Joseph Peterson
"Renewable energy" is an oxymoron. Should say "less degenerate than pure degenerate, but still degenerate." Or something like that.
Alexander Russell
what a gay song, the song isn't marketed to adults it's too fucking cartoony and the song is so fucking simple but it isn't marketed to children with all the swearing and shit
Charles Thompson
I think you can advocate for alternative energy sources without a bunch of globohomo shit forced in on the side.
Kayden Rogers
I should have said: it's the future they want for us, but not for themselves. I can't see people submitting to it, though
Christian Johnson
most of the kids and people in the clip are white, the is nothing gay there
Wyatt Sullivan
>Lil Dicky
God damn niggers and jews.
Carter Edwards
I mistyped.
Asher Hill
Guys, I'm getting tired and I'm sick of the captchas. I might have time for 1 more question. Anything. Make it good.... and I hope one of you faggots is at least remembering what thread this is, if you're not screencapping it.
Jace Cook
The whole clip was promotion of degeneracy plus they're kikes, of course they're gonna take a shot at Jesus.
Xavier Long
Its pretty hilarious that the most evil group of people to ever exist are considered innocent victims by normies its truly a clownworld
Does anyone have the statistics on hand? Who's got more chemicals/CO2 spewing factories, Germany or China with India? >Bhopal
Cooper Richardson
Whytes seething
Isaiah King
Because you're almost tuned in. Almost. If you're really white... be excited, happy, kinda mad, stern in your convictions, centered, calm, and most of all, over ALL else... remain curious. DO NOT BE AUTHORITATIVE.
Cameron Barnes
Germany obviously. India doesn’t have CO2 emissions compared to US/China.
Zachary Walker
Kid, I like that autism of yours. You're onto something real special there "renewable" pedantry, you hold onto that. Some day you might just save this place.
Jason Morris
>Whytes seething
Pajeets reeking
Nathan Murphy
Not as badly as your shitskin immigrant cousin in New York will be. Gonna be fucking EPIC!
1 more question guys... lets have it.
Blake Cruz
Everyone include this in the screencap.
White folks... please ask your question if you're gonna ask.
Nicholas Murphy
Pewdiepie literally got more views quicker with congratulations and the "algorithms" did allow for him to be #1
Joshua Smith
It wouldn't be as big a problem if people said. Hey I understand climate change/global warming is topic of controversy, because part of the scientific community has evidence that the world was warmer, the world was colder, and the world still supported life. But another part of the scientific community has some evidence that we could do irreparable damage to the planet due to dumping of hazardous chemicals, pollution of the oceans, and unclean air quality. We need to find a way to limit all issues simultaneously, in the most cost effective way, while also preparing people on the coasts for a large rise in sea levels due to natural cyclical climate change, and see what we can do to keep our planet clean and live in balance with nature. End of discussion, find the best way, shut the fuck up, stop playing sides, we live on a floating blue ball that could be taken out at any time with a species of higher intelligence, or a giant rock that got too close when we weren't looking. Fess up retards, if you pick a side you're an asshole you're acting like if one side wins you gain something, when neither side wins if we don't work together.
Nathaniel Hall
What is the meaning of life?
Charles Ross
1 more piss, then one more screencheck and I'll reply if you're curious. If you're authoritative... Fuck you.
Isaac Reed
In the 3D universe?
Josiah Flores
What's wrong with securing the existence of Earth, and a future for our children?
Jacob Lee
Why are environutters so cucked? Climate change is real, but faggots like these are the reason many people believe it's fake. I'll bet all of my wagebuxx that if jews didn't turn enviromentalism into a liberal thing, you would be here protesting against pollution and plastic on the oceans and shit.
Ryder Thomas
Following the orders of kikes is doing the exact opposite fren
The earth wants to see us dead and constantly fucks with us. It should be chained and bound to our will. It's brown people who shit the place up if you want to be mad at anybody.
Bong do you know where you are? >Also it's just the music video, not actually from an anime.
Thomas Young
Kikes want to preserve Earth? And you want to stop them? ... Pol subverts itself
Michael Young
Nothing. In fact THAT is the whole point... to pay homage to that very principle.
If you ask the right question regarding my last question, I'll answer. Life on this planet? Life in the universe, life outside of the universe? Get specific.