The more I think about it the more im starting to be convinced that 8 billion people on this planet is too high of a number. Fuck world peace. Fuck the left and fuck the right. Its just a god damn shame there won't be a real happening any time soon. Just look at the fucking catalog and tell me it isn't all shit. Its no different from from any other social media in the grand scheme of human garbage. Celebrating a mans birthday who would of rather seen you dead because you do nothing with your lives. Contained on a fucking screen, not really fighting for your ideals only retreating to your safe spaces so you can vent.
Take a fucking big step back and look at all of the mess. No politician gives a fuck about you and they never will. Trickling down old tech to give you as toys so you can stay distracted. If there was ever such a device to kill 80% of the population with a snap of a finger I would of done it in a heartbeat even if it ment I had to die in the process. Humanity is a fucking meme.
But what would you get by randomly killing 80% of world's population?
Anthony Bennett
yeah bud nuclear weapons are fake. ashkenazis are converts. hebrews are extinct. all jews are braindead.
Cameron Gonzalez
A reset
Adam Davis
Over population is a leftist climate change meme. We have plenty of space
Nicholas Jones
IMO unless you selected who you wanted to kill, or changed the mentality of people, the world would still become the same shit
Charles Reed
>18+ No you're not, I'm calling the police on you
Ayden Green
It wouldn't be for a political agenda retard Ideals don't die and selection is pointless. Even if it would still be shit it should take a good long while to recover.
Earth can probably support 20 billion people easily. But what people don't seem to care not is how much the quality of life will go down because of it. I really hope that new fungus or a new flu will kill off masses of people soon.
Aaron Scott
Too many people on Earth, true. What I don't understand is why we humans think to always wait it out so nature can solve our problems, it something else!
We do not need a happening, no destruction is needed to bring things to order and balance.
Evan Anderson
Glass africa India and china. Problem solved. The environment would be saved as well. Also glass the middle East for political reasons
Aaron Watson
Right now, approximately 11.5% of the worlds population is ‘white’. But that definition is incredibly loose, allowing many mulattos through. Real numbers are probably half to two thirds of that, meaning that there are roughly half a billion people globally that would pass muster, or ~7% of total population. Now compare that to the depopulation symbolism, such as the Georgia keystones. 500 million is a common target.
Ayden Cooper
It is truly amazing to me that there are people who don't think that billions of humans is too much. These people literally don't have any concept of how large a number a billion is.
Oliver Harris
You are not solving the problem, you are just postponing the consequences. Population growth is not a problem, growth is good. The real issue is that we are still stuck on this one hunk of rock. Genocide is not a good form of depopulation, what we need is a colony - a frontier. We need to get into space
Brayden Jackson
More breathing room for all other species, a less polluted planet, and peace and fucking quiet.
Joseph Cox
No it isn't. Leftists ardently believe that overpopulation is a myth. Ask any of them. People should be worried that both capitalists and communists are using the same exact talking points that are clearly false like bitching about Malthus or claiming everyone can fit in Texas, which is clearly fucking stupid. The claim that overpopulation is a myth was started by billionaires to protect their wealth. The actual Elite want the world to be overpopulated forever because it means a larger market, more customers and more slave workers for their capitalistic nonsense. That's why it's so fucking amazing that communists support this same lie.
Adam Torres
>Earth can probably support 20 billion people easily Why the hell should it though? Again, it's fucking amazing to me that nobody questions what kind of quality of life people will have when there are 10+ billion people on the planet. Things are dogshit now. How on Earth is adding billions more people to the planet going to fix anything?
Liam Diaz
You watch too much Startreck.
Liam Foster
Americans everyone.
Adrian Gray
Most Americans disagree with this though, you Europe-wrecker.
Anthony Gutierrez
amerilards are a joke
Sebastian Wilson
Killing all of the niggers, mestizos, Amerindians, and Arabs would ensure a far better world.
We can fit the entire world population in Bangladesh. You are a delusional child who can't do simple research.
Austin Miller
>Burger education.
Cameron Turner
>The more I think about it the more im starting to be convinced that 8 billion people on this planet is too high of a number
What number isn't too high? Why 80%? The heart of the problem is that you have no clue what you are talking about, and just randomly come up with numbers, claiming that some are too high, while others lead to results you envision, for no reason.
But skipping all that, let's try this
>8 billion people on this planet is too high of a number >I would of done it in a heartbeat even if it ment I had to die in the process
Here is a great solution based on just those two statements — off yourself right now, it "helps the environment", you claim to be happy to do it, we sure as shit won't miss you. So what is the rub here? Don't tell me you can't figure out how to google good an hero methods.
Adam Sanders
Germans have destroyed Europe like five different times.
Elijah Lopez
Man don't tell them all the truths all at once. They just wont get it.
Shitty infrastructure. Also I'm talking about land size. Look like you need more BLACKED coffee to wake up to rub those last few remaining brain cells.
>Wanting a shit life where your only source of fat and protein is beef. Probably turn China's flat lands into a mega ranch. However that would mean torture cows.
Cooper Reed
2050 the human species’s hit their limiting factors THIS IS THE END THAT LIBTURDS WITH THEIR HEADS UP THEIR STUPID GAY ARSES WANT TO TAKE US TOO we went the wrong way because of the plutocracy - only /pol can save you now. We are the ones with the balls to survive. Every generation of everything that ever lived had to fight for survival until the boomer on and that’s because the darkness won, it took over your minds through images like a mind parasite, it uses illusions like fiat (fake) cash and media (fake reality). The plutocracies power is human weakness. WE WILL SET THE WEAK TO BURN AND AN EMPIRE OF PEACE WILL RULE FOR 1,000 YEARS. It’s that or you do not survive. The meek shall inherit the earth (pic related) and we shall set all that oppose us to fire. Heil victory.
Every densely populated area of the world looks like a giant fucking garbage dump. It is amazing to me that people think this is what we should be striving for. I'm sure everything will be wonderful once population density in Missouri is equal to India or China.
Damn what happened. I made threads upon threads claiming exactly this 6 month ago and only got "Lol u want to kill all whites u jew shill, we must be insects just like china!"
why so we can make space shit as well? fill space with a load of junk and retards, woohoo what is achieved by this? why if this earth can't sustain us currently do you reason we should therefore move onto other planets? what is "good" about growth? fair point
Leo Sanders
>Being this sheltered and incompetent on different societies. Why do you shill against a brighter future?
Nathan Russell
He's a christcuck. Real pagang knows that cycles is it chief.
Your claims that population density would automatically make it a shithole is absurd.
Levi Young
Yeah every time I go out into the city centre on a weekend or holiday I come back full of rage and fully convinced of the need for a massive purge.
Jason Sanchez
Norman Borlaug should be retroactively charged with crimes against humanity. Introducing modern agricultural technology and methods to people that don't have modern family planning methods was absolutely insane.
I'm in favour of a eugenicist technocracy, where the intelligent/hardworking/beautiful are the only ones allowed to have children. Problems only arise when we get to deciding cutoff threshholds- what's the criteria of "beautiful"? Who makes IQ tests and in which languages are they administered?
Matthew Rivera
Just offing yourself is not enough. Removing harmful footprint is what counts. Basement dwellers have almost none of it. Get some first.
Cooper Mitchell
ya imagine how much better it would be if there weren't literally billions of poor chinks, africans, and poos contributing nothing but pollution to the world and instead our global population was only maybe 1 billion like in ~1800
think about that, our entire global population had only ever reached 1 billion by 1800, and then in the last 220 years has grown ~6.6 billion with an estimated ceiling of about 9 billion
Hunter Powell
I made the mistake of visiting London a month ago and I will never fucking go back so long as I live.
Lucas Clark
So how do you grow proper meat then if you allocate all land to dirty insect humans?
Luis Wright
>Your claims that population density Population density has to be over some level, yes. And your self can be such a shitty retard that can ruin a place singlehandedly. For everybody else, including you.
Ayden Robinson
was discussing eugenics with my dad the other day, i'm in favor of it but he was asking about mild abnormalities, like for example bad eyesight, or a limp; my view was that if it could be corrected through minor surgery or minor corrective measures (glasses/contacts) it would be allowable, but it certainly is food for thought on who would make these decisions and exactly what the cutoffs would be.
In cases of full-blown retards though who cannot care for themselves and rely on lifetime support, I don't think there's much question there that it should be an automatic termination at the time of birth (or abortion if detected early)
Owen Ortiz
The older I get, the less I care about Agenda 21.
Gavin Hughes
You mean 8 billion brown ghouls.
There is no western population problem.
Levi Lewis
no natural predators.
Thomas Ramirez
World overpopulation is a myth. Local overpopulation is a reality. It doesn't matter if the world population is 20 billion as long as whites are at a sustainable level.
most majority-white countries aren't even at replacement reproduction rates though when it comes to white babies being born, it's the blacks, browns, and yellows who are increasing global population year-to-year
Brandon Martinez
What the fuck are you talking about? My theoretical proposal is to have everyone live in one area and work the surrounding land. Stupid schizo.
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Ian Lewis
And how would prevent that the circle wouldn' t repeat the next time? And the next. AND the next.
Tyler Powell
>doesn't matter
When 50% of your electorate is Africans in 20 years you'll eat your words
Owen Turner
1 billion humans is still too many. That's how many whites there are. And they're doing more consuming than anyone.
No, claiming overpopulation is a myth is the myth. It was created by the rich to make stupid internet plebs think they're special snowflakes and in the know and rebelling against the elites, when all you're doing is exactly what they want to begin with, because you're fucking stupid and easy to manipulate which is why they want so goddamn many of you.
Michael Turner
More pointless claims, based on nothing. He clearly isn't above deluding himself, so why not just imagine 80% (or any number really) of humans going along with you. Not like the choir invisible are going to contradict it once you get there.
It perfectly solves the problem, as it's presented, with a method that offended party claims to be happy with.
If you are still worried about environment, maybe you should consider the same remedy.
Aiden Myers
Typical. You find a problem, identify a solution, but become to much of a pussy to follow through. You come up with excuses and end with a fantasy scenario where you TOTALLY WOULD if you COULD. A little masturbatory fantasy so you don’t feel like a complete loser.
If you really believe 8 billion is too many, then do stop being a coward and off yourself. Otherwise clearly you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to sustain more people, rather than eliminating the majority.
Nicholas Scott
>If you are still worried about environment I'm kind of technocrat and I engineer my environment whenever possible according my will.
Brayden Perry
Why would I let them in in the first place you cuck? And? What the fuck will the 30 billion people in Norway do when everything is automated?
Anthony Green
>What the fuck will the 30 billion people in Norway do when everything is automated?
I dunno but I assume if they're white it'll be a hell of a lot more civilized than whatever 30 billion dirt-poor street shitting poos or dog-eating chinks will be doing.
That's what you don't get — the poorest people are populating the fastest and in doing so they're putting tremendous strain on the rest of the world through pollution, immigration, request for aid, on and on. If the poor non-whites just stopped reproducing like rabbits all of the majority-white countries would be in a much better place right now economically, socially, and morally.
Jose Baker
what would deter the lower castes from murdering members of the high caste
Henry Rogers
So stop sending them free shit? what's so hard about it? You're causing, stop doing it. Easy.
Blake Ward
They're not. The numbers you're going off of are inflated, because you're not accounting for > goods being overproduced for reasons that follow > non-whites who live in western countries and consume overproduced goods > 3rd world populations getting their entire existence from food to smartphones, to everything from handouts they receive from western countries Whites actually consume a lot less than a lefty wannabe- environmentalist could imagine.
Brody Rivera
easier said than done when the bleeding heart liberals are in cahoots with the multinationalists and globalists to control public opinion through all forms of media and politics.
Go try telling the people helping these parasites to "stop doing it" and see how quickly you get de-personed.
>when you lose control of the narrative. crying ensues.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Central Happenings Network or CHN Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason. No strikes were given or warnings >then his backup Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!! They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel. We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!
This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!! >stream from Saturday morning FUCK YOUTUBE AND JEWGLE >This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.
Christopher Roberts
We start with all the plebs who think that saying "kill yourself" is really clever. There's literally nothing wrong with eliminating the majority.
Nicholas Green
Wow isn't it amazing that all the "facts" just happen to match your particular political views? That's an amazing mental state to live in.
Kevin Adams
Apparently it does:
>The Netherlands is the eighth-largest donor country, spending US$5 billion on net official development assistance (ODA) in 2017.
>Official development assistance (ODA) is defined as government aid designed to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries.
and for comparison:
>The Government of Canada provided US$4.1 billion in foreign aid to developing countries in 2013.
So in reality you actually have a bigger dog in this fight than I do! Your GDP is about half as much as mine but you're giving more actual dollars to niggers and chinks than I am!
James Turner
I'm not Dutch though. Jokes on you lmao. I'm not even western.
so why have you been posing as Dutch? this site is such dogshit, why do people even bother? next time you're this bored go watch Netflix instead you goddamn faggot