I can't connect with women, they all talk about themselves or talk very little being superficial...

I can't connect with women, they all talk about themselves or talk very little being superficial, every phrase they say bores me, I've never been in love, literally the only thing that attracts me is the appearance. How am I going to get a gf if a man friend is much better than them? I do not want a relationship just for sex, help me like women more, the problem must be me

Attached: what-should-i-do-when-i-m-bored-small.png (300x200, 65K)

What you need to understand is that women are slightly smarter animals. Im not insulting them it's just how they are. Love them as you would love your dog or cat or something very valuable to you like computer.

Something tells me that you only met the same type of talkative, arrogant women. Try another flavour (one that thinks like you, for instance : you wont get bored with someone who shares your interests/passions/hobbies).
Terrible advice : a woman isn't a pet or a commodity, what are you smoking? Would you put a ring on a chair, on a chihuahua? (No)

The objectification and possession of women is as prevelant today as it was in the 50s, as evidenced by your comment.

Instead, consider the sad truth of our modern society: women who are attractive don't have to work hard. I can't blame them for wanting an easy life. Conversely, women who are not attractive have to, sadly, prove their merit academically. Thus, you are left with three options.

You can sit out and wait for the chance for a woman with the body of a model and incredible pillow talk to come around, but you might want to consider how rare this is, and how above the belt you might be hitting. Otherwise, you have two choices: lower your standards or continue your benign and irrelevant view of the world.


It seems that having a dog is better then
I talked to girls from my church, we have the same religious ideals but still, some talk a lot and some are shy and they are not interesting to me
I am not objectifying them, on the contrary, I want to give them the chance to show that they are good people, but no use, it seems they have been brainwashed

If I could fuck and get children from a Chihuahua or chair I probably would

>they all talk about themselves or talk very little being superficial

Yeah you idiot, of course when you don't even know someone they're going to introduce themselves and talk about the weather and school instead of launching into a monologue about man's free will and his place in the natural world or whatever you might think is deep. This has nothing to do with women, guys that you barely know are like that. You're like that as well.

Or maybe you're not like that, maybe you are one of those guys who's like SO HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOKS FROM THE BIBLE THAT WERE BANNED when I only learned your name 10 minutes ago

>the problem must be me
it might be. That reminds me of chicks who only date assholes and then complain that all men are assholes. Yeah women tend not to care for deeper thought beyond the latest episode of the bachelor

I don't think any women young enough to be called "chicks" are watching The Bachelor. That's some late millennial shit meant for like 35+ year olds who grew up watching the original series.

Attached: 3A510536-752A-4D98-B498-B347E7CF864A.png (376x401, 46K)

huh, I remember that xkcd comic from years ago. Crazy to think that he was way ahead of his time with the whole "NPC" meme that spawned from the incel cumsock that is R9K.

So when can I talk about more interesting things?

When you later get past that stage of getting to know someone. It also depends on what you think is interesting.

I wouldn't put a ring on a woman either, though. Maybe a collar

thank you captain literal

I tell ya, those broads and their Frank Sinatra records. They only care about poodle skirts and hula hoop earrings and eating iced cream sundaes at the motion picture drive-ins.

it will happen to you someday user. meanwhile, keep working and paying taxes so I can retire. go complain about it on the facebook, tumbler, snapchat or whatever stupid fad is popular with you youngins


You're just gay.

same here
where the fuck do i find smart women

Don't know how you get to talk to them though.

I just want a 5-6/10 female who shitposts & isn't extremely socially passive or partakes in bar/club culture yet I'm failing to find even that

satire has become our bible

>What you need to understand is that women are slightly smarter animals. Im not insulting them it's just how they are. Love them as you would love your dog or cat or something very valuable to you like computer.
Almost got it.
What you need to realize is that people in general are only slightly smarter animals.
And even that is up for debate.

You’re gay

No, I like pussy