Happy Birthday Hitler

May he rest in peace in heaven.

Attached: happybday.jpg (989x1074, 438K)

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I miss him so much bros

Attached: sad_apu.jpg (400x400, 27K)

RIP Führer, we all miss you

Attached: 2019-04-20 10_21_03-Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank - YouTube (720p) on Vimeo.png (1130x667, 1.04M)

I made him greeeeeeeen gay and sexy

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We must carry his legacy

Attached: gl-rockwell.jpg (1200x802, 595K)

I have it ironically

But shut the heck up nigger Im making a swedish german aussie filleah

Fuck off jews



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He's in Hell, fag.

>He posted it again, like anyone cares

>when stoners get excited for 420
>mfw the real reason to get excited for 420

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Die kike filth

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You misspelled heaven juden!

If he aint in heaven it aint heaven, rest in peace ill say a prayer for him tonight.

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Happy birthday Mine Furer


Happy birthday to the second incarnation of Christ


he truly did nothing wrong

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even jfk thought he'd be remembered fondly in the future.

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Happy birthday uncle Hitler. Miss you.

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Hey rabbi!

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Miss you. This world didn’t deserve you.

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fuck off, juden. go suck some foreskins or swindle an old lady out of her mortgage. whatever it is you do for fun.

Hail hitler

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Make one of me or bugs will go into your skin while you are stoned

Happy Birthday Uncle Adolf!

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Make one of me or the silent man will visit you in your current state

I almost cried this morning...
Happy birthday Mein Fuhrer!


Attached: file.png (874x735, 548K)

The silent man is coming. You will disappear when he sees you and sent to his home. He will put you in a bag and send you away

This jewnog is going full schizo, my eyes hurt


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ugly jew


Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 11K)

Friendly reminder that Hitler would’ve hated you fat, lazy incel neckbeards and sent you to be gassed.

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 15K)

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 15K)

אספיר פה?

Triggered dessert jew ruins comfy thread

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Keep up the good fight Richard

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nice selfie

Hail Victory.

Attached: hitler_i_hope_they_shine.png (500x347, 121K)

happy birthday

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Ich hatt einen kameraden...

Happy birthday uncle adolf.
You are missed

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happy birthday uncle hitler!

Guys on this international holiday. I'm going to to do a portrait of the greatest man to ever live. But I need a nice photo of uncle adolf.
Please start spamming Nice pics for me to save. And when I'm done in a week or 2. I'll post the result.

Why? He gassed gypsies like you

i love fan fiction too

Please come back.
I miss you hitler

Attached: 07c.jpg (479x558, 65K)

Deutsches schwein

We'll ask for his guidance today. Brought to you by /vril/ on cripplechan. (((mods))) tend to delete any thread about this, so we must be doing something right

sieg heil

HH brothers


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>when you go full illegal opinion

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Happy Birthday, Mein Fuhrer!

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Kek i love how much Goebbels admired Hitler.
Like a kid that admire his father.

Let it be known that at the turn of the millenium Hitler was redeemed, was saved from hell as one of the righteous, and ascended into heaven.

Happy birthday our hero