How do we solve the problem of young men giving up on real women in favor of fictional anime girls?
How do we solve the problem of young men giving up on real women in favor of fictional anime girls?
Ethan Fisher
Thomas Evans
Revoke women's rights and research artificial wombs.
Elijah Roberts
Parker Davis
It might be a viable solution.
Samuel Smith
Would you revoke my right if I was real user?
Cameron Martin
Give them a noose
Angel Hall
Yes because your live action design was a mistake and your movie was shit.
Benjamin Cooper
fpbp, until these things happen I'm more than happy with 2d girls
Hunter Sanchez
That's easy user.
White Pride World Wide!!! We must ALL Defend Diversity!!!!
We Fly Our Pride!
We Fly Our Flag!!
Alexander Bennett
I mean, it's not like you could marry an anime girl... Help me understand.