Woke Journalist dead in Northern Ireland, IRA kids shot her LGBTQ ass

Woke journo activist goes to cover IRA wholeness, gets shot, all that Christian bashing she did and she gets shot by her woke friends.

You know its woke when it's on Jezebel.


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Is white terrorism really making a comeback?
I thought Jow Forums said it's only for Muslims and niggers...

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Irish people invented guerrilla warfare.

Feel sorry for the girl. Pointless shot. I know most of you relish the acceleration. Trust me it won’t happen like you think. It will be tremendously unjust to all it touches.

which doesn't even make sense because niggers are the biggest terrorists and they don't even get charged for it


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she's getting extra attention because she is both a journalist and they want to hype their own value and because she was a lesbian. i saw pics of some vigil in belfast and they had the gay flag flying. her death is being used as a propaganda tool for both journalists and gays. if the bullet had killed the random person 3 to her left, just a random local, then it wouldn't have even been a story in the national media.
it is rather heartless to use her death as a weapon for their causes.

it was a false flag.

>starts in 2002

notice how the start the chart in 2002, thereby leaving out the massive BLUE circle of jihadi death which is 3000 bodies in size, literally consuming the whole page.